Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Owo Celebrates 1000 Years of Existence December

Owo, headquarters of Owo Local Government area of Ondo State will be celebrating its 1000 years of existence this year.

The Olowo of Owo, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Ajibade Gbadegesin Ogunoye III disclosed this in an interview with The Hope on Sunday.

Oba Ajibade Ogunoye said the celebration will be taking place alongside the ceremony for the presentation of the staff of office which comes up on December 14 later this year.

According the Olowo, the December 14 event is going to be a three in one ceremony which also include the launching of the palace renovation fund.

Oba Ajibade Ogunoye who stated that Owo has come a long way posited that there is every cause to celebrate.

The monarch therefore called on sons and daughters of the ancient community to join him as he charts a new course for the upliftment of the town.

He disclosed that he would be making frantic efforts to ensure the rapid industrialisation of the town as this is one sure way of making  Owo becomes the pride of all.

Similarly, youths of the town are going to be the focus of his reign as he is going to work hard to make them aspire to be great.

According to the monarch, youths are the future of the nation and everything will be done to empower them.

Oba Ajibade therefore advised them to shun all forms of vices such as cultism, internet fraud, kidnapping and drugs.

From Jimoh Ahmed, Owo

Saturday, 7 September 2019


You can call General Muhammadu Buhari and all sort of names what I can assure you that his popularity is increasing all over core Northern Nigeria and across the sahel region of West Africa.

The Fulani with the brainwashed Hausa vassals will fight and die for him. General Buhari is one of the most intelligent and courageous leader the fulani controlled  territory has ever produced.

He is always two steps ahead of his distractors and he understands history, power and what it takes to build a civilization.

General Buhari understands that there is nothing called One Nigeria in any sense,  it is only an opportunity for his Nomadic fulani kinsmen to survive and build a Fulani country using the sweat and wealth of others legally or illegally under the guise of patriotism and humanity.

He understands that the South and Middle belt are treacherous and can be used against each other.  For the records Fulanis Semitic people who are from the Arab stock don't see black Africans as equals and we will never be seen as equals.

Fulanis are masters of deceit, Chaos, they understand how to take control of anarchy to further their interests. They are united in crime and good deeds. They know when to sue for peace and when to crush their enemies.

They staged a revolution using the Hausa peasants to destroy Hausa kingdoms and take over lands and kingdoms of the Hausas.

They also staged a revolution in Oyo empire by conniving with a Yoruba general Afonja together with some Yoruba peasants.

They took over power in Nigeria by using the middle belt Generals to launch a counter coup against the Igbo dominated first republic in order to consolidate their grip on other ethnic groups in Nigeria. They understand power, unity and they are master stategists.

Buhari has appointed strictly minority Fulani as security chiefs in an heterogeneous country like Nigeria.

He has built Baro water port for the North.

He has approved the building of modern railway from Nigeria to Maradi in Niger Republic in order to integrate the economy of his kinsmen in the sahel.

He has also approved the building of oil Refinery in his hometown in Katsina where there is not a barrel of crude oil.

Go to Federal ministries in Abuja, almost all the ministries have been dominated from top to bottom with fulani youths who went to university through the quota system while their southern counterparts with First class are in cyber Cafe looking for scholarship opportunities to flee the feudal contraption called Nigeria.

NNPC, CBN and NPA workforce are dominated by the fulanis. They are in all the lucrative and juicy positions across Nigeria.

In the next 30years, they will continue to be permanent secretaries in the federal Civil service. The Sharia infested Decree is a Northern constitution and for the first time a Sharia lawyer is now the chief Justice.

He is decimating the Shiites and empowering the Sunnis. He is buying up traditional rulers all over the south while killing, maiming and detaining southern freedom fighters.

He doesn't want to hear anything like true federalism or restructuring and he is hell bent in creating pure Fulani local government areas for his fulanil kinsmen all over Southern Nigeria in a bid to destroy the internal ethnic cohesion of the southern Nigeria. To do this the northern borders are even more open,  his fulani kinsmen has mercenaries to glue the Nigerian nation under the Sokoto Caliphate.

As we speak he has used Oil money from the south to establish Fulani radio for the fulanis, which is something that has never happened before.

