Wednesday 3 July 2024

History of Minimum Wage Increments in Nigeria

Here’s a detailed look at the history of minimum wage increments in Nigeria, including dates and amounts:

1. 1981 – ₦125 per month
   - The first official minimum wage in Nigeria was established in 1981, under President Shehu Shagari. The economy was relatively stable, and this wage was deemed acceptable for the living standards of the time.

2. 1991 – ₦250 per month
   - A decade later, the minimum wage was revised to ₦250 per month during the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida. This increment was part of broader economic reforms aimed at addressing inflation and other economic challenges.

3. 1998 – ₦3,000 per month
   - Under General Abdulsalami Abubakar, the minimum wage saw a significant jump to ₦3,000 per month. This increase was in response to the devaluation of the naira and the general increase in the cost of living over the previous years.

4. 2000 – ₦5,500 per month
   - In the democratic era, under President Olusegun Obasanjo, the minimum wage was increased to ₦5,500 per month in 2000. This was part of a series of policies aimed at improving the welfare of Nigerian workers following decades of military rule.

5. 2004 – ₦7,500 per month
   - Continuing the trend of gradual increases, the minimum wage was raised to ₦7,500 per month in 2004. This increment was still under President Obasanjo’s administration and followed extensive negotiations with labour unions.

6. 2011 – ₦18,000 per month
   - After a long period of negotiations and strikes by various labour unions, the minimum wage was increased to ₦18,000 per month in 2011 under President Goodluck Jonathan. This significant increase was a response to the global economic situation and the rise in domestic inflation.

7. 2019 – ₦30,000 per month
   - The most recent adjustment came under President Muhammadu Buhari, who signed a new minimum wage bill into law in April 2019, setting the minimum wage at ₦30,000 per month. This came after several months of negotiations and was seen as a move to appease workers amidst growing inflation and dissatisfaction with economic policies.

The evolution of the minimum wage in Nigeria reflects the country’s economic challenges and the government’s attempts to balance fiscal capabilities with the need to ensure a livable income for its workers.

Friday 21 June 2024

The Impending Cholera Epidemic Fueled by High Cost of Sachet Water and Food Insecurity in Nigeria

Amidst the complex web of challenges facing Nigeria, the convergence of high-cost sachet water and food insecurity has become a potent catalyst for the outbreak of cholera, a preventable yet deadly waterborne disease. This deadly synergy has the potential to trigger a catastrophic public health crisis in the country.
The high cost of portable water have forced many Nigerians to resort to unsafe water sources, including contaminated rivers and streams. This precarious situation is compounded by widespread food insecurity, which has left a significant portion of the population vulnerable to malnutrition and weakened immune systems. These factors create a perfect environment for the rapid spread of cholera, a highly infectious waterborne disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.

In the context of Nigeria, where access to clean water and proper sanitation remains a challenge for many, the combination of high-cost portable water and food insecurity sets the stage for a potential cholera epidemic. Contaminated water sources, coupled with poor hygiene practices, create a breeding ground for the cholera bacterium, leading to outbreaks that can quickly spiral out of control.
Furthermore, food insecurity exacerbates the situation by compromising the nutritional status and overall health of individuals, making them more susceptible to cholera infection and less resilient in fighting off the disease. Malnourished individuals are at a higher risk of severe cholera complications, which can lead to a higher mortality rate during outbreaks.

The looming threat of a cholera epidemic in Nigeria demands urgent and comprehensive action. Addressing the high cost of portable water and food insecurity requires a multi-pronged approach that encompasses investment in clean water infrastructure, improved sanitation facilities, and sustainable agricultural practices. Additionally, public health education and awareness campaigns are crucial to promoting safe hygiene practices and preventing the spread of cholera.

In conclusion, the intersection of high-cost portable water and food insecurity in Nigeria presents a serious risk for the outbreak of cholera. The urgency to address these interconnected challenges cannot be overstated, as the consequences of inaction could be devastating for the health and well-being of the Nigerian population. It is imperative that concerted efforts are made to ensure access to clean water and nutritious food, thereby mitigating the risk of a cholera epidemic and safeguarding public health.
-Steve Owaduge writes from Akure 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Remembering Chief M.K.O. Abiola and the Unfinished Struggle

As Nigeria commemorates Democracy Day, it's crucial to reflect on the tumultuous journey towards democracy and honour the sacrifices of leaders like Chief M.K.O. Abiola, who fought tirelessly for the nation's democratic ideals. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles and triumphs that have shaped Nigeria's political landscape.

