Monday, 15 December 2014


I see many Christians typing “Xmas” instead of Christmas, even on our page; many are ignorant of this and some are living outside of Christ.

Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ among Christians worldwide; as we celebrate Christmas, Christ is set as the priority and the center of the celebration, so it is more than secular or social celebration, but a Christian celebration with in-depth meaning in our relationship with God. That God love us so much that He sent His only begotten Son for us; that Jesus Christ was born for us, for our salvation, IMMANUEL! Christmas also signifies that the world is recognizing and calling Jesus the Christ, that the Messiah of the world; it is a witness to pass message to the world that Christ has been born and you are called to be born again in Christ.

But along the way, the devil was not happy as the word “Christmas” was circulating around the world everywhere even in the official, secular and social places, people calling Jesus Christ; and so people under the control of Satan moved to cancel Christ from Christmas, to remove Christ from the December 25th celebration, and you know when Christ is left from a celebration, when Christ is not glorified in whatever you are doing, it become idolatry.

So, in subtle and modern English, they cancelled Christ from Christmas and replaced it with Xmas. In English, X is another sign of cancelling, removing or wronging something. A symbol of approval may look like this √ or to mark something right but to cancel something, to disapprove something, you can use a symbol of X. This is the Xmas you have today, where Christ is removed and cancelled = Xmas. So where is the Christ in the Christmas we are celebrating today?

If you search the history of the word “Xmas” online, you will see different answers. They said that in Greek letters, X stands for “Chi” but since 'X' is not Chi in English, we read the word as X-mas and see no connection with Christ. In the United States, in 1977 New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thomson sent out a press release saying that he wanted journalists to keep the 'Christ' in Christmas and not call it Xmas--which he called a 'pagan' spelling of Christmas. An American Evangelist and Missionary Franklin Graham told CNN journalist Roland Martin in an interview: "For us as Christians, this is one of the most holy of the holidays, the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. And for people to take Christ out of Christmas. They're happy to say merry Xmas. Let's just take Jesus out. –

Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ into the world, and more than that, it is celebrating your birth in Christ, being born again, or how will you better celebrate Christmas without you being genuinely born again? That is useless! John 3:3

Christmas is remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and renewing our commitment to His service – living for Him and sharing the Good news to all men - evangelism! John 3:35, 36

Christmas is remembering the sacrificial giving of God, and practise the giving. “For God so loved the world that He gave His begotten Son” John 3:16. Giving is part and parcel of Christmas, sharing with others, no matter how small. You celebrating Christmas without sharing is an empty Christmas.

Xmas is a manipulated type of celebration by the unsaved, though claimed to be Christians. It is a pagan way of calling Christmas, they are scared to called “Christ” or they show they reject Jesus as the Christ of their lives, or they see writing “Christmas” as too long and lonesome.

Xmas is celebrating on December 25th without genuine salvation in Christ.

Xmas is celebrating Christmas in a way that will not glorify Christ.

Xmas is celebrating Christmas without Christ as the center.

With the clear differences listed above, you can clarify which type you have been celebrating or you are celebrating today. The genuine celebration of Christ begins the day you are genuinely born again, and on the Christmas, you make Christ the center of your celebrating, you do everything that will glorify Christ, you use the period to share the Good news of the birth of Christ.

NOTE 1: If you have not experienced genuine salvation that gives victory of adamic nature, addicted sins, and common sins, or if your Christian life has gone low or backward, you can use today to rededicate your life to Jesus and experience the purpose and power of His birth. Please click on this link, read the short message and pray as directed

NOTE 2: If you have been saved, you need to recommit yourself to serve God better and share His Good news more than ever before. The end is nearer than before. And do not join the pagan to call or type Christmas as Xmas.

God bless you and Merry CHRISTmas!

If you will like to surrender your life to Jesus, rededicate your life to Jesus, please click the link

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Corporal Punishment In Schools: What Does The Law Says?

Would it be out of place to state that some teachers are impatient
with children entrusted in their care and as such, government
should establish laws to regulate discipline in schools? Kuni Tyessi
takes a look at corporal punishment and Nigeria’s educational
Schools are social institutions and sometimes religious which have
been formed and accepted by various communities due to life-
time lessons they impart in the lives of children and adults alike.
These lessons have become necessary and sometimes mandatory
especially the formal education which is an open door to all of
life’s verisimilitudes.
Schools cannot function without teachers just like farmlands
cannot function without the farmer and his tools. With this
established fact, the question then is: What kind of teachers do
proprietors of schools employ these days? It was in the news last
year that a teacher in Edo State beat up a pupil with a bunch of
broom, simply because she failed arithmetic. As if that was not
enough, she had accused her of being a witch and was responsible
for all the problems in the school and in the life of the teacher. In
the process of flogging the girl which reports says started with a
cane, and then a bunch of a broom, the right eye of the girl got
damaged and medical experts in the country have said is beyond
repairs. The minor through her family is demanding for a
compensation of 100 million naira.
Teachers used to be the role models of many children but this is
not the case anymore. Some might say thanks to the stipends
paid to teachers at the end of each month. But that is not the
case as teaching is a noble profession that should be appreciated
and admired if only Nigeria can take a cue from other countries.
But what could have made a teacher, a married woman and
supposedly a mother to beat up a girl to the extent of damaging
an eye? Carelessness, wickedness, transfer of aggression, and the
list continue to grow, will likely be the reasons for such. However,
there should be a searchlight that should be beamed in all the
carnies as there might be more than meets the eye.
Already, it is no longer news to say that our public schools have
become mere dumping grounds for house helps and children of the
less privilege. This is not necessarily because of the low standard
of education when compared to private elitist schools and also
based on the tuition fees. But because of the lack of facilities and
deplorable conditions which in turn affects the psyche of teachers
and students as well as pupils alike. But should this reason, as
convincing as it looks be a reason for such?
A close study at our educational system has revealed that many
teachers pass through our tertiary institutions but do not allow
the classical dictates that serves as the foundation of the
establishments of the institutions to pass through them, as this
has proven that some of them cannot effectively communicate in
the imperial language referred to as English, the language of
power. That is not all. Some of them lack the basic principles to
teach and train the children in their care. With these short
comings, how then can they be effective in dispensing knowledge
as they cannot give out what they do not have and to make
matters worse, if they are being corrected by the children in their
A chat with an educationist with the Nasarawa State government
who pleaded anonymity disclosed that the rules of education
concerning discipline states that students must be corrected in
love and understanding which is basically what the Holy books
propagate. He revealed that punishment of any kind must be
documented in a punishment register as even the administration of
discipline must be done with some form of order. But as it is,
many educationists forget this rule/lesson as soon as they start
He further said that in the ethics of the profession, teachers were
not permitted to discipline students as it was only the principal or
head teacher who had the right to do so and whenever
punishment was to be administered especially if a cane was
involved, the hand of the principal or head teacher must not be
above arms length.
By and large, he was of the opinion that counseling most of the
time provided and yielded better results than corporal punishment
which if not properly administered could lead to low self esteem in
the student which will invariably affect the performance of the
Every day we hear about the constitution, its amendment in part or
in whole, fundamental human rights that has to do with women
and children who suffer double oppression in every society, acts,
bills and sections and all the balderdash that has to do with
having a good and vibrant society which is devoid of crimes based
on the laws that govern the Nigerian society. With all of these, the
constitution cannot be said to be complete as the issue of
teachers and how they discipline their students whether in passive
is not been mentioned.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Surprising Benefits of Okra