Thousands of southerners and Middle belterns have been wiped out by the the ongoing Fulani genocide and not a single fulani man has been arrested or prosecuted. Buhari shows no remorse for his fulanocentric policies and continues to March on to decimate his percieved enemies.

Buhari understands power and he has done what no fulani man in post colonial times can do for his people. He knows that southern political elites think along party lines while the fulani elites think along ethnic lines. He knows southerners are treacherous, corrupt and saboteurs and he is using that weakness with ruthless wisdom.

If you are a Yoruba, Edo , Igbo, Tiv, , Efik etc  and after reading this article with all these open facts you are still shouting One Nigeria or still screaming APC or PDP under the present 1999 Military Decree then you need to be shot at sight because you are a danger to humanity and your race.

God bless Oduduwa Republic.
Aare Kurunmi Kakanfo


As students of the Bible, we can see that there are at least 12 kinds of Pastors that are visible in the Church today. *Though not a comprehensive list, but these twelve represent majority of Pastors leading Churches and ministries today. I hope we can individually find *who we are* among these twelve descriptions.

(1 Timothy 6:35; Isaiah 56:10,11; 2:14).
*Description:* They are businessmen and women who see the ministry as *avenue to make money.* They function as the Chief Executive Officers of their Churches. The Church is run with business principles. Their major emphasis is *money, finance, prosperity and how to make it.* They are in absolute control of everything.
*Basic Motive:* Gain and profit. Their programmes are targeted at *how much money is raised.* They are using God’s name, the Church and the Bible to make money and enrich themselves.
*Demerits:* No sense of eternity, disciples and godliness.
*They breed Christians who are greedy of gain, profit-oriented, thieves and crooks. They engage in lying, fantastic promises and spurious prophesies.* They apportion *Church position* to the highest bidder.
*Way Out:* True repentance, freedom from financial lure and restoration of balanced truth to the church. Business Pastors have brought *much bad image* to the Church.

*2. FUNKY PASTOR* (2 Timothy 4:3, 4; Jeremiah 6:13)
*Description:* Worldly, carnal, ungodly Pastors *who watered down the gospel to please people.* They dress anyhow and they allow anything in the Church. They are immoral and sex-maniac who take advantage of people. Their messages are the *Church liberty, ministry on the broadways, easy way to heaven* and making you somebody in life.
*Basic Motives:* Keep the people happy. Don’t offend them by telling them the truth. They exert influence and power over people *in order to get their money.* Youth and young people enjoy these kinds of Pastors.
*Demerits:* No mention of sin, evil, hell or righteousness. *Their focus is miracle, blessing and breakthroughs.* Secular talk shows are allowed. Immorality, extra-marital affairs and pre-marital sex are overlooked all in the belief that God is a loving God. Funky pastors have brought much shame to the Pastoral ministry and their name.
*Way Out:* Genuine repentance and restitution, or else…

*3. VOCATIONAL PASTORS* (Ezekiel 34:2, 3)
*Description:* They are in the ministry, *not as a result of God’s call, but by the call of men.* They see pastoring as a hobby. They love the honour and respect being given to Pastors. *Tribal sentiments, ethnic bias, connection to authority, wealth, status and oratory power* are what was used to make them Pastors. Educational qualifications and greasing of palms also figure here.
*Basic Motive:* To rule over others and to be seen and respected by them. No vision, purpose and commission from the Lord. They therefore lord themselves over the people, *using threats and position to oppress those who are genuinely called.*
*Demerits:* They are not concerned with anyone or the Church once their position is secured. They lead Church backward through *secular management systems.* They don’t train, develop or empower anyone. The Church is always malnourished and spiritually weak under such Pastors. Their ministrations are always devoid of God’s power and their sermons always make people sick. *Vocational or honorary Pastors have caused much havoc for the Church today.*
*Way Out:* Seek the face of God as to His plan for your life, resignation and functioning where God wants you.