Chief M.K.O. Abiola, a prominent figure in Nigerian history, symbolizes the arduous battle for democracy. His unwavering commitment to democratic principles and his ultimate sacrifice in the pursuit of a free and fair electoral process have left an indelible mark on the nation. Despite his overwhelming popularity and the mandate he received from the people in the 1993 presidential election, the military regime at the time annulled the election, depriving the Nigerian populace of their democratic voice.
The struggle of Chief M.K.O. Abiola and countless others exemplifies the enduring fight for democracy in Nigeria. However, as the nation celebrates its hard-won democratic freedoms, it's crucial to acknowledge that those who now benefit from the struggle often neglect the plight of the masses. While some have risen to positions of power and influence, the concerns of the everyday Nigerian citizen have been overshadowed by political maneuvering and self-interest.

The irony of the situation cannot be overstated. The very individuals who once championed the cause of democracy and stood in solidarity with the people have, in some cases, become disconnected from the everyday realities and struggles of the masses. Political leaders and influential figures who have ascended to positions of authority must not forget the sacrifices made by Chief M.K.O. Abiola, his contemporaries, and the Nigerian people at large.
As the nation reflects on Democracy Day, it's imperative to recognize that the patience of the masses has its limits. The spirit of Chief M.K.O. Abiola and the collective yearning for genuine democracy continue to resonate within the hearts of the people. The unfulfilled promises and unaddressed grievances of the populace serve as a somber reminder that the quest for true democracy is ongoing and that the revenge of the masses against those who have neglected their needs may be imminent.

In conclusion, Nigerian Democracy Day serves as a time for remembrance, reflection, and a call to action. The struggle of Chief M.K.O. Abiola and others should not be in vain. It is a reminder that the true essence of democracy lies in serving the interests of the people and upholding the principles of justice, equality, and progress. As the nation moves forward, it must ensure that the sacrifices of the past are honoured, and the voices of the masses are heard and heeded. The revenge of the masses, in the form of a demand for genuine democracy and accountability, looms on the horizon, and it is a call that cannot be ignored.

Sunday 31 December 2023

The Intricate Web of Political Cabals in Nigeria: A Tale of Ondo State

The political landscape in Nigeria has long been plagued by the influence of political cabals. Recent events in Ondo state have shed light on the extent of this issue, revealing a web of deceit, power struggles, and fake news that have hindered effective governance.From the strained relationship between former Governor Akeredolu and his deputy, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, to the controversies surrounding Akeredolu's illness and eventual demise, it is clear that political cabals play a significant role in shaping the country's governance culture.

The Rift Between Akeredolu and Aiyedatiwa:
Speculation and unconfirmed stories have surrounded the relationship between Akeredolu and Aiyedatiwa, fueling political skirmishes that have plagued Ondo state for years. Supporters of both leaders, including close family members, have become the instigators of this conflict, forming what is now known as the cabals. The true nature of their relationship and its impact on governance remains a mystery, with genuine research likely to yield nothing more than unfounded rumors and clandestine maneuvers.

Governance Based on Fake News:
The events that unfolded in Ondo state in recent months have exposed the prevalence of fake news and concoctions in Nigerian governance. Akeredolu, during his medical trip to Germany, entrusted his powers to Aiyedatiwa, affirming his loyalty and competence. However, the narrative quickly shifted, leading to the removal of media aides attached to Aiyedatiwa and the subsequent fabrication of multiple allegations against him by the state house of assembly. The situation brought Ondo to its knees, with reports emerging of rampant corruption and embezzlement by those who blocked access to the ailing governor.
Opposing Views and Controversies:
The opposition Peoples Democratic Party accused APC cabals of profligacy and stealing government resources during Akeredolu's absence. However, the APC's state chairman refuted these allegations, dismissing them as political theatrics. Even after Akeredolu's death, conflicting accounts emerged regarding the location and cause of his demise, further perpetuating the discord amongst his supporters. The controversies surrounding his illness ranged from Leukemia to protracted prostate cancer, leading to a fragmented narrative about his health.