Okra is also known as “lady’s finger” in some parts of Asia. And various other names in other parts of the world. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world.

Okra is an edible pea pod and although can be eaten raw, I’ve never acquired the raw taste. You can lightly blanch, steam or give it a quick stir-fry to reduce the “green” taste.

Use when it’s tender, as it gets very fibrous when it’s older. In the okra pods, the white soft seeds (edible) are arranged in 5 to 10 vertical columns, giving it the angled appearance on the outside.
Nutritional Benefits

Okra is very low in calories and dense with nutrients. It is high in fiber, vitamin A, C, and folate content.

It is also a good source of the B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and traces of magnesium and manganese.

Okra is one of those few vegetables which have the highest content of phytonutrients and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, xanthin and lutein.

Health Benefits

Okra is one of the best medicinal vegetable although it is not everyone’s favorite. You may like to try it if you knew about its immense health benefits:

Anemia:  Helps red blood cells production and prevent anemia.

Anti-Cancer:  The high antioxidants in okra helps protect the immune system against harmful free radicals and prevent mutation of cells.

Asthma:  The high antioxidants and vitamin C content make okra useful for reducing asthmatic attacks.

Bone Strength:  Folate in okra builds strong bones and density, preventing osteoporosis.

Cholesterol:  The soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol, thus also reducing atherosclerosis and the risk of heart diseases.

Constipation:  The rich fiber and mucilaginous (slimy) content in okra pods help increase bulk, bind to toxins and ensure easy bowel movements with its natural laxative properties. Regularly eating okra also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Diabetes:  It has insulin-like properties that help to reduce blood sugar level.

Gut flora:  The fiber helps improve the population of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Immune Booster:  The high antioxidants and vitamin C content make okra a good immune booster food that reduce your catching the cough and cold.

Peptic Ulcers: The mucilaginous content provides a temporary coating to the digestive tract and stomach lining while healing the ulcers.

Pregnancy:  The rich folate content in okra can help decrease the incidence of neural tube defects in babies.

Skin Health:  With good bowel movements, skin health will improve. Helps reduce acne, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Vision Health: Okra contains beta-carotenes (precursor of vitamin A), xanthin and lutein, all antioxidant properties that are helpful for vision health, preventing eye problems like cataract and glaucoma.
Consumption Tips

Choose smaller-sized okra over the big ones.  The feel should be crisp and firm to be sure they are tender and not overly fibrous. Avoid those which color does not look fresh and are soft.

As with most vegetables, okra may be subject to insecticide/pesticides. Buy organic if possible. If not, soak okra in water with apple cider vinegar and seasalt for about 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Cut off the tops and cut okra into smaller pieces of 2-3 inches if desired. Lightly blanch, steam or quickly stir-fry to reduce the mucilage and the “green taste”. It can be added into your salad, or dipped into your home-made chilli sauce, or eat it just on its own.

Okra cannot be juiced due to its very fibrous texture and mucilaginous (slimy) content.


Like most vegetables, okra has a small amount of oxalic acid and does not generally bother. Avoid okra if you have a history of kidney stones.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Drinking Water on Empty Stomach is Good

It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB  ***(verify from a consultant)***, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases


1. - As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water.

2. - Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute.

3.- After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.

4. - After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.

5. - Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.

6. - The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:

1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days) ***(verify from a consultant)***
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain…

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks:

· Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,

· Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
· You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
· Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
· 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
· Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

How to Study in Six Simple Steps

Developing good study skills is critically important. You spend so much of childhood learning stuff, and being tested and quizzed and evaluated on what you've learned. Because of this, one of the most important subjects in education should be how to study, but it’s rarely taught. How well you study can make a huge difference in your success, so it’s worth spending a little time getting the principles right.

Follow these six simple steps and you’ll find it much easier to study — and you’ll retain much more information, making the whole process less onerous. You might even come to enjoy studying!


Make room, mentally and physically, for studying. Usually you’re studying for something specific, such as an exam. This can seem daunting, like a mountain to climb. If this sounds familiar, take a deep breath and pause for a moment before you start.

Think of how you make yourself comfortable when you do something you really enjoy, like watching a favorite television program. How do you settle in for the show? Do you sprawl or curl up? Do you have favourite relaxing clothes? Do you choose a particular drink or something to nibble? Borrow all these favorite things to make your studying a better experience. If you’re in a good space physically, you can improve your mental space.


Create your own personal work zone. It doesn’t have to look like a work-space — that’s what many students find off-putting. Building on what you did in the previous paragraph, make the place your own and somewhere you enjoy.


Find the right pace for your work. Sprinters work hard and fast in a burst of energy while marathon runners spread the load and build slowly towards the climax. There’s no right or wrong way to pace your studying, except what works for you. Notice the way you like to work, and adjust your pace accordingly. (Just remember, if you study at a slow pace, you'll need to set aside more time for the task.)

Whether you have bags of time or a brief study period, remember that breaks are just as important as active study (10 minutes off for every 30 minutes of study works for many people), and use those breaks to reward yourself with a small treat.


It helps to know how your memory works. Here is the key to memory: in any sequence, people remember the first and last things best. Whatever you try to remember, you’ll find yourself recalling the beginning and the end, with less clear memories of the middle. You can’t change this — it’s wired in, it's how our brains work — so don’t fight it. Instead, use this fact to your advantage by organizing your study so the most important bits are at the beginning and end of your sessions.


It’s always good to have a plan. However big or complex your task may look at first sight, with a feasible plan you can always find a way to manage it.

