Friday 27 September 2013

Gates calls “Ctrl+Alt+Del” command a mistake

Bill Gates has described the decision to use Ctrl+Alt+Del as the command needed to log on to a PC as a mistake.

Originally designed to trigger a reboot of a PC, it survives in the Windows 8 operating system as the command to access the task manager toolbar and is still used in older versions to log on.

In an interview, the Microsoft co-founder blamed IBM for the shortcut, saying he had favoured a single button.

IBM engineer David Bradley invented the keyboard shortcut.

Originally, he had favoured Ctrl+Alt+Esc, but he found it was too easy to bump the left side of the keyboard and reboot the computer accidentally so switched to Ctrl+Alt+Del because it was impossible to press with just one hand.

During IBM’s 20th anniversary celebrations, he said that while he might have invented it, Bill Gates made it famous.

His involvement in the invention has made him something of a programming hero though- with fans asking him to autograph keyboards at conferences.

The shortcut, also known as the three-finger salute – came to prominence in the early 1990s as a quick fix for the infamous “blue screen of death” on PCs.

Speaking at a fundraiser at the Harvard University, Gates said he thought that it had been a mistake.

“We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM keyboard design did not want to give us our single button.”

While some loathe the clunky command, others took to news site Reddit to express their fondness for it.

“I feel a single button would be a mistake,” said one.

“There’s a conscious commitment and in many cases a sense of satisfying sword play in executing the two-handed finger strike of Ctrl-Alt-Del.”

Sunday 22 September 2013

Prayers and Blessings: How Do They Differ?

One of the kindest gestures an individual can make is to offer prayers for someone in need. Even in the midst of your own struggles, you have to remember someone else is always worse off and can benefit from your heartfelt prayers. You may even want to include an individual or a situation into your prayer for the day on a regular basis. Not only that, but you can request blessings on their behalf.

What Are Blessings?

While prayers and blessings are related, and are often used as interchangeable terms, they are actually slightly different in meaning and purpose. Prayers are petitions we make to God, such as asking for favor or direction in our lives. We can also pray as a means of conversing with God, having daily fellowship with Him, or simply offering our praise and gratitude to Him.

Blessings, on the other hand, represent a special form of prayer or invocation. We typically request God's blessings for His divine favor, protection, or abundant provision for other individuals, as well as ourselves. Biblical stories relate many instances of patriarchs of the faith invoking blessings on their families, and prophets of God asking Him to rain down showers of blessings on His faithful followers.

Many cultures and religions in the world have carried on the tradition of blessings for centuries, and still do today. Many of these blessings are for special occasions, such as births and weddings. The recipients of blessings are not limited to people; many blessings also focus on animals, nature, businesses, and other special objects or areas of life that are important to us.

Another difference between prayers and blessings is that when we pray, we speak directly to God, whereas when we offer blessings, we offer or bestow these special words on other people. When we pray, we work on maintaining or strengthening our relationships with God. When we request blessings for others, or bestow blessings on other people, we acknowledge God's intervention in our lives and His ability to provide for others, as well as ourselves.

God said to pray without ceasing, and to love others as we love ourselves. Offering blessings to and for others is one way to demonstrate our Christian love and fulfill God's greatest commandment.

Saturday 21 September 2013

How to Find Out a Private Number Phone Call

Tracing a Phone Call Using *57

Hang up your phone then lift the receiver again. Make sure there is a dial tone. There is a fee for this service and you will either be charged every time you trace a call or you will select and pay for this service upfront. To pay for this service upfront, contact your phone company and inquire about your options.

Press *57 on your phone. According to, if you have a rotary dial phone, you can dial 1157.

Listen to the announcement that verifies that the call has been traced. You will not get the actual number. The phone company records the traced phone number.

Contact the phone company to request an authorization form be sent to you to sign. For example, states that after you dial *57, immediately call the phone company (to verify that you initiated call trace) and it will send you the authorization form to sign. According to, you will have to sign the authorization form before the phone number is turned over to law enforcement officials. You can authorize law enforcement officials to further investigate the matter.