The Legacy of Akeredolu:
For those who knew Akeredolu personally, his legacy remains untainted by the power struggles and animosity that surrounded his time in office. They remember him as a courageous, truthful, and humane leader, contrasting sharply with the actions of his new friends, relations, and political opportunists. It is inconceivable to believe that he would have approved of the decisions made to block Aiyedatiwa, forge signatures, and create factions within his government.

A Broader Pattern:
The situation in Ondo state is not an isolated incident. The influence of cabals has disrupted previous administrations at both the federal and state levels. From the strained relationship between Obasanjo and Atiku, Yar'Adua and Jonathan, to Buhari and Osinbajo, these power struggles orchestrated by cabals have hindered effective governance. Fake impeachments, imaginary offenses, and the erosion of trust within political partnerships have become all too common.

The events in Ondo state serve as a stark reminder of the pervasive influence of political cabals in Nigeria's governance culture. The struggle for power, personal gain, and the manipulation of leaders by those around them continue to hinder progress. To move forward, principals must rise above the concoctions and machinations of cabals, focusing on the greater good and ensuring that their leadership serves all Nigerians, rather than a select few. Only then can the nation truly progress and overcome the obstacles that hinder its growth.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Igniting the Power of the Naira

In the realm of economic growth and stability, the strength of a nation's currency holds immense significance. Nigeria, a land of vibrant culture and rich resources, has the potential to elevate its currency, the Naira, to new heights. A remarkable opportunity lies within the hands of its people - a chance to mold the destiny of the Naira and pave the way for a brighter future. By embracing this transformative path, Nigerians can ignite a powerful resurgence that will reverberate throughout the nation. This is a call to action, a call to unleash the potential within and witness the Naira soar to unprecedented levels.

The Current Scenario:
Every year, a staggering 76 million Nigerians contribute a substantial $5 billion to MTN, one of the leading telecommunications companies in the country. While this expenditure showcases the nation's economic vigor, the true potential lies in channeling this strength towards a more impactful direction. By redirecting just half of the 76 million individuals to Glo, another prominent network provider, Nigeria can experience an immediate surge in the value of the Naira.

The Power of Unity:
Imagine the collective force generated when millions of Nigerians unite for a common cause. By choosing to port to Glo, each individual becomes a catalyst for change, propelling the Naira towards new horizons. The impact of this collective action cannot be underestimated. It has the potential to shift the economic landscape, attracting lucrative investment opportunities and bolstering the nation's financial stability.

The Ripple Effect:
The positive outcomes of such a massive migration are boundless. As the Naira gains strength, it will not only benefit the individual porters but also the entire nation. A robust currency leads to increased purchasing power, reduced inflation, and improved living standards. Industries will flourish, creating job opportunities, and bolstering economic growth. The Naira's rise will instill confidence in the hearts of investors, both domestic and international, fostering an environment of prosperity and progress.

Embracing the Future:
The path to a stronger Naira lies in the hands of each Nigerian. It is a call for action, a collective effort that can reshape the nation's destiny. By porting to Glo, individuals take a significant step towards transforming the economic landscape. This is an opportunity for Nigerians to showcase their unity, their resilience, and their unwavering belief in a better tomorrow.

A strong Naira begins with you. As each Nigerian embraces this transformative journey, the Naira will witness an immediate elevation in value. Let us rise together, united in purpose, and unleash the potential within. This is our chance to shape a prosperous future, where the Naira stands tall, and Nigeria shines as a beacon of economic strength. The time has come to seize this opportunity, for the power to create change lies within each and every one of us. Together, let us set forth on this extraordinary path and witness the Naira soar to unprecedented heights.

Wednesday 31 May 2023


I am not a fan of Olusegun Obasanjo and will never be his fan, but Obasanjo has a special grace reserved for men of destiny. It was Gen Hassan Katsina that first discovered this uncommon grace in Obasanjo. 
In her book titled "Bitter Sweet". Obasanjo's first wife and the mother of Iyabo, Mrs Oluremi Obasanjo, wrote that she was with Obasanjo at the Airport in Kaduna in the 60s when Gen Katsina propetically whispered to her that she should take a good care of Obasanjo because God has set him aside to play prominent roles in the life of Nigeria. Despite the fallibility of OBJ, the prophecy came to pass because he is a man of destiny. 

Another person that I have seen with such special grace, even better, is Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. God equipped him with political acumen and dexterity never seen before in Nigeria. Infact his political tactics should be a subject of scholastic discourse. 