When studying, break your biggest goal into smaller chunks or tasks. It’s best if each of these chunks consists of a single topic. Often, you’ll discover one or two key elements that stand out and get fixed in your mind. You can then use those as building blocks.

Classic tricks used by memory professionals include ‘the house of memory’ where you place everything you want to remember in unique locations in the house. It’s also useful to use humor — play with your key-words and make them funny or outrageous. You’ll be surprised at how much easier they are to memorize.

Mind maps

A mind map is rough diagram that you can make to visually outline information. You can create a mind map by starting with the primary word or phrase of a topic in the center, with related, lesser categories branching out from it. Subcategories of these are on smaller branches, still. Your categories can consist of anything you think is important; they can be important terms, ideas, or tasks to complete — whatever you need to help you study or organize the information.

Mind maps are easy to master if you don’t use them already, and you’ll discover they help you remember masses of information much more efficiently than conventional lists. If you're not satisfied with your current note-taking skills, try building a mind map during your next class or lecture and see if you find it more helpful.

How to Control Your Urge to Have Sex?

It often stands unmet, because of competitive lifestyles, leaving no room for personal gratification. In such cases, controlling your urge can become difficult. The following article will show you how you can do so.
1. Acceptance

The first step to control your sexual urges is to accept that there is no shame in feeling this way. Most societal norms deem these urges as moral depravity and force us to bury these feelings, instead of accepting it as a part of life. We are born to believe that sex is sin and sexual urges are an abomination. These urges are nothing but physical needs which only seek fulfillment, in some way or the other. Instinctually, man cannot abort sexual thoughts. With this acceptance and a strong desire to curb it, you can keep your feelings in control.
2. Triggers

The next step to controlling your sexual feelings is to know what sets them off. Admittedly, man is surrounded by sexual innuendoes and signs so obvious, that they are almost a part of our daily lives. When one is sexually satiated, these signs tend to pass by unnoticed, but in the face of sexual starvation, these signs end up titillating more than pacifying. Identifying these triggers will help keep the mind alert enough to steer clear of them.
3. Will Power

When it is considered that with enough will power, one can move a mountain, controlling sexual urges on the same plane should ideally be anyone’s cup of tea. While it is impossible to obliterate sexual thoughts completely, curbing the intensity to a bare minimum will help you get through the day without distractions. A mental reminder, can serve as ample inspiration to help you power through the day without being tempted.
4. Transmutation

Translating your sexual urges to creative outputs will not only take your mind off them, but will help you make something new. At the end of the day, an urge is nothing but a feeling that enforces a lack of the desired object. Thus it is easy to manipulate with an equally engaging creative thought. Read a book, write poetry, paint or make pots. The end product of your misplaced creativity will provide equal satisfaction.
5. Exercise

Focusing your energy on something that consumes most of it and also helps you feel good, is a certain winner. Wake up early and go for a jog, or make swimming thrice a week a habit. You can also hit the gym every morning before work. Whatever be the means, allow your body to get the much-required exercise to keep your mind more in control.
6. Seek Help

If nothing seems to get your mind off sex, this might be the start of a potential problem. If you are in a relationship, try to talk to your partner about these unmet needs. Maybe with regular intercourse, these urges will successfully be siphoned off. If not, then consult your doctor for psychological counselling to find a way out of these extensive urges. Obsessive thinking can be relieved with medication and therapy.

The methods outlined above might help you find a way to keep your uncontrollable sexual urges in check.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases

Many people have various lung diseases or disorders among which the most common are asthma, bronchitis, and various types of cough. Different types of infections, allergies and smoking can be the cause of a certain type of lung disease or disorder.
This is a popular traditional remedy for treatment
of lung issues, especially asthma, both bronchial and cardiac. Our
grandmothers have prepared this remedy in the past and according to
those who have already tried it, it seems that they were right about
its healing power.
½ kg red/purple onions
½ kg sugar
2 lemons
1,5 l water
7 tablespoons of natural homemade honey
Preheat the sugar in a metal container at a moderate temperature,
stirring it constantly until it reddens. After that, add the onions,
previously sliced in tiny pieces, fry them shortly and add the water.
Boil the mixture at a moderate temperature until 1/3 of the water
evaporates. Leave it to cool down for some time, and then add the
honey and the juice, which you’ve previously squeezed out of the 2
lemons, and stir everything well. Finally, leave it to stay overnight and
then squeeze out the liquid and pour it into a glass bottle.
How to consume it:
You should consume 1 tablespoon of it before each meal until you use
up all of the remedy. Repeat the procedure until your lungs get well. It
is recommended that children should consume 1 teaspoon of the
remedy before each meal.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Is Nigeria Going The Way Of Turkey?

•Turkey is in the present day Europe and partly in Asia minor.
•Apostle Paul was a citizen of Tukey because Tarsus exists in Turkey.
•Christianity existed in Turkey for about 1,023 years while Christianity has only existed in Nigeria for 172yrs starting from when Rev. Birch Freeman came to Badagry in 1842.
•The seven churches Jesus spoke to in Revelations 2&3(Ephesus, Smyrna,Laodicea,Philadelphia,etc)existed in the old Turkey.
•The disciples were first called Christians in Turkey(Antioch)
•Turkey once had the largest Christian auditorium in Europe called Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
•Mary the mother of Jesus was taken to Turkey by Apostle John and till date, her room has become a tourist centre.


•Present day Turkey now has 96% muslims&0.02% Christians(less than 130,000).
•The Hagia Sophia(once largest church in Europe) was taken over by muslims and converted to a mosque for over 400yrs and later used as an Islamic Museum


•Emphasis on doctrinal differences weakened the Turkish church.
•Rivalries amongst denominations
•Petty politics in church coupled with ethnic biase
•The Turks were building big cathedrals instead of building men.


•Osman Ghazi discovered the disunity amongst Christians and used it to fight a Jihad that led to a mass genocide of the Armenians, the Hellen and Turks of that day. Infact, the weapon of war used was designed by a Turkish Christian.
•Many Christian women converted to Islam to save their lives and some were Molested.
•Osman Ghazi started the Ottoman empire which gave muslims political post and made it a religion of the state.