*Description:* They are called by the Lord, but *they are not in tune with the moves of God today.* They are holy, godly and righteous but they are trapped in *yesterday’s ways* because they are ultra-conservative. Old tradition, dogma and doctrinal correctness is their forte. They spend only on their *one gift* to lead the Church, they detest learning and change.
*Basic Motive:* To survive and bring back old time religion. They are therefore prejudiced against growth, change and new strategies. They are good in hymnals, bell-ringing and order of service that has become routine and lifeless today. Their relational skills are weak and very low.
*Demerits:* Lack of vision, purpose and direction in the Church. The work is backward; they are confused because changes that have occurred have left them behind. They therefore experience crisis, breakaway, stagnation and backdoor losses.They do everything in the Church because they don’t trust anybody. They are skeptical of people and change. Pastors of yesterday usually don’t know the new moves of God for today; because they are too busy looking at yesterday.
*Way Out:* Change, personal growth, disabused mindset and new focus on the move of God today.

(Jeremiah 10:21; Jeremiah 23:11; Micah 3:11)
*Description:* They were once Servants of the Lord, but are now backslidden. *They no longer have time to preach, pray, nourish people and prepare them for heaven.* All their time is taken up with meetings upon meetings. They have become servants of the people. Bad friends, economic hardship and strange teachings have changed them.
*Basic Motive:* To make it, *either by force or by fire.* They therefore engage in Church politics. They become cunning, crafty, arm-twisting and they can speak from both sides of their mouth. Their strategic closeness to Church authority make them to determine the transfer, promotion, discipline and suspension of other Pastors that are many times better than them. Character assassination is their modus–operandi.
*Demerits:* Their Churches always suffer because they are not always around due to frequent meetings. *They are spiritually dry, unable to get fresh insight from God* and the Church suffers spiritually. They get involved in scandals which they use for their *political manouvering* to cover up. Political Pastors need to return back to the Lord, or else…
*Way Out:* Remember where you have fallen, repent and return back to the Lord. Stop Church politics and concentrate on the primary job of pastoring, leading, nourishing and preparing people for eternity.

*6. OCCULTIC PASTORS* (Revelation 2:20,24: Revelation 3:9)
*Description:* These are the people who have no business being in the ministry, but they are there all the same. *Some are former occult practitioners* who claim to be born-again, while *others are herbalists and magicians* who decide to hood-wink people by modernizing as Pastors. They live double lives. They appear to eat at the Lord’s table but also deal with the devil in secret. They use means and demonic power to perform spurious miracles.
*Basic Motives:* Their motive is gain, power and control over people. They therefore use candles, coconut, incense, salt, sponge, soaps, special baths and native roots as “prayer support.” They engage in fake vision, false prophecy and spurious miracles. They read the sixth and seventh books of Moses. They are usually polygamous and womanizers.
*Demerits:* Using other means to ‘Jazz’ up the work so that crowds can come; people under bondage and oppression; making people, children of hell; immorality thrives; witchcraft and calamities in Churches; people dying and losing their destiny in such Churches. Oppressive air of bondage will be thick. No form of godly spirituality among the people. *Occultic Pastors will always be exposed by their traits and they will lose their ministries sooner or later.*
*Way Out:* True repentance and knowing the Lord afresh, turning away from company of Satan.

*7. SHALLOW PASTORS* (Zephaniah 3:4)
*Description:* These are proud, garrulous, self-centered and self-willed Pastors. They are islands; too busy to attend conferences or seminars or listen to anybody’s tape. They believe that everyone should learn from them but they cannot learn from others. Their anointing has grown to the extent that they don’t need to read the Bible everyday, have time of prayer and fast unto the Lord.
*Basic Motives:* Their motive is to succeed in ministry financially, materially and socially. They therefore spend Church money to buy *expensive shoes, clothing, cars and properties.* They have nothing to really give to people spiritually. *They thrive on stories, noise, demonstrations, pushing people and mimicked styles and prophecies.* Their sermon dwell on their worth, wealth and fame.
*Demerits:* People are fed half truths, lies, motivational talks. They are always on the move, have nothing really to share and give to the people. The people are therefore largely unsaved, carnal, sinful, ungodly and religious. They therefore move away to where the grass is green and the water is still. Shallow Pastors will always lose serious Christians to other Churches.
*Way Out:* Return to the Lord, load yourself and prepare to feed people with balanced diet of the Word.