Call your local police department and file a report. According to, the police will contact the phone company directly and work with them to begin an investigation. The police department will request the date and time of the calls as well as the traced phone call from the phone company.

How to Block Unwanted Calls to Your Cell Phone
How to Block Incoming Phone Calls

Call you telephone service provider and request the "call block" feature. If you have a wired or business telephone, dial *60 and follow the prompts to block up to six numbers on your telephone. Incoming calls labeled "out of area" or "unknown" cannot be blocked.

With the wireless or cellular telephone, the call block feature may be automatically programed into you cell phone. If not, call your cellular service provider and request a plan that includes the call block feature, and you may be able to block unwanted incoming calls on a per-number basis.

Register with the National Do Not Call Registry by going to the website listed in the Resources section of this article. An individual can register a phone number, verify the registration of that number or file a complaint at this website. A home phone number or a cell phone number can be used.

If you have informed a caller that you do not want him or her to call your phone and the individual persists, register that phone number with this national registry. A violation of the laws associated with the national registry could result in fines being placed on the unwanted caller.

Privatize your number to eliminate unwanted callers. Wired telephone service providers are able to privatize your phone number so that only callers who wish to reveal their name and number can call you. Therefore, you will only receive calls from those that allow their phone number to be revealed. This is called a "universal call block."

Call your provider to check the cost of adding a universal call block feature to your home or business telephone. Many phone service providers will label this feature with different terminology, but the result is the same. Using a privatization feature lowers the number of phone calls that you will need to block because all numbers received are revealed.

This is different from "unlisting" your phone number. To unlist a number merely removes it from the phone directory and directory assistance and only involves your number, while privatization involves how other numbers access your phone line.
Tips & Warnings

If you receive international phone calls, recognize that in some cases those numbers do not include the caller's name and phone number. Therefore, if you receive international business calls, a universal "call block" feature could inhibit these international callers from reaching you.

Thursday 12 September 2013

10 Foods That Damage Your Teeth

ou've probably heard brushing and flossing twice a day is the best way to keep your teeth healthy. But some foods cause enough damage to warrant extra cleanings.

1. Apples

Apples are high in acid, are surprisingly hard on your enamel. While a daily apple may keep the doctor away, the acid might keep your dentist on speed dial. Eating apples is fine, just be sure to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash shortly after.

2. Hard candies

Though you probably know the sugar in candy is a problem, hard candies are especially harmful because we tend to hold them in our mouths longer. Also be aware that cough drops are often made with sugar, so opt for the sugar-free brand if available.

3. Pickled vegetables

Pickles are made with vinegar, which is acidic, and often sugar as well. While the vegetables are healthy, the brine is can damage your teeth. Drinking water with your meal helps wash away acids and sugar, but remember to brush an hour later.

4. Bread

Many breads contain sugar-especially processed white breads. It's best to check the labels for any added sweeteners that will breed mouth bacteria. Bread is also sticky and gets between and behind your teeth.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn is notorious for getting stuck in your teeth, and the areas between your teeth will cultivate more bacteria for that reason. It's okay to treat yourself to a bag of popcorn as long as you rinse with water and remember to floss and brush after.

6. Peanut butter

Sticky and often made with sugar, peanut butter not only feeds bacteria but makes it easier for them to adhere to teeth. Look for natural peanut butters with no added sugars to lessen the problem.

7. Jelly

Along with peanut butter, jelly or jam is loaded with sugar and quite sticky. Even the all-fruit brands contain natural sugars and encourage plaque and bacteria if not washed away soon.

8. Meat

Meat tends to get stuck between your teeth, and some meat products contain sugar as a preservative. While the amount may not be very high, any food that sits between your teeth can promote tooth decay. Try chewing sugar-less gum after eating if you can't brush right away.

9. Diet soda

Just because it doesn't have sugar doesn't mean your teeth are safe. The acidity of diet sodas is still extremely high, making it one of the worst products for your teeth.