•Virtually all the mistakes the church in Turkey made, the Nigerian church has made it.
•We are building Cathedrals at the expense of discipling men.
•Disunity amongst churches
•Ethnicity in the church
•Denominational rivalry, etc.
•Sharp division along doctrinal lines

•The spiritual foundation of Turkey is stronger than that of Nigeria and Christianity existed for over 1000yrs in Turkey unlike ours which is just 172yrs but Islam Radicalism uprooted it. If it can happen in Turkey, it can also happen IF we are not careful.
•The menace of Boko Haram has destroyed a lot of churches in the north and it may take another 200yrs to evangelise Borno state alone.
•There is a secret agenda to Islamize Nigeria&other African nations as contained in Abuja declaration of 1989.



•HEART-FELT Intercession
•Aggressive evangelism- the terrorist reached out to the youths in the norths first and gave them AK-47 and bombs, if we had reached out to them on time, they'll be carrying BIBLES today.
•Mission support:-God is holding the church responsible for Boko Haram, yet we are blaming the governement.If we had supported missions and missionaries, we would have those insurgents to Christ long ago.
•Unity of the church is key in winning this battle. The last but not the least christians should be actively involve in politics. Enough of these muslims political office holder with islamic agenda


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

What Does the Bible Really Say About Alcohol?

Here are your
muttered the
when I
arrived to pick up the keys to
my office at Aberdeen
University, where I would be
studying for my doctorate in
theology. “It looks like you’re
in The Old Brewery.”
Intrigued by the name, I later
found out that it reflected the
building’s original function.
Aberdeen was founded in the
15th century and used to train
monks for ministry. In the
brewery, monks brewed vast
quantities of Scottish ale,
which was served by the liter
at mealtimes. And here I was,
a post-fundamentalist Ph.D.
student studying the
Scriptures in a malted
sanctuary where late medieval
Bible college students once
clapped mugs together in an
act of worship.
Throughout Christian history,
alcohol was rarely a taboo as
it is in some circles today.
John Calvin had a stipend of
250 gallons of wine per year
written into his church
contract. Martin Luther’s wife
was a famed brewer of beer,
which certainly won Martin’s
heart. And the Guinness
family created their renowned
Irish Stout as an act of
worship to Jesus. From
Bordeaux to Berlin, wine and
beer have always been part of
church tradition. But what
was once considered the
nectar of heaven was later
condemned as the devil’s
A Smart Approach
Even though some Christians
advocate for the total
abstinence of alcohol as a
moral mandate for all
believers, the Bible never
requires all believers to
abstain from alcohol. It
condemns drunkenness and
being enslaved to wine
(Ephesians 5:18; Titus 2:3),
but it never says that tee-
totaling is the better way to
obey God. In fact, the Bible
never says that abstaining
from alcohol is the wisest way
to avoid getting drunk. Think
about it. Alcoholism has been
rampant through every age,
but the Bible never says that
all believers should therefore
refrain from drinking.
Christians want to forbid all
alcohol consumption to avoid
drunkenness, then to be
consistent, they should also
avoid making a lot of money
to guard against the crushing
sin of materialism and the
misuse of wealth.
Alcohol as a Witness
I sometimes hear that when
Christians drink, it ruins their
testimony. But quite honestly,
I’ve never understood this
line of thinking. It’s one thing
if you’ve struggled with
alcoholism or are ministering
in a Muslim country, but for
the most part, most non-
Christians I know are turned
off by the arbitrary dos and
don’ts created by modern
Christians. I’m not convinced
that if my unbelieving
neighbor sees me slipping into
a pub, I will lose much
traction to my Gospel witness.
In many cases, the Gospel will
shine brighter when you
break down wrong
assumptions about
Christianity by having a beer
with your neighbor.
When we strip away all the
man-made clutter that dims
the Gospel, the full glory of
Jesus shines much brighter. A
good chunk of the dying
world that’s rejected
Christianity hasn’t said no to
Jesus, but no to a pharisaical
version of Him. Some people
have been turned off by the
Gospel because they’ve
thought that becoming a
Christ-follower meant giving
up having a beer with your
friends after work. If this is
the “good news” we preach,
then the true beauty of a
crucified and risen King will
become covered in the fog of
a man-made, pharisaical
“don’t drink” gospel. AA
didn’t hang on a cross for
your sins and abstaining from
alcohol won’t give you
resurrection life. Any
Christianese, man-made,
unbiblical footnotes to the
gospel are actually a
distraction and offense to the
Lower Alcohol
Now, some say that wine in
the Bible was nothing more
than grape juice and therefore
neither Jesus nor the Biblical
writers advocated drinking
alcohol. Others say that wine
was so diluted that it hardly
contained any alcohol. But
neither of these views can be
substantiated by what the
Scriptures actually say. If
wine was really unfermented
grape juice, then why did Paul
warn the Ephesians: “Do not
get drunk with grape juice,
which is debauchery, but be
filled by the Spirit?” This
doesn’t make sense. It is true
that wine back then probably
had a lower ABV than today’s
stuff. But whatever the
alcohol content, people were
quite able to get smashed by
drinking too much of it
(Proverbs 20:1; Isaiah 5:11).
Still, the Bible never says not
to drink it.
There’s another alcoholic
beverage mentioned in the
Bible called “strong drink. The
Hebrew word for “strong
drink,” shakar, refers to
fermented barley, which is
why some translations call it
“beer.” Shakar had an ABV of
around 6-12 percent, similar
to a Belgium Trippel Ale or a
Double IPA. Like all alcoholic
beverages, the Bible prohibits
abusing beer (Isaiah 5:11;
28:7; Proverbs 20:1; 31:4). But
in moderation, drinking beer
was encouraged (Proverbs
31:6). In fact, Deuteronomy
14:26 actually commands
Israelites to use some of their
tithe money to buy some
beers and celebrate before the
Lord. (Ever hear that verse
being read as the ushers are
passing the plates?) They
were also commanded to
offer up two liters of beer to
God six days a week and even
more on the Sabbath (see
Numbers 28:7-10). This is why
the absence of beer (and
wine) was an outcome of
God’s judgment on the nation.
Wine as a Blessing
But the Bible goes further
than admitting that drinking
is simply allowed.
Throughout Scripture, the
production and consumption
of beer and wine are often
connected to the covenant
promises of God.
Under the old covenant, wine
is a blessing (Deut 7:13; 11:14)
and the absence of wine a
curse (28:39, 51). When Israel
looked to the future, God
promises to flood them wine
flowing from the
mountaintops (Amos 9:14;
Joel 3:18) and vats brimming
with fresh wine (Joel 2:19,
Jesus signals the beginning of
such blessings by creating an
over-abundance (150 gallons)
of wine at Cana (John 2:1-10).
And on the eve of his death,
He sanctified a cup of wine as
“the new covenant in my
blood” (Luke 22:14-23). When
Christ comes back, He’ll
prepare “well-aged
wine” (Isaiah 25:6)—the stuff
I only notice on the top shelf
but can never afford—and for
theological reasons it will be
served, as at Cana, in
Although a good beer and rich
wine are blessings from God,
they should be consumed
with caution. There’s a
growing tendency, however,
among some younger
evangelicals to celebrate their
freedom without discipline.
These young, restless, and
slightly inebriated libertines
are doing some great things
for the Kingdom. They’re
feeding the poor, living in
community and planting
authentic churches—or
missional communities—all to
the glory of God.
Yes, God cares about the
poor; He also cares about
your sobriety. Enjoying
alcohol in moderation takes
discipline, and many beer
drinkers, I hate to say it,
aren’t known for their
discipline. A good glass of
beer can be celebratory; it
doesn’t belong in the hands of
an undisciplined 16-year-old
playing video games in his
mom’s basement. Belgium ale
is strong and complex. Savor
it, sanctify it, and let it
meditate on your palate. Give
glory to God, not just to your
thirst, when enjoying the
blessings that flow from
Eden. Drunkenness may not
be at the top of God’s list of
most heinous sins; neither
should it be tossed aside as a
relic of American
Drinking alcohol without
celebrating the Cross and
Kingdom is theologically
anemic. Abusing alcohol
mocks the blood of Christ and
scoffs at God’s holiness. But
moderate, intentional,
celebratory and reflective
drinking of wine and beer,
which contemplates the
crucified and risen King and
anticipates our future glory, is
rooted in the grace that
poured from Christ’s veins on
Culled from