*Description:* These are ministry-focused Pastors. *They are committed to and consumed by the work of the ministry.* In their order of priorities, ministry is number one and everything else takes secondary position. *These Pastors neglect their families, children and personal lives* in the name of doing ministry. Their children are wayward, bitter, uncatered for, angry and unconverted. Their wives are miserable, frustrated, neglected; feel cheated and lonely.
*Basic Motives:* To fulfill their ministry irrespective of anything or anybody. Their desire is to prove themselves and the readiness to neglect everything for the ministry. *They move from crusade to revivals, from prayer mountains to special seminars.* They are too spiritual to play, pray, enjoy and relax with their wives, children and family, because sinners are perishing. They are always in a hurry.
*Demerits:* They experience divorce, have wayward children, unsettled homes and unfulfilled ministry. Their wives become demonized or engage in extra–marital affairs due to frequent absence and lack of care. *Pastors that give ministry the number one priority above their God, home and personal development will always experience crisis, breakaway and being forsaken by the Lord.* Lack of peace, progress and tranquility, both in the Church and personal lives will always be the outcome of the mistake of putting ministry before God and your family. Ministry Pastors will always experience burn out and frustration in ministry.
*Way Out:* Return back to the Lord. Make your God and family as number one and two, and ministry as number three.

*9. SICK PASTORS* (Revelation 3:14-19)
*Description:* physically okay but *spiritually sick.* Sick because they don’t know the Lord, they are sinful, ungodly, evil, immoral and wicked. Though they sometimes find themselves leading large congregations, yet, they preach the Jesus they have not met. They only use their spiritual activities to cover their spiritual nakedness.
*Basic Motives:* They don’t know why they are in the ministry. They want to be like others. They are copycats. They struggle with sin, evil and low self-image. They take out their anger, sin and frustration on the people.
*They are sick because they lack basic leadership skill.* They are sick because they are not good examples and role model to follow. They are sick because they operate under curse and disobedience.
*Demerits:* Destroyed lives of people under them; carnal, covetous, stinginess, unforgiving spirit, and readiness to curse and destroy people who dare question their ungodly activities. They usually kill Churches and cause stagnation by making the saints to sin and backslide. Sick Pastors will always produce sick Churches that will find growth very difficult and stagnation very easy.
*Way Out:* Repent, seek the Lord, apologize and do a new work.

*Description:* They have experienced back-stabbing, disappointment and calamities in ministry. Their work has dealt them a hard blow. Through some mistakes and ignorance, they have been wounded in ministry. They are therefore bitter, sad, hurting and hateful in the ministry.
*Basic Motive:* Vengeance, retribution and survival. They have been wounded by sin, devil, people, partners, colleagues and members. Some have lost wives, husbands, children, name, properties and health in the course of doing ministry. Some have deep pain due to betrayal by mentors, leaders, associates and spouses. And the wound is fresh and new.
*Demerits:* Bleeding hearts, hurtful feelings, lack of trust, discouragements, frustration and quitting the ministry. They don’t help anybody in the ministry and they are always skeptical of people’s intentions. The unforgiveness in their hearts hinder the flow of God’s spirit in them. As long as you don’t allow the Lord to heal you, your Church will always suffer the hangover of your wounded heart.
*Way Out:* Release the past; handover your hurts unto the Lord and march on in faith. Forgive and forbear.

*Description:* They are Pastors on the move, who are always on the fast lane of life. Moving from city to city, nation to nation, making money at the expense of the souls under them. They spend weeks away from the Church. They travel from place to place in the name of doing ministry while the Church at home is dying and scattering. They monitor by means of audio and video messages of sermons.
*Basic Motive:* Money, pleasure and properties. They use God to better their lot in life. Their living standard is above the income of their Church. They always travel for ministration and business deals. While traveling, they continue to monitor the Church through phone, emails, websites, phone-in-conference. They use these technologies to conduct services on Sunday and at vigils. In some cases, they stay permanently abroad and control the Church from there.
*Demerits:* Their associates are not trusted; they are given responsibilities without authority. The Church goes through turmoil, murmuring and lack of care, nurture and empowering. Such Pastors lose their Churches, their people and they eventually capitulate to the God of mammon, pleasure and fame. They lose their God and their ministry.
*God usually replace them with capable people* who have a heart for things of eternal value.
*Way Out:* Genuine repentance, restoration and rediscovering the basic purpose of ministry.