Only a man backed by celestial forces can surmount what Tinubu surmounted on his way to Aso Rock. Let me explain.

In the build up to the 2023 election, all the political forces in Nigeria rose up against Tinubu because they knew he will surely contest.  APC, his own party rose up against him. They removed Oshiomhole as party chairman because they thought he was planted by Tinubu. They hence seized the party from him.
In order to show that Tinubu is no more popular, opposition PDP sponsored endsars protest and zeroed in on Tinubu. If you think endsars protest was spontaneous, you have to think again. 

Immediately endsars protest started,  some of us who are politically discerning knew it was the handiwork of the opposition. I therefore opposed it right from the onset. I was later proved right when they started burning Tinubu's assets while Nnamdi Kanu was running the commentary. They were ready to kill him. Nnamdi Kanu even told them to go and burn down Oriental Hotels,  believing it belongs to Tinubu, until the real owners came out to say Tinubu has no share in the hotel. Why igbos hate Tinubu so much should also be a subject of scholastic research.

Ask yourself,  how did endsars suddenly become end Tinubu? What has Tinubu got to do with SARS?  Why the hatred towards a man who had not held any political position since 2007? They did all these believing they have scared Tinubu, hence he will change his mind and will not contest. They don't know the meaning of Jagaban.

Tinubu was facing wars both within and without.  He looked like a political orphan. He was not discouraged.  When the endsars arsonists got to his house in Bourdillon to burn it down, somebody called Tinubu to alert him and asked what should be salvaged from the house. Tinubu was quoted as saying " let all the people in the house vacate the building and allow them to burn it. I will build another one. I built the house, the house did not build me" . Tinubu went back to the drawing board

The first hint of the reason behind all these attacks on Tinubu surfaced when Atiku's spokesman in 2019 election, Egbon Segun Sowunmi said on TV that Tinubu is the only person they dread in APC because of his massive political infrastructure. 

Dele Momodu also corroborated the line of thought when he said it will be practically impossible to defeat Tinubu if he is presented as APC candidate.  
Tinubu's allies in the villa, all ganged up against him. It is important to have someone in the villa to always give you the mood and mind of the President. Osinbajo was put in the position for times like this but since he has allowed cabals to blindfold him, God raised another person in the villa for Tinubu.  Mrs Aisha Buhari.

Lawan, the senate president that was literally hand-picked by Tinubu also allowed sycophants to deceive him. He contested against Asiwaju. Aregbesola, who once said after God, it is Asiwaju in his life, also deserted Tinubu. Even Babafemi Ojudu , preferred to go back to farming instead of supporting Tinubu. Such was the herculean task before Asiwaju.

But as a man of destiny, for every ally lost, God replaced them with Gandujes, Badarus, El-Rufais, Omisores and Ribadus of this world..

Despite all these, Tinubu declared his intention  and contested APC primaries. He rounded off his campaign with the famous Emilokan speech in Abeokuta.  He won the primary with a wide margin. Enemies were dazed but not defeated yet. 

They went back to the drawing board and waged a certain war that no politician has even won in history.  Religious war.

Immediately Bola Tinubu emerged as the candidate of APC, the kingdom of darkness roared in anger. Places that were hitherto churches turned to covens. Pastors turned to sorcerers. Prophecies turned to Baba Ijebu permutations. House of prayer turned to political podium where curses are issued on per minute basis. There was pandemonium in hell.

They amplified the fact the Tinubu is a Muslim and labeled him an islamist.  Some people said he will pick a Muslim running mate so that Christians can be completely alienated from Nigeria. They deliberately forgot that Tinubu's wife and kids are Christians.  They also deliberately suffered amnesia by not remembering that Tinubu's wife is a Pastor in the biggest Pentecostal church in Nigeria.
These agents of darkness found an ally in a mythomaniac Peter Obi, the poster boy of religious politics and "yes daddy" crooner. They launched the fiercest political religious war ever waged in human history. They called Obi the candidate of God and labeled Asiwaju, who started the Christians prayer in Lagos government house every new year day, as devil incarnate. 

There is a particular coven operator in Abuja who enjoyed cursing Asiwaju right from the primary elections.  Immediately Asiwaju was declared the winner, he spent about 15 minutes in his dome raining curses on a man that God has already blessed.  This man is from Benue, one of the worst run state in Nigeria.  He did not rain curses on his Governor  but he sees Asiwaju as an emeny that must be killed with curses.

