Saturday, 25 October 2014

How to Study in Six Simple Steps

Developing good study skills is critically important. You spend so much of childhood learning stuff, and being tested and quizzed and evaluated on what you've learned. Because of this, one of the most important subjects in education should be how to study, but it’s rarely taught. How well you study can make a huge difference in your success, so it’s worth spending a little time getting the principles right.

Follow these six simple steps and you’ll find it much easier to study — and you’ll retain much more information, making the whole process less onerous. You might even come to enjoy studying!


Make room, mentally and physically, for studying. Usually you’re studying for something specific, such as an exam. This can seem daunting, like a mountain to climb. If this sounds familiar, take a deep breath and pause for a moment before you start.

Think of how you make yourself comfortable when you do something you really enjoy, like watching a favorite television program. How do you settle in for the show? Do you sprawl or curl up? Do you have favourite relaxing clothes? Do you choose a particular drink or something to nibble? Borrow all these favorite things to make your studying a better experience. If you’re in a good space physically, you can improve your mental space.


Create your own personal work zone. It doesn’t have to look like a work-space — that’s what many students find off-putting. Building on what you did in the previous paragraph, make the place your own and somewhere you enjoy.


Find the right pace for your work. Sprinters work hard and fast in a burst of energy while marathon runners spread the load and build slowly towards the climax. There’s no right or wrong way to pace your studying, except what works for you. Notice the way you like to work, and adjust your pace accordingly. (Just remember, if you study at a slow pace, you'll need to set aside more time for the task.)

Whether you have bags of time or a brief study period, remember that breaks are just as important as active study (10 minutes off for every 30 minutes of study works for many people), and use those breaks to reward yourself with a small treat.


It helps to know how your memory works. Here is the key to memory: in any sequence, people remember the first and last things best. Whatever you try to remember, you’ll find yourself recalling the beginning and the end, with less clear memories of the middle. You can’t change this — it’s wired in, it's how our brains work — so don’t fight it. Instead, use this fact to your advantage by organizing your study so the most important bits are at the beginning and end of your sessions.


It’s always good to have a plan. However big or complex your task may look at first sight, with a feasible plan you can always find a way to manage it.

When studying, break your biggest goal into smaller chunks or tasks. It’s best if each of these chunks consists of a single topic. Often, you’ll discover one or two key elements that stand out and get fixed in your mind. You can then use those as building blocks.

Classic tricks used by memory professionals include ‘the house of memory’ where you place everything you want to remember in unique locations in the house. It’s also useful to use humor — play with your key-words and make them funny or outrageous. You’ll be surprised at how much easier they are to memorize.

Mind maps

A mind map is rough diagram that you can make to visually outline information. You can create a mind map by starting with the primary word or phrase of a topic in the center, with related, lesser categories branching out from it. Subcategories of these are on smaller branches, still. Your categories can consist of anything you think is important; they can be important terms, ideas, or tasks to complete — whatever you need to help you study or organize the information.

Mind maps are easy to master if you don’t use them already, and you’ll discover they help you remember masses of information much more efficiently than conventional lists. If you're not satisfied with your current note-taking skills, try building a mind map during your next class or lecture and see if you find it more helpful.

How to Control Your Urge to Have Sex?

It often stands unmet, because of competitive lifestyles, leaving no room for personal gratification. In such cases, controlling your urge can become difficult. The following article will show you how you can do so.
1. Acceptance

The first step to control your sexual urges is to accept that there is no shame in feeling this way. Most societal norms deem these urges as moral depravity and force us to bury these feelings, instead of accepting it as a part of life. We are born to believe that sex is sin and sexual urges are an abomination. These urges are nothing but physical needs which only seek fulfillment, in some way or the other. Instinctually, man cannot abort sexual thoughts. With this acceptance and a strong desire to curb it, you can keep your feelings in control.
2. Triggers

The next step to controlling your sexual feelings is to know what sets them off. Admittedly, man is surrounded by sexual innuendoes and signs so obvious, that they are almost a part of our daily lives. When one is sexually satiated, these signs tend to pass by unnoticed, but in the face of sexual starvation, these signs end up titillating more than pacifying. Identifying these triggers will help keep the mind alert enough to steer clear of them.
3. Will Power

When it is considered that with enough will power, one can move a mountain, controlling sexual urges on the same plane should ideally be anyone’s cup of tea. While it is impossible to obliterate sexual thoughts completely, curbing the intensity to a bare minimum will help you get through the day without distractions. A mental reminder, can serve as ample inspiration to help you power through the day without being tempted.
4. Transmutation

Translating your sexual urges to creative outputs will not only take your mind off them, but will help you make something new. At the end of the day, an urge is nothing but a feeling that enforces a lack of the desired object. Thus it is easy to manipulate with an equally engaging creative thought. Read a book, write poetry, paint or make pots. The end product of your misplaced creativity will provide equal satisfaction.
5. Exercise

Focusing your energy on something that consumes most of it and also helps you feel good, is a certain winner. Wake up early and go for a jog, or make swimming thrice a week a habit. You can also hit the gym every morning before work. Whatever be the means, allow your body to get the much-required exercise to keep your mind more in control.
6. Seek Help

If nothing seems to get your mind off sex, this might be the start of a potential problem. If you are in a relationship, try to talk to your partner about these unmet needs. Maybe with regular intercourse, these urges will successfully be siphoned off. If not, then consult your doctor for psychological counselling to find a way out of these extensive urges. Obsessive thinking can be relieved with medication and therapy.

The methods outlined above might help you find a way to keep your uncontrollable sexual urges in check.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases

Many people have various lung diseases or disorders among which the most common are asthma, bronchitis, and various types of cough. Different types of infections, allergies and smoking can be the cause of a certain type of lung disease or disorder.
This is a popular traditional remedy for treatment
of lung issues, especially asthma, both bronchial and cardiac. Our
grandmothers have prepared this remedy in the past and according to
those who have already tried it, it seems that they were right about
its healing power.
½ kg red/purple onions
½ kg sugar
2 lemons
1,5 l water
7 tablespoons of natural homemade honey
Preheat the sugar in a metal container at a moderate temperature,
stirring it constantly until it reddens. After that, add the onions,
previously sliced in tiny pieces, fry them shortly and add the water.
Boil the mixture at a moderate temperature until 1/3 of the water
evaporates. Leave it to cool down for some time, and then add the
honey and the juice, which you’ve previously squeezed out of the 2
lemons, and stir everything well. Finally, leave it to stay overnight and
then squeeze out the liquid and pour it into a glass bottle.
How to consume it:
You should consume 1 tablespoon of it before each meal until you use
up all of the remedy. Repeat the procedure until your lungs get well. It
is recommended that children should consume 1 teaspoon of the
remedy before each meal.