Saturday, 6 September 2014

7 deadly sins in marriage

Much has been said of the Seven
Deadly Sins in religious dialogue.
But do they really affect your
marriage? Follow the links below
for a discovery of eternal truths
that can save your marriage.
Lust is characterized by excessive
thoughts of a sexual nature, or
uncontrollable, sickening sexual
desire. Today there is much talk of
sex addiction. Pornography,
adultery, fornication or that same
uncontrollable sexual desire can
destroy your relationship. A
healthy sexual relationship is vital
in marriage. Make sure your
partner is sexually satisfied so that,
ultimately, he is not tempted to go
out looking for sexual gratification
somewhere else or by other means.
If in your relationship you do not
get enough sex, master your
impulses and learn how to ask
properly and prepare your partner
so she feels the desire to be with
you sharing those sacred and
intimate moments. Chastity is the
opposite of lust.
Sloth is closely tied to its sister,
indifference. A mind that is not
busy doing something productive is
a mind that does not function; it is
somewhat ill or null and void. You
should not treat your spouse with
an attitude of indifference. Fulfill
your home and work
responsibilities with enthusiasm.
When your spouse wants to tell you
something, give her your full
attention. Find out how she really
feels, does she need something?
Does she feel sick or hungry? Or
does she want to chat or go for a
walk? Avoid activities that are just
for you, like playing videogames, or
surfing the Internet. Your partner
will surely also want to spend time
with you after so many hours apart
from the workday. Diligence is the
opposite of sloth.
Gluttony & Drunkenness
Gluttony and drunkenness is
unnecessary or excessive
consumption of food and harmful
substances. Alcohol or drugs fall
into this category. These practices
are addictive and destructive.
Alcohol, for example, can lead to
acts of violence or other
inappropriate behavior that will
make you feel terribly ashamed
later. None of these excesses will
build your self-esteem, on the
contrary, they will destroy it and
you will lose your self-respect and
sense of individual worth. Your
spouse, who loves you, will suffer
endless hours of loneliness and
despair unable to fight a vice that
seems invincible. Avoid any
excesses, and completely avoid the
use of any substance that causes
dependency, because this will only
lead you to a dead end.
Temperance is the opposite of
Wrath is also known as anger, rage
or hatred. It is a feeling of
impatience and intolerance. Do not
be angry with your spouse, be
patient. Keep in mind that everyone
makes mistakes. Face life with a
sense of humor and you will see
that nothing is as bad as it seemed
a moment ago. Learn to control
your emotions. Practice
meditation, read the Bible or other
religious books that brings peace to
your soul. Pray to your God,
breathe deeply and take a few
moments to cool your head when
someone says something that
irritates you or does something you
don’t like. Control your tongue.
Don’t say the first thing that comes
to mind. Think carefully before you
speak and never ever use violence
against your spouse. Remember
that violence can be physical,
verbal or emotional. A good dose
of patience, the virtue opposed to
anger, will calm those raging
impulses. Patience is the opposite
of wrath.
Envy is a harmful emotion that
feeds on and enjoys watching the
suffering of others. It not only
makes you want what someone else
has, but also makes you want to
deprive another person of what
they have. In your relationship you
should never belittle your spouse.
Treat her as your equal. You must
have empathy for her sorrows. You
should try to make her happy. If
you feel miserable for some
reason, do not drag her into the
abyss. Be happy for her
accomplishments, even if it means
you are out of the spotlight for a
moment. Charity is the opposite of
Greed is another sin of excess.
Greed is the need to acquire
material things. If you are the sole
provider for your family, it does
not mean that all the money is
yours and only you can administer
it and spend it. If you and your
spouse work, do not keep track of
individual profits. Put all the wages
in a single bank account. This way
you will not feel that one
contributes more than the other.
Do not obsess over making more
and more money. You will never
feel satisfied with how much you
have saved, because you can never
get enough of what you don't need.
Spend, instead, more time with
your spouse. Spend quality time
together and enjoy the fruits of
your labor. What good is it to
gather and save goods and riches
and never enjoy them? Generosity
is the opposite of greed.
Pride is also known as the mother
of all sins. Other synonyms are:
arrogance, vanity, insolence and
vainglory. It stems from enmity, as
explained by the religious leader
Ezra Taft Benson. A proud person
will never apologize; in a marriage
relationship that attitude becomes
a deadly weapon. In a relationship
where none, or just one of them, is
humble enough to ask for
forgiveness, with surety will not
become a nest of happiness and
bliss. Learn to be humble, to love
and respect your partner. Control
your ego and recognize the
excellent abilities, gifts and talents
of your spouse. Recognize her
efforts to please you. Be a faithful
friend and constant companion to
the person you promised to spend
the rest of your days with.
Humility is the opposite of pride.
You can change!
Are you guilty of any sins in your
relationship? If so, it is never too
late to change one of the seven
deadly sins for one of the seven
virtues in marriage.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil (adi-agbon) and Its Uses