They started competing with themselves over prophecies. There is no prophecy that was not given concerning the last election.  From the absurd to the eccentric.  Some even sound like basket mouth comedy. For instance, one of them said God told him that the name of the winner of the election is in the Bible. Out of the 18 presidential candidates, 5 of them have their names in the Bible. So what sort of Betnaija prophecy is that?

One even said the election will not hold. After the election, they asked him and he was still defending his prophecy even after the election has been held. 

A woman coven operator said on her altar that they are ready to waste their votes. When the votes were eventually wasted, she was very angry and started raining curses on INEC. Did her Bible not tell her that the power of life and death is in the tongue?
Their candidate was moving from one church to the other and they were issuing their permutations.  One of them claimed that he saw a revelation that Obi won the election.

God said in the Bible " I will confirm the word of my prophet and perform the counsel of my messenger". God did not confirm the words of these coven operators because they are not of Him.  He does not know them. Now the operators  rely on protesters for their permutations to come to pass.

Tinubu picked a Muslim running mate and heavens did not fall. When they discovered that their religious shenanigans is losing steam, they changed gear and moved to economic sabotage. 

How did they wage this economic war?

At the tail end of the electioneering campaigns,  harping on religion started losing steam and Alhaji Abubakar Atiku came up with a masterstroke. If you recall, Atiku ran a lacklustre campaign and feelers have it that he has a last minute joker.

How Atiku hijacked the cabal and used the Presidency is still a mystery. He successfully maneuvered the cabal and they introduced Naira redesign policy.  They deliberately made the currency so scarce that even elites don't have access to it. They accompanied Naira scarcity with fuel scarcity. 
Atiku relied solely  on the Northern votes to win the Presidency and he knew a policy like Naira scarcity will affect the Northerners  most. When I was living in Zamfara, out of 14 local governments,  only 3 can boast of a semblance of bank. That is how the whole North is underbanked and Atiku knows that it will be difficult for them to swap their old currency for the new one. 

This economic policy caused a lot of upheavals,  even some Tinubu supporters believed it will spell doom for their candidate. I have never seen anywhere in the world where the ruling parry will deliberately introduce an unpopular policy just days to a general election. Tinubu therefore became the first candidate of the ruling party that will not enjoy power of incumbency, infact he contested just like the opposition. But as God would have it, Atiku made a terrible blunder.
He declared support for the Naira scarcity.

Tinubu quickly cashed in on that blunder and declared his opposition to the policy. He chose Abeokuta again. He rallied some Northern Governors to fight the policy in court and this made the Northerners to see him as a savior. Tinubu would have won with a wider margin if not for this policy. 

When Atiku realized that the strategy had backfired,  he withdrew his support for the policy but it was too late. Obi was an onlooker in this chess game. He continued with his kindergarten yes daddy politics.

After the election,  the first result that got ro Abuja was the of Ekiti State and Asiwaju won convincingly.  Obi and his supporters immediately called for the cancelation of the whole election.  They calculated that Obi will win Ekiti being a predominantly Christian state  but they forgot that Yorubas don't vote along religious line.

When Tinubu was eventually declared the winner by INEC, Atiku and Obi started addressing joint press conference to discredit the election. They started crying wolf where none exists. They adopted Trump strategy.

Some of  them even said Buhari should continue. They just could not imagine a Tinubu as the President despite all these hurdles. They were dazed. They came up with Abuja 25%. They became a drowning man who is clinging to a straw.
Despite all the curses, despite all the stumbling blocks, despite all the photoshops and mischievous video editing, despite all the balablu, despite all the shenanigans,  Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, was sworn in on Monday May 29, 2023 at 10.00am  to the eternal shame of haters of Nigeria.

If you don't see the hand of God in all these, then you don't know anything about God.

Monday 29 May 2023



My Fellow Citizens,

I stand before you honoured to assume the sacred mandate you have given me. My love for this nation is abiding. My confidence in its people, unwavering. And my faith in God Almighty, absolute. I know that His hand shall provide the needed moral strength and clarity of purpose in those instances when we seem to have reached the limits of our human capacity.

This day is bold and majestic yet bright and full of spirit, as is our precious nation.