10. Salad dressing

More of a condiment than a food, salad dressings use vinegar and sugar for flavor. Salads should be a staple in anyone's diet, but be careful of the dressings that can harm your smile.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

As school resumes, raise your child’s IQ

Holiday is over and some schools have reopened for the new academic year.

While the long vac lasted, knowledgeable parents allowed their children to enjoy the holiday full blast by making them to follow their passion. Many school children relate that they visited historical places, some travelled to the village to see their grandparents, while others had the privilege of travelling abroad for the summer.

Well, all that is over and rigorous academic work will soon set in.

As parents, you may have paid your child’s tuition, bought the uniform and sundry other stuffs that will make the new school year a good success.

But before you give yourself thumbs-up for a job well done, you still have one crucial step to take: helping to raise your child’s Intelligent Quotient. “How,” you may ask. Well, here’s how—

PE is not a waste!

Many schools these days have done away with the playground. Rather, the available spaces have been converted to classrooms, all in a bid to show parents state-of-the-art structures. Little do they know that physical education does play a significant role in a child’s academic prowess.

If you are still in doubt, a report published in the Archives of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine should convince you.

Researchers at the Vrije Universiteit University Medical Centre, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, say there’s a positive relationship between physical activity and the academic performance of children.

Study leader, Dr. Amika Singh, says though the pressure to improve test scores may often mean more instructional time for classroom subjects, with less time for physical activity, “According to the best-evidence synthesis, we found strong evidence of a significant positive relationship between physical activity and academic performance.”

The scientists advise that being more physically active is positively related to improved academic performance in children. They note that exercise may help cognition by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain, decrease stress and improve mood; and overall increase growth factors.

Ditch junk foods

Healthy eating is still very much in vogue, hence scientists’ warning that foods high in sugar and saturated fats will not only make your child sick and obese, they can actually lower your child’s IQ!

In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiological Community Health, researchers tracked the eating habits of 4,000 children from age three and tested their intelligence at age eight-and-a-half.

The scientists, led by Dr. Kate Northstone of the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, discovered that children who ate the most processed foods, with a lot of convenience food, fat and sugar, had IQ scores 1.67 points lower than their counterparts whose diets included more fruits, vegetables, fish and pasta.

So, make it a habit from now on to fill your child’s lunch box with nutritive foods such as fruits and other whole foods.

Expose him to Omega-3

A new report published in Perspectives on Psychological Science claims that supplementing children’s diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading are effective ways of raising a young child’s intelligence.

Scientists, led by John Protzko, a doctoral student at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, conclude that certain dietary and environmental interventions can be effective in raising children’s IQ.

Protzko says, “Supplementing pregnant women and newborns with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, foods rich in Omega-3, were found to boost children’s IQ by more than 3.5 points. These essential fatty acids may help raise intelligence by providing the building blocks for nerve cell development that the body cannot produce on its own.”

Encourage interactive reading

Again, the Protzko team advises that by encouraging a child to read, it improves his intelligence. Technically called “interactive reading,” the scientists say engaging children in this pastime can boost their intelligent quotient.

So, instead of telling your child to read silently instead of reading aloud, those who should know better advise that you let him “disturb” you with his loud reading!

Give breakfast

Many parents hurry out of the home without the least thought to the need to prepare breakfast for their growing babies. This is wrong, as researchers warn that children who start their days with a healthy breakfast are more focused, better prepared for the day’s challenges and ultimately get higher grades and test scores.

A study conducted by scientists at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that when children have daily access to a breakfast that provides them with 25 per cent of the nutrients they need in a day, their test scores are likely to improve significantly, while level of tardiness will fall dramatically.

Music empowers

These days, many schools employ music teachers to teach the subject. Whether or not the school owners know the implications of this for IQ development, researchers at the University of Toronto  say music lessons boost brain power among children ages six to 11 years old.

Led by Glenn Schellenberg, the scientists opine that “correlational and quasi-experimental studies reveal that music lessons have positive associations with verbal memory.”

In layman’s language, what this translates into is that music lessons positively impact some aspects of development — that is intellectual functioning.
by Solaade Ayo-Aderele