Coconut is composed of about
50% of lauric acid, the same
acid found in breast milk,
which actually is the only
other good known source of
lauric acid . This acid , gives
the coconut oil an amazing
antiviral, antifungal and
antibacterial properties , and is
useful both , for internal and
external use . Coconut is rich
in nutrients, fiber , vitamins
and minerals .
-Many studies have shown
that, the consumption of
coconut oil can be very useful
to our body, to build
resistance to viruses (which
cause influenza, measles ,
hepatitis , herpes ) and bacteria
(responsible for ulcers , throat
infections, urinary tract
infections, pneumonia, and
gonorrhea ), also fungal
infections and candida . It also
positively affects on the
thyroid, and controls the
blood sugar.
Coconut oil contains a healthy
form of saturated fat , which
means its consumption helps
in speeding up the
metabolism, while giving more
energy (fuel for the brain and
muscles) and greater stamina.
All these affect in the loss of
excess weight, and maintain a
healthy and balanced weight .

The Best 9 Times To Drink Water

How do you feel about drinking
Naturally, you probably drink som
water in the course of a day. Even
if you don’t have a glass of clear
water, you can find more limited
sources of drinking water in
beverages like tea and coffee, and
in foods such as soups and
stews. Did you know that drinking
water could be a lifesaver? Pure,
clean drinking water does much to
keep your body running smoothly
and to guard your health.
Want to drink more water to
benefit your health? Try these tips
for identifying nine times that you
body needs drinking water most.
1. Drink water when you first get
Imagine walking into a dark room
and looking for something. Chance
are you will stumble and maybe
even fall unless you turn on the
light. Or consider starting your car
in sub-zero temperatures and
putting it into gear without waitin
for the engine to warm up. Either
situation can lead to problems or
even disasters.The same is true of
the human body. Without water
to “wake up and turn on” the bod
each day, you may be running on
empty, especially if you skip
breakfast altogether. Have a glass
of cool water right after you wake
up in the morning to tell your bod
it’s time to get started. Like a
gently flowing stream that pushes
along debris and rocks, your
circulatory system needs fluid to
get rid of stubborn free radicals
and residue from burned calories
that were used during the night’s
metabolism. Refresh your system
with a drink of water.
2. Drink water before each meal.
Drinking water before a meal help
you feel fuller, so you may be less
likely to attack your meal like a
starving person. Water helps
prepare the stomach for the food
that will follow, waking up taste
buds on the tongue and
moisturizing the stomach lining so
brittle or acidic foods won’t be
Having a glass of water clears your
mouth of dryness or leftover tastes
from earlier dining, drinking, or
smoking in anticipation of the food
that is coming.
3. Drink water with a snack.
Between meals, if you feel hungry,
try some fresh drinking water firs
to see if you are dehydrated.
Sometimes people think they are
hungry when they really are just
thirsty. If you shop at the grocery
store or supermarket while
dehydrated, chances are you are
going to spend more to
subconsciously fill that empty urge
Drinking water before a snack, or
with one, will help you feel full
faster and perhaps eat less, a habi
that could benefit two-thirds of ou
nation that is considered
overweight or obese.
4. Drink water before a workout.
Depending on the temperature,
humidity, and your body’s fluid
levels, you may need one or severa
glasses of water, each about eight
ounces, to arm yourself against
dehydration during an indoor or
outdoor workout.Whether you pla
for a sports team or simply jog for
personal fitness, hydration is
essential to help guard against hea
stroke in warm weather and
frostbite in cold temperatures, as
your body’s circulation plays a
protective role in both seasons.
5. Drink water after a workout.
Following your exercise session,
drink up to replace fluids lost by
sweating and physical labor. Don’t
drink too much too quickly, or you
could induce stomach cramps. But
make sure you drink enough so yo
don’t stay dehydrated.
6. Have water with your
medication, if allowed.
If you are allowed to take water
with your medication, do so. Wate
helps to dissolve the medication an
spread it throughout your digestiv
organs for rapid absorption. Water
prepares the tissues to receive the
substance and put it to work right
away.Water also helps medicine
work its way through your system
and out the other end, which can
be beneficial when you take harsh
medications with side effects.
7. Drink more water to prevent
illness following exposures.
If you are around sick people in th
hospital or at work and school,
drink a little more water than usu
to wash away germs and viruses
that your body may have picked u
from exposure to these people. A
well-hydrated body helps to move
along any invaders before they
settle down and multiply in your
system. Drinking water each day
before or after going out in public
can help to prevent certain types o
viruses, or lessen their severity
8. Drink more water when you’re
When you do become ill, drink
plenty of fluids—the old-time recip
still works. Most experts
recommend drinking eight glasses
of water each day (eight ounces pe
glass), in addition to other fluids
like tea, juice, and soup.People in
the hospital often have an IV
dripping water into their vein
continuously so they can keep
hydrated as well as maintain a line
to your body if medications are
9. Have a glass of water when
you’re tired.
Feeling tired? Fatigued? Need a
nap but can’t take one? Have a
glass of water. Because of its abilit
to move quickly throughout the
body, water can reach your brain
and activate it right before a
meeting or other situation where
you need to pay attention. Cold
water, especially, will wake up you
body to keep you alert.
When to stop drinking water.
If you don’t like getting up at nigh
to use the restroom, avoid fluids
two hours before bedtime, and visi
the restroom a couple of times
before you go to bed.
You can keep a glass of drinking
water close to your bed in case yo
wake up thirsty at night, but keep
in mind you might have to get up
and use the restroom before
Drink pure, clean water without
People who live in urban areas tha
have their own water supply may
be able to drink tap water with no
Others who live in more rural area
and rely on well water or ground
water sometimes decide to purcha
processed water to avoid possible
chemicals in drinking water. They
may also be avoiding pollution fro
farm runoff, industrial landfills, an
other toxic sources of
If you don’t buy bottled water, you
can get a filter for your kitchen
faucet that will remove up to 99%
of local contaminants to purify you
drinking water. Contact your local
public health service for a referral
to water testing systems that can
come and check your water as wel
as advise you how to treat it or
take precautions if any are needed
There is no replacement for clear,
pure, natural drinking water. Over
the past few decades, it has gotten
scarcer, with the result that more
and more people are choosing to
buy processed water or installing
filters in their homes.
Water used to be a free or cheap
resource; not so any longer.
Nowadays you have to check the
water for bacteria and toxins befor
you can safely use it in your home
for everyday activities like cooking,
bathing, and cleaning. Don’t take
your water supply for
granted.  Find out if your drinking
water is safe, and if not, what you
can do to make it usable.