As a nation, we have long ago decided to march beyond the dimness of night into the open day of renewed national hope.

The question we now ask ourselves is whether to remain faithful to the work inherent in building a better society or retreat into the shadows of our unmet potential. 

For me, there is but one answer. We are too great a nation and too grounded as a people to rob ourselves of our finest destiny.

This nation’s journey has been shaped by the prayers of millions, and the collective sacrifices of us all.

We have endured hardships that would have made other societies crumble.

Yet, we have shouldered the heavy burden to arrive at this SUBLIME moment where the prospect of a better future merges with our improved capacity to create that future.

To the surprise of many but not to ourselves, we have more firmly established this land as a democracy in both word and deed.

The peaceful transition from one government to another is now our political tradition. This handover symbolizes our trust in God, our enduring faith in representative governance and our belief in our ability to reshape this nation into the society it was always meant to be.

Here, permit me to say a few words to my predecessor, President Muhammadu Buhari. Mr President, you have been an honest, patriotic leader who has done his best for the nation you love. On a more personal note, you are a worthy partner and friend. May History be kind to you.

For many years, Nigeria’s critics have trafficked the rumour that our nation will break apart, even perish.

Yet here we are. We have stumbled at times, but our resilience and diversity have kept us going. 

Our burdens may make us bend at times, but they shall never break us.

Instead, we stand forth as Africa’s most populous nation and as the best hope and strongest champion of the Black Race.

As citizens, we declare as one unified people devoted to one unified national cause, that as long as this world exists, NIGERIA SHALL EXIST.

Today, Fate and Destiny join together to place the torch of human progress in our very hands. We dare not let it slip.

We lift high this torch so that it might shine on every household and in every heart that calls itself Nigerian. We hold this beam aloft because it lights our path with compassion, brotherhood, and peace. May this great light never EXTINGUISH.    

Our administration shall govern on your behalf but never rule over you. We shall consult and dialogue but never dictate. We shall reach out to all but never put down a single person for holding views contrary to our own.

We are here to further mend and heal this nation, not tear and injure it.

In this vein, may I offer a few comments regarding the election that brought us to this juncture. It was a hard fought contest. And it was also fairly won. Since the advent of the Fourth Republic, Nigeria has not held an election of better quality.

The outcome reflected the will of the people. However, my victory does not render me any more Nigerian than my opponents. Nor does it render them any less patriotic.

They shall forever be my fellow compatriots. And I will treat them as such. They represent important constituencies and concerns that wisdom dare not ignore.

They have taken their concerns to court. Seeking legal redress is their right and I fully defend their exercise of this right. This is the essence of the rule of law.

Over six decades ago, our founding fathers gave bravely of themselves to place Nigeria on the map as an independent nation.

We must never allow the labor of those who came before us to wither in vain but to blossom and bring forth a better reality.

Let us take the next great step in the journey they began and believed in.

Today, let us recommit our very selves to placing Nigeria in our hearts as the indispensable home for each and every one of us regardless of creed, ethnicity, or place of birth.

My supporters, I thank you. To those who voted otherwise, I extend my hand across the political divide. I ask you to grasp it in national affinity and brotherhood. For me, political coloration has faded away. All I see are Nigerians. 

May we uphold these fitting and excellent notions as the new Nigerian ideal. 

My fellow compatriots,

The Nigerian ideal which I speak of is more than just an improvement in economic and other statistics. These things are important; but they can never convey the fullness of our story.

Our mission is to improve our way of life in a manner that nurtures our humanity, encourages compassion toward one another, and duly rewards our collective effort to resolve the social ills that seek to divide us.

Our constitution and laws give us a nation on paper. We must work harder at bringing these noble documents to life by strengthening the bonds of economic collaboration, social cohesion, and cultural understanding. Let us develop a shared sense of fairness and equity.

The South must not only seek good for itself but must understand that its interests are served when good comes to the North. The North must see the South likewise.

Whether from the winding creeks of the Niger Delta, the vastness of the northern savannah, the boardrooms of Lagos, the bustling capital of Abuja, or the busy markets of Onitsha, you are all my people. As your president, I shall serve with prejudice toward none but compassion and amity towards all. 