*Description:* Very few, but these are Pastors after God’s heart. They are called and commissioned by the Lord. They pursue a god-given vision. They display high integrity, character, godliness and a heart for things of eternal value. They are not perfect, but growing everyday. They are balanced, learning, open to change and full of the Holy Spirit.
*Basic Motive:* They desire to make impact for God. They want to see lives,  families, nations and cities transformed for the Lord. They have no personal empire to build; rather they want to extend the frontiers of God’s kingdom throughout the whole world. They see ministry as opportunity to serve, help and empower others. They de-emphasize money, gain and pleasure.
*Strengths:* They invest in people; sharpen their leadership skills; maintain good relational skills; work over their weaknesses, build godly character; empower, equip and enable others to rise up to their highest potentials. They are not threatened by the gift of others. They speak the truth with grace and seek to disciple everyone for the Lord. They ensure that the Church is built on the truth, undiluted and balanced Word of God. They Pastor growing Churches where the people are genuine Christians that continually grow in the things of the Lord. They raise leaders and equip them to carry on the work of God.
*Results:* Good, great and growing Churches that will go on to affect things positively for God.

From these descriptions of twelve kinds of pastors, you can see that *only one* can really lead the Church to true and sustainable growth. This is the reason why majority of our Churches are sick, stagnant, crisis–ridden and are dying today because they are being pastored by the wrong kind of pastors.
*Where are you? You can repent and change today to be a growing Pastor in all ramifications so as to lead the Church according to Perfect Will be no of GOD. Ministry is never about any of us, we are too small, it is about JESUS CHRIST  ALONE. THANKS.

Saturday, 31 August 2019


Ugboroko is the largest quarter both in land area and population with many sub-quarters and numerous streets, is situated in front of the Olowo's palace on the eastern side of the town. Members of the incumbent Olowo's household and their extended families were housed in Ugboroko-nla (big Ugboroko). This quarter was always teeming with people related to the throne among who are the Omolowo's, descendants of past Olowo's and free-born citizens and freed slaves who have become assimilated into the general population. Hence this quarter is often referred to as the Olowo's quarter.

The quarter was and is under the leadership/authority of Chief Ojumu. Chief Ojumu occupies the position of second in rank to the Olowo but lives in Eyin-Ogbe (Ehin-Ogbe) quarter. In any event Chief Ojumu,a stranger could only live in the strangers quarter at Eyin-Ogbe upon his initial admittance into Owo. Ugboroko is also the home of Chiefs Elerewe,Sashere,Ogwadogbon,Osuporu and many other important chiefs.

NOTE: During the reign of Olowo Asunsola (8th Olowo), Chief Oshodi was the second in rank to the Olowo and also presided over Ugboroko before its abrogation by Olowo Omasan (14th Olowo) who later made Chief Ojumu as the second in rank to the Olowo.

Notable streets: Oju-ugboroko,Ugboroko-nla,Otutu,Oludaiye,Oludasa,Okedogbon and many  others..

The meaning of Ugboroko is -Forest full of Iroko trees.

The Ugboroko quarter was founded in the 14th century by the Olowo Ogeja.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


Summarized Perspectives on Osun, Ekiti and Ondo State Resurgence.

Kidnappers, modus operandi and the way forward.

#Caveat: This is not an all or none law (opinion) on this subject matter.

Disclaimer: This write up are random analysis  based on observations,  psychology of kidnappers, victims experiences, General profiling and attitudinal diagnosis. It is not targeted at anyone and therefore No liability is inclined from misuse and unlawful broadcast without permission.

Groups recently implicated as kidnappers = Herdsmen

Target Population = Anyone, no age, political or religious barrier.
Primary gain = Obedience to hierarchial and expansionist tendency.
Secondary Gain = Financial, Money and Food.

Area of Action:
1. Highways
2. Interstate roads
3. Trunk B roads

Modes of Operation
1. The Spy/Syndicate System
2. The Collegiate System
3. The Cruder Brute Force System

Who are the spies?
a. Law enforcement agents. (The Bad Eggs) inclusive of Vigilantes.
b. Jobless Road Repairers
d. Busy bodies sitting at road junctions.
e. Road Side hawkers

Mechanism of Action.
Unauthorised Peeping inside the car by any of those listed above to achieve any of the following:
1. Identify wealthy individuals
2. Identify the presence of armed guards
3. Rating of vehicles as a measure of wealth
4. Identification and Isolation of all vehicles with govt plate number as a MUST for kidnap, even if with the driver alone.