Remedy For Sore Throat

With this simple and easy to
make recipe you will get rid of
sore throat very soon . Rather
than throwing money on drugs
that will reduce the immunity
of the body , try to cook this
natural remedy that will help a
lot .
Ingredients :
2 -3 lemons
Preparation :
Chop the lemon and ginger into
pieces and place them in a
small jar. Then , fill the jar with
honey to the top with , close it
nicely and leave it in the fridge,
where it will turn into jelly.
Take a tablespoon of jelly , put
it in a cup and pour it with hot
water. Allow the jelly to melt
and the tea is ready.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Drink Warm Water With Lemon And Honey In The Morning

Many people drink warm water
with honey in the morning . It
is very healthy for the body .
This tasty beverage is a great
replacement for coffee and a
great act of awakening the
body .
Add 1 tablespoon of honey in
a glass of warm water and
drink it every morning. You
can also add lemon juice or
add a little bit of cinnamon
for better results .
This natural drink helps with :
Reducing weight ,
Providing energy
Cleaning the body ,
Reduce weight ,
Provides energy
It purifies the body ,
Acting antimicrobial ,
Heals cough and cold ,
It cleanses the body of
It strengthens the immune
system ,
Accelerates metabolism ,
Helps with chronic
Neutralize acids in the
stomach ,
It calms the nerves ,
Removes bad odor from
the mouth
And rejuvenates the skin
making it more elastic.

Friday, 29 August 2014

How To Lower Your Blood Pressure in Just 5 Minutes Without Any Medication !

The increased blood pressure
in the modern age illness ,
related closely to stress, lack
of sleep , and bad nutrition.
Almost everyone has found
himself in a situation of high
blood pressure , regardless of
the reasons. When we face
stress or exaggerated physical
activity , the muscles tend to
tighten and the blood vessels
increase the pressure .

The muscles need to be
relaxed as soon as possible .
Sport’ s medicine doctor , Lou
Hansen , reveals secrets of
Chinese medicine which are
helpful in regulating the blood
pressure in five minutes-
without using any medication!
Spot no .1
This spot is actually a line
which connects the earlobe
and collarbone. You need to
gently massage this line from
the top down using your
fingertips . Repeat this process
ten times on each side.
Spot no . 2
This spot is located about half
centimeter going from the
earlobe to the nose . Massage
the spot using your fingertips
for one minute on each side .
Press hard, without causing
any pain. After the treatment,
the blood pressure should be
regulated .

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Monday, 24 March 2014

Audio Yoruba Bible

I'm listening to: Romans


Touching Story.
A cat was so faithful that the woman could leave her baby with it & go out to attend other matters. She always returned to find the child soundly asleep with the cat faithfully watching over him.
One day something tragic happened. The woman as usual, left the baby in the "hands" of this faithful cat & went out shopping. When she returned, she discovered rather a nasty scene, there was a total mess. The baby's cot was dismantled; his nappies & clothes torn to shreds with blood stains all over the bedroom where she left the child & the cat. Shocked, the woman wailed as she began looking for the baby.
All of a sudden, she saw the faithful cat emerging from under the bed. It was covered with blood and licking its mouth as it had just finished a delicious meal.
The woman went berserk & assumed that the cat had devoured her baby.
Without much thought she beat the cat with a wood to death. But as she continued searching for the"remains" of her child, she beheld another scene. Close to the bed was the baby, who although lying bare on the floor, was safe & under the bed the body of a snake torn to pieces in what must have been a fierce battle between it & the cat, which was now dead.
Then reality dawned on the woman who now began to understand what took place in her absence. The cat fought to protect the baby from the ravenous snake.
It was too late for her now to make amends because in her impatience and anger,she had killed the faithful cat.
How often have we misjudged people & torn them to shreds with harsh words and deeds before we have had time to evaluate the situation? It is called SIN OF PRESUMPTION
Presuming things our way without taking the trouble to find out exactly what the situation really is. Little patience can drastically reduce major life long mistakes. Who Are you misjudging right now. Don't think what you think others are thinking. Take time to get the whole truth.
Share if you're touched and use it as a LESSON!

Friday, 21 March 2014

RCCG Puts Smiles On Faces Of Lagos Residents

In line with her Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), the new creation chapel, Ajao, Lagos, over the weekend  put smiles on the faces of some of the residents of Oriba, Tagbati, Mayunre and Olorunsogo communities of Epe local government area.

The programme according to the parish pastor of the church, Pastor Igho Orienru, was in line with the mandate given by the general overseer of the church, Pastor Enoch Adeboye that the church must ensure implementation of projects within their locality to complement government’s efforts in providing basic amenities for the citizens.

He said that corporate social responsibility entails giving back to the society by adding value to the life of the people and not only blessing the people spiritually but also ensure that their physical life have a meaning.

“It was on this note that the new creation chapel came together for the first time to stage this year’s CSR to the rural people so that we can have a better impact on the unreached communities unlike previous years”.

Pastor Orienru pointed out that free medical care, foods, clothes and other items were distributed to the communities.

On the theme of the programme, “Reaching the unreached initiatives”, the pastor said that the church was continually reaching out to the rural communities that are yet to feel government impact and also planning to embark on community projects like providing clean water.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Apostle Johnson Suleman’s 54 points 2014 Prophecies