In the coming days and weeks, my team will publicly detail key aspects of our programme. Today, permit me to outline in broad terms a few initiatives that define our concept of progressive good governance in furtherance of the Nigerian ideal:

The principles that will guide our administration are simple: 

1. Nigeria will be impartially governed according to the constitution and the rule of law.

2. We shall defend the nation from terror and all forms of criminality that threaten the peace and stability of our country and our subregion.

3. We shall remodel our economy to bring about growth and development through job creation, food security and an end of extreme poverty.

4. In our administration, Women and youth will feature prominently.

5. Our government will continue to take proactive steps such as championing a credit culture to discourage corruption while strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the various anti-corruption agencies.



Security shall be the top priority of our administration because neither prosperity nor justice can prevail amidst insecurity and violence.

To effectively tackle this menace, we shall reform both our security DOCTRINE and its ARCHITECTURE.

We shall invest more in our security personnel, and this means more than an increase in number. We shall provide, better training, equipment, pay and firepower.


On the economy, we target a higher GDP growth and to significantly reduce unemployment. 

We intend to accomplish this by taking the following steps:

First, budgetary reform stimulating the economy without engendering inflation will be instituted.

Second, industrial policy will utilize the full range of fiscal measures to promote domestic manufacturing and lessen import dependency.

Third, electricity will become more accessible and affordable to businesses and homes alike. Power generation should nearly double and transmission and distribution networks improved. We will encourage states to develop local sources as well.

I have a message for our investors, local and foreign: our government shall review all their complaints about multiple taxation and various anti-investment inhibitions.

We shall ensure that investors and foreign businesses repatriate their hard earned dividends and profits home.


My administration must create meaningful opportunities for our youth. We shall honour our campaign commitment of one million new jobs in the digital economy. 

Our government also shall work with the National Assembly to fashion an omnibus Jobs and Prosperity bill. This bill will give our administration the policy space to embark on labour-intensive infrastructural improvements, encourage light industry and provide improved social services for the poor, elderly and vulnerable.


Rural incomes shall be secured by commodity exchange boards guaranteeing minimal prices for certain crops and animal products. A nationwide programme for storage and other facilities to reduce spoilage and waste will be undertaken.

Agricultural hubs will be created throughout the nation to increase production and engage in value-added processing. The livestock sector will be introduced to best modern practices and steps taken to minimize the perennial conflict over land and water resources in this sector.

Through these actions, food shall be made more abundant yet less costly. Farmers shall earn more while the average Nigerian pays less.


We shall continue the efforts of the Buhari administration on infrastructure. Progress toward national networks of roads, rail and ports shall get priority attention.


We commend the decision of the outgoing administration in phasing out the petrol subsidy regime which has increasingly favoured the rich more than the poor. Subsidy can no longer justify its ever-increasing costs in the wake of drying resources. We shall instead re-channel the funds into better investment in public infrastructure, education, health care and jobs that will materially improve the lives of millions.


Monetary policy needs thorough housecleaning. The Central Bank must work towards a unified exchange rate. This will direct funds away from arbitrage into meaningful investment in the plant, equipment and jobs that power the real economy.

Interest rates need to be reduced to increase investment and consumer purchasing in ways that sustain the economy at a higher level.

Whatever merits it had in concept, the currency swap was too harshly applied by the CBN given the number of unbanked Nigerians. The policy shall be reviewed. In the meantime, my administration will treat both currencies as legal tender.


Given the world in which we reside, please permit a few comments regarding foreign policy.

The crisis in Sudan and the turn from democracy by several nations in our immediate neighbourhood are of pressing concern.

As such, my primary foreign policy objective must be the peace and stability of the West African subregion and the African continent. We shall work with ECOWAS, the AU and willing partners in the international community to end extant conflicts and to resolve new ones.

As we contain threats to peace, we shall also retool our foreign policy to more actively lead the regional and continental quest for collective prosperity.


This is the proudest day of my life. But this day does not belong to me. It belongs to you, the people of Nigeria.

On this day, Nigeria affirms its rightful place among the world’s great democracies. There, Nigeria shall reside forever. 

The course of our past and the promise of the future have brought us to this exceptional moment.

In this spirit, I ask you to join me in making Nigeria a more perfect nation and democracy such that the Nigerian ideal becomes and forever remains the Nigerian reality.  

With full confidence in our ability, I declare that these things are within our proximate reach because my name is Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and I am the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

May God bless you and May He bless our beloved land.