Means of achieving Actions by Spies:
1. Undue friendliness at contact with the bad eggs among security agents
2. Undue familiarity from road side hawkers and persistent hang around vehicles even when there is no intention from road user to patronised them. 
3. Unwarranted/ unsolicited waving @ vehicles by unknown people at road junctions to gauge Drivers mood or see face clearly.
4. Presence and Fiddling with phone by one or all of these spies at contact.
5. Eventual call to Kidnappers in front for actions.

In this case the kidnappers are of the same tribe working together at very short distance to each other.

Mechanism of Action.
You suddenly see a man in front of you beside the road in an unexplained area,  that is: an area leading to nowhere.
When you drive close to him and after sizing up your car from a distance he enters the bush again in your presence.
Please note that when you drive to the point of his disappearance into the bush, you can't see any road leading to the bush.
By then he has called his colleagues who are at a very short distance away to effect the kidnapping.
Please note the moment you see this group of kidnappers in front, you have already walked Into an ambush as some of them are already behind you.
Any reverse or attempt to escape  = death.

Latest entrants into the kidnapper's strategy as seen with the Osun Prof of recent and those on Kaduna Abuja road.
a. These types are crude and very brutal.
b. They are great risk takers. They care less about security agencies and their actions comes with multiple casualties.
c. They work alone and kidnap anyone they see No matter how poor.
d. They have no time to access anyone.
e. They also kidnap in large number to increase their chances of great profit while collating ransoms on individual heads.

They jump at any road of their choice at anytime of the day and start shooting at the incoming traffic, no matter the speed.

They kill as many as those hit by bullets at random and carry away those who survive the wreck that ensued after the sporadic shooting.

Post Kidnapping Behaviours and Occurrences
After kidnapping, the kidnappers make everyone to understand that they are in serious business by doing any or all of the following

1. Incessant Threat languages at gun points
2. Regular unforced slaps and kicks.
3. Removal of Shoes and slippers of victims to make them miserable while walking on sharps, thorns, shrubs etc to create injuries on their feet  to ensure early soberness.
4. Walking in circles for hours to disorient the victims in terms of time and place and position.
The victims feel they have walked so far away from the point of kidnap while they are still close to the same point.
They also cannot guess time accurately anymore.
5. Late initiation of negotiation until the victims is thoroughly sober and dying slowly..
6. Release after collection of ransom which are determined by Physique, ID cards, ATM cards, Job papers/signs seen in the car or on the victims e.g. Stethoscope
7. Death.

This occur rather too often in some cases from;
1. Exhaustion
2. Ongoing medical ailments prior to kidnap with no available medications for days.
3. Snake bites and bites from other poisonous animals in the bush
5. Dehydration and acute renal injury from lack of water and severe anxiety with over perspiration
6. Hemorrhage from Multiple gang rapes
7. Gunshot from the kidnappers due to:
a. Attempt to stop incoming speeding traffic
b. Attempt to escape
c. Too Weak victim who cannot move again.
d. Failed Rescue operations by security agencies

Kidnappers Collecting Ransom after Death

Why do they still collect ransom after death?
1. The kidnappers see each operation as an investment and hence no matter what happens to the victim(s) they still want to maximize the gains of each operation.

Release of Victim Without Collecting Ransom?

Yes very possible. This is common in the spy system.  Where the spy called them that they have kidnapped the wrong person or that the person kidnapped will generate too much heat and stress for them from the security agencies and the community.

Best Way to Handle Kidnappers
1. Avoidance
2. Avoidance
3. Avoidance
4. Once kidnapped you lost all control, if you attempt to escape you get killed, if you don't try to escape, you may STILL die.
5. Avoidance at all cost.