Apostle Johnson Suleman’s 54 points 2014 Prophecies 1. Rivers lawmaker to be arrested and charged for murder(it’s an attempt to discredit him and the Nigeria police lied… The presidency and it’s men will use the police against many people. 2. Bamanga Tukur will be removed and disgraced. 3.PDP is bad but APC is worse. 4.Presidential ticket will split APC. 5. Jonathan will manipulate second term. 6. APC will win more slots in 2015. Over 70% of government will be in their hands. 7. If Jonathan goes ahead to contest , he will be president but will not finish his term. 8. Lagos will have a Christian governor. 9. I see CBN printing high denomination naira notes this year. 10. Tinibu of APC should not smile yet as there will be serious problems in APC. 11. The national dialogue will be the worst Nigeria has ever had, it will end up with fights and accusation of embezzlement. 12. South West will be seriously divided as a top APC chieftain will die. 13. I see bombing in Kenya. 14. Jonathan will survive impeachment. 15. If president Jonathan and Ameachi can resolve their difference, PDP will regain their lost glory. 16. Tinubu and Fashola will fight dirty. 17. Musicians should pray against road accidents. 18.I see cabinet ministers out of the villa. 19. Accord party in Oyo will gain relevance. 21.President Jonathan is the last PDP president. 22. A major and great man of God will be called home. His ministry has blessed the world. 20. APC will claim victory in 2015 but the court will give it to Jonathan . 23. A Super Eagles player will be involved in a ghastly motor accident. 24. Niger Bridge needs urgent attention, collapse is imminent. 25. Oba of Benin, oh we need to pray. 26. A northern leader, SGF, Chief of Staff will be among those in the team negotiating on the president’s behalf because he will be told to step down but will not. 27. I like jonathan’s gentle nature but he is surrounded by wrong people. 28. Obasanjo should shut up, he will have problem. 29. Olumba Olumba olu will have serious problems. 30. Republic of Benin will mourn a past leader. 31. Many christians looking for babies will have babies this year. 32. Ikonjo Iweala will have serious problems 33. Stella Oduah will have problems. 34. Another plane crash . Eminent personalities involved. 35. Kidnap to be more common in the west. 36. Third mainland bridge needs fresh touch. 37. All service Chiefs will be fired. 38. Oyo and Ogun state governors, I don’t see them coming back. If they can pray hard, mercy may smile at them but, I see them go home. 39. Nollywood needs to pray and cancel death. I see four people. A list among them. 40. Ghana president will be betrayed by friends. 41. Governors and senators will leave PDP. 42. The Northern candidates against president Jonathan will be two majorly. 43. We should pray against Nigeria break up. 44. Tuface, Davido and Wizkid need prayers against international disgrace. 45. South Africa needs prayers not to return to the past. 46. I saw a colenel in the military trying to stage a coup but he will fail. 47. The economy of Nigeria will go worse but true Christians will prosper. 48. NTA needs prayers. I saw them crying over the loss of one of their bosses and fire out break in one of the stations. 49. Obiano, the governor elect of Anambra will face serious problems because God is unhappy with the way he was declared governor. 50. The presidency will dump governor Dickson of Bayelsa. 51. I see fuel scarcity. 52. PENGASSAN and NUPENG need prayers. 53. A popular king in Niger Delta will die. 54. Serious crisis in the north and will attract foreign help.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 Prophecies By Pastor Adeboye (RCCG)

1. God says a divine promise of more
than a decade ago will begin to find
2. Someone can expect a prominent
divine visitation that will radically alter
the course of his or her life
3. Someone will have the first taste.
There will be quite a few narrow
escapes of tragedies
1. The future of Nigeria will be
determined this year and not in 2015
2. The equation at the beginning of
the year will be different from
equation at the year end. Therefore,
don’t jump into conclusion.
1. There will be major breakthroughs
in medicine and science
2. Pray against noisy highly destructive
3. Pray against monumental fire
NB : Other prophecies are not for
public consumption, says the G.O

2014 prophecies by Pastor Kumuyi

The key that opens and closes
significant door
The lord has the key of David. Any
door he closes no one can open
and any door he opens no one can
2014 the lord shall give you the
key of heaven, whatsoever you
bind on earth shall remain bind in
heaven and whatsoever you loose
on earth will be loose in heaven
Act 12:7 The lord shall send his
angel to deliver you from every
chains of Bondage in Jesus name
The Angel of the lord shall open a
way for you in Jesus name
When peter get to the door, the
door of the prison opened
The door of any form of prison will
open Automatically for you this
year in Jesus name
Door of blessing
Door of Miracle
Door of Santification
Door of Righteousness
The lord shall help you to defeat
your enemy and they shall scather
in all direction
The lord shall help you to succeed
in all your works
Your harvest will be so large that
your store house will be filled
This 2014 will be a year of open
door to you, for the lord shall give
you the key to open and close
every significant door
The soul that sinneth shall die
If you regard Inequity in your
heart, the lord shall not hear your
The lord will not suspend his law
for the year2014 and bless sinners.
These blessings are not for
These blessings are not for
These blessing is not for sinners
Unforgiveness of the heart will
shut the door against you
Bitterness of the heart will close
the door against you
Hatred, Anger, Envy, Jeleousy,
Social Attitude will shut the door
against you
December 31, or January 1st will
not change the words of the bible.
This year
1. Be slow to Anger
2. Stop any kind of lies
3. Avoid people who can get you
4. Avoid False Revelation
5. Avoid false dreams
6. This is not the year to dress like
7. This is not the year to dress like
the Babylon woman
8. This is not the year to paint
your face like the Egyptians,
Cusmetic of the world, Tatoo's of
the world
9. Avoid Facebook samson or
10. This is not the year to make
friendship with the world: James
4:4: if yea keep my comandment,
you will be my possession among
all people says the lord.
If you serve me, you shall spend
your days in posperity and your
year in pleasure many people will
always want to skip the verse 12
which says
But if you obey me not, you shall
perish by the sword and shall die
without knowledge.
Read it or not, it's God's word and
must come to pass

2014 Prophecies By Dr. DK Olukoya Of MFM

Dr. Olukoya tagged the year the
passover year with reference to
Exodus 12 vs 21, wherein
promises would be fulfilled, he
also drew a nexus between the
number 14 and the passover,
going to the prophecies, he said.
1. This
year is going to be one of great
2. It is going to be a year of many
questions but very few answers
3. There is going to be deliverance
this year from afflictions and
4. A year of monumental failure
for those who trust in the occult
5. A year of harvest of babies
6. A year of wonders and
7. A year wherein strange hands
shall compete for flags and
damage it(to be forestalled by
8. He said something about
violent storms
9. A year of deliverance for many,
as the passover signified an halt
to the isrealites bondage.
10. Opposition against the
righteous this year shall become
11. A year of heavy angelic
12. A year for prophetic dreamers
(take cognisance of your dreams
this year)
13. A year when God will raise up
women who are prophetic voices
for the country
14. A year when many companies
shall go bankrupt (to be
forestalled by prayer)
15. A year of earthquakes and
16. A tough year for political
leaders who are not standing
17. Traders shall be chased out of
Gods temple this year
18. A year of marine madness(had
to have these shortened, there are
12 more)
Capping it, he gave seven
necessities for this year, he said
you need, divine presence, divine
power, divine protection, divine
provision, divine purpose, divine
positioning and divine
promotion, in conclusion he
emphasised the need for the
pleading of the blood of Jesus this
year also drawing a nexus with
the isrealites passover. Shalom.