1. Youth Employment opportunities
2. National  Disorientation and Reorientation on tribalism and expansionist tendencies.
3. Regular and permanent, non stop highway patrols at 10 minutes intervals with security agents in mufti
4. Increase wages and motivational weapons for security agencies
5. High Premium insurance coverage for Security agents 
6. Rapid response helicopter with night vision equiprment and thermal detector under foliage.
7. Consider Amnesty for Kidnappers and engagement in vocational trade and Education
8. Stringent punishement for kidnappers and conspirators. 
9. Community anti-kidnap civilian security measures.
10. Close audit and CCTV monitoring of law enforcement agents in charge of armoury
11. Massive mop up of illegal guns in the community and Neutralization of all Black markets.
12. Employment of spy agents across and within the communities.
13. Whistle blower compensation for anyone who exposes kidnappers, bandits, dangerous herdsmen and terrorist 


Sunday, 5 May 2019


The Olowo of Owo, Oba (Dr.) David Victor Olateru-Olagbegi III (CFR) who joined his ancestors recently was buried few days ago. Taiwo Abiodun who reported him for 15years pays tribute.
I WOULD have loved to be an  Abobaku  (He who dies with the King) – for I would have gladly accompanied the Olowo of Owo, Oba (Dr.) David Victor Olateru-Olagbegi III (CFR), as he journeys to reunite with his ancestors.
But  civilisation does not permit.  In the days of yore,  there were  voluntary  Abobakus in Yoruba land,  people who loved the king so dearly, they voluntarily die with him. There were also  slaves who were forced to commit suicide or killed and buried with  the king. The Yoruba believed that these are the people who would run errands  for  the monarch as he journeyed to the great beyond.
I therefore quote  Thomas De Quincey’s (1785 -1859) words ‘Everlasting farewells! and again, and yet again reverberated -everlasting farewells! Goodnight  Kabiyesi.
How I would have loved to serve His Imperial  Majesty  as his pressman,  as he joined the gods or the Saints as Christians would say.
My relationship the Late Olowo
For over 15 years, I literally became an unofficial staff of the Olowo’s palace, strolling in and out, like it was my father’s house. My then medium, The Nation, also became his favourite newspaper.
And it all started with that first interview – a two-hour interaction, after which he gave me his three cell phone numbers. I can vividly recall the Olowo calling out, as he sighted me from the upper floor of his palace: ”Tola! Tola!! Tell Taiwo  to come upstairs.” Pa Tola later became  Chief Tola  Ogwatowose, theOgwamodun of Owo Kingdom.
Last December when I wrote the story of the late Dele Udoh’s daughter, whom I met  in America, published in The Nation newspaper,  I called  the monarch, who was then in the United Kingdom. He was excited about the story and told me to call High Chief Niran Osuporu to buy copies, so he could read in hard copy on his return.
Earlier, in August of same year, he had also called to personally thank me for my coverage of the World Council of Owo Associations , America ( WOCOA) held in St Louis, Missouri , USA. We were so, so close and spoke at least twice a week. In fact, we spoke two days  (Sunday) before his demise on Tuesday. His chiefs, including Tola Ogwatowose, Ogwamodun of Owo,   Chief Olusola Ogunseye, the  Olubola of Owo   and  Chief Babatunde Olugbade, would always tell me, “Your father is upstairs, go and meet him.” I became a big boy in town, who dined and wined with the king.
What kabiyesi told me
The late  Olowo of Owo, Oba Olateru-Olagbegi III meant many things to me. He was a good historian, with great retentive memory. He  told me many things; some confidential , some  off  the    record, some for my  consumption for  my life’s journey. He told me how  uneasy the seat of Obaship was and his efforts to make sure peace reigned. He told me stories  of his youth and why  he had many wives; of his unflinching love and appreciation  for  his beautiful wife, Yeyesa Ololade,  whom he regarded as his pillar of support.
He told me of how he was disappointed by some people he trusted and how he had forgiven them. He told me his  defence during his father, the late Sir Olateru-Olagbegi II’s case; of how loyal the late High Chief Elerewe Ojo was, and how he [the monarch] sought  God’s face and prayed over it and God told him that his son, Chief Ilori Tunde Elerewe would  bring peace and development to Owo and make it great . He told me about the church he was attending before joining the Redeemed Christian Church. He trusted  me and  called me his ”adopted son”.
Wiseacre king
The late Olowo was a soft spoken and complete gentleman  with  great finesse.
He was renowned as a wiseacre – with his Solomonic  wisdom, while I  called  him  Socrates and Solon. He  told me the untold stories of the tussle for the Obaship  and how he escaped death several times. He also told me about his book, The Wilderness of Life even before it was published in 2013.
Cat with nine lives
Three times he was rumoured  dead  while away in  the United Kingdom, and three times, I had to debunk  it, with single calls to his majesty. Often, we  laughed over it. However, now that the symbolic tree has been felled  according to   tradition, and while  the King’s market (Oja Oba) has been  relocated to Ogwata until another king is crowned, it is confirmed and no longer a rumour. His remains were interred last Thursday with his forefathers in Ugha Moron Courtyard.
Death’s a debt; his mandamus binds all alike – no bail, no demurrer said Richard Brinsley Sheridan, [1751-1816]. OOO, as he was fondly called by his friends, has paid death’s debt.
What’s more! Kabiyesi did not die in a foreign land.
Who is Olowo of Owo?
Professor Rowland Abiodun in his book,  Yoruba Art  and Language  (SEEKING THE AFRICAN IN AFRICAN ART)  wrote on page 94:
Okun aragbarigbi
Akata-ila bori Ogho male
Ogede so too-too
(The mighty expansive ocean,
The great white umbrella-like shelter  of Owo
The prolific banana tree that bears so much fruits).
The late Olowo of Owo was a king among  kings! He  had finesse with international clout. He had charisma, was powerful, with robust curriculum vitae, but never abused the power he wielded. His sterling and enviable qualities were simply unrivalled.
His humility knew no bounds, and at 77, when some of his age mates would have gone senile, his brain was still active  and alert,  loaded with  great sense of humour  and sense of sound judgement.
The prophet king
The late Oba Olateru-Olagbegi III  was a devoted  Christian; he never missed the  Holy Ghost service  at the Redeemed Christian Church of God ( RCCG) along Lagos – Ibadan express way. He loved God and always played his  tambourine  in church. He was also a prayer warrior, little wonder he bore  names  of the Biblical  David and Victor, two people God loved dearly in the Bible. The Olowo  was always with his Holy Bible, one of the reasons some erroneously believed he had jettisoned culture; but he always maintained that culture is different from religion.
Once I asked why he always took off his crown/cap in church and his reply was ”It is mark of respect for God, as God is the only King.”
When I informed  him of my exit from The Nation newspaper,  he prayed and prophesied  for me. To the glory of God, all what he told me came to pass. Not only that, he once  told me that the ‘guy’ who took The Nation newspaper to court over a story I wrote  some years ago  would fail. His words again came to pass, as he lost both in  High Court and Court of Appeal. He also upheld that there is power in prayer than in juju.
He loved peace and was a peace maker,  for  throughout his reign the ancient town of Owo was peaceful. The town witnessed a lot of development  as the roads were dualised and a number of banks opened their branch in the town. Recently he requested  for  University of Technology from the Vice President Osinbajo when the latter came to campaign few months ago  in Owo; and once told me that Owo will one day become like Ikoyi.
He also used his connection to equip the General Hospital with medical equipment through Dr. Esther Lambo (nee Aragbaiye).
The late monarch was simple to a fault. Contrary to opinions in some quarters that he never listened to advice, he once  asked me, ”How can I listen to advice that I should be vindictive?”
Man of honour
Kabiyesi proved to me that though journalism may not make one rich, it sure brings honour to one who is diligent at his duty. From calling me his ‘adopted son’, to people calling me ‘Omo Olowo,’ I literally amassed so much accolades and honour.
In 2010   during the remembrance of my grandmother, Kabiyesi sent a high powered delegation with  the royal staff of office to  St. John’ s Anglican Church, Iyere -Owo. Ditto when my mother was buried. The St Patrick’s  Church congregation was delighted to receive the Olowo’s representatives with the royal staff of office. He called to commiserate with me from London when he heard the sudden demise of my late wife and was represented by one of the most senior chiefs with the royal staff of office. This is the highest honour any son of Olowo could get from a first class royal father.
Though his departure remains painful and seemingly untimely, but according to Margaret Mitchell [1900-1949]: ”Death and Taxes and Childbirth! There’s never any convenient time for any of them.”
Call him a griot,  archivist, historian, legal luminary, teacher, prophet or visionary leader, and you’re right on point. Born on June 26,1941 in Owo, Ondo State, his father was the late Sir Olateru-Olagbegi II. He studied Law in England and attended Law school in Lagos in 1968. He practised for many years and in 1975 joined the Nigerian Law School as a lecturer, rising to the position of Reader in 1991. He was given the staff of Olowo of Owo in 2003.