Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Why Older People Tend to Be Poor Decisionmakers

It’s not just dementia and cognitive decline that makes people more uncertain with age; changes in rationality and the way the elderly evaluate risk could explain why they are more likely to make the wrong decisions affecting everything from their health to their finances.

While numerous studies have documented a drop in cognitive function with age, there isn’t solid data to explain what drives this decline in decisionmaking, particularly in the face of uncertainty. But according to the latest research, poor choices made by the elderly can’t be attributed to their lack of math skills or a fear of financial losses. In the study, people over the age of 65 tended to be inconsistent when making decisions in which there was one obviously correct answer, like choosing between a definite win of $5 and a lottery with indefinite odds of winning the same amount.

The research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, included 135 people, ranging in ages from 12 to 90, who made 320 decisions under different scenarios involving varying monetary gains or losses and differing levels of risk.

“We found it surprising and stunning,” says study co-author Ifat Levy, assistant professor of comparative medicine and neurobiology at Yale University. “These are highly functional older people, and they still got it wrong more often than younger people did.” She and her colleagues found that nearly half of the losses in possible income among the oldest people in the study resulted from this kind of error.

The results didn’t change if the oldest old were excluded — and the scientists tested for whether the effect was due to dementia. But all of the older participants performed well on multiple cognitive tests. Time pressure wasn’t a factor either.

Prior research showed that most people are willing to take bigger risks when there’s a possibility of gaining money than if there’s a risk of losing what they already have.

But the elderly in the study revealed nearly the opposite behavior, exposing a seemingly irrational and inconsistent thought process. While they were far less adventurous than younger adults when making choices about possible gains, they seemed to throw caution to the wind when it came to making decisions about potential loss.

Levy isn’t sure why this occurs, but speculates that it may have something to do with the older participants’ life experience. “I think maybe they think that they have less to lose as they are approaching an old age or the end of life,” she says. That could have less to do with cognitive changes and more to do with the shifting value they place on risk and benefit as they age.

That understanding could have implications not only for family members caring for elderly relatives, but also for policymakers as the proportion of older people in our society increases. The findings may help explain why the elderly are much more vulnerable than the young, for example, to financial losses and to making poor health decisions. “It’s definitely a big part of why they may get taken advantage of,” says Levy. “At the policy level, this is [maybe] something that should be taken into account in planning retirement and health options that are offered.”

In fact, other research suggests that the impairments in decisionmaking may extend beyond financial situations to situations like driving. And that’s why the researchers urge additional studies to uncover more about how the older life stage, independent of cognitive decline, changes the way the elderly make decisions.

Recognizing this, the authors conclude, “Although this may be a unique study of age and preference on this scale, it is important to recognize that it is in fact a very small study, conducted in two cities in the northeastern United States. This study should not be taken as offering any final characterization of decision making across the lifespan in the human population.” It does, however, suggest that we need to learn a lot more about the different ways that age affects decisions — and what can be done about it.

Four Things You Need to Know About Nigeria’s Boko Haram

1. The group was founded by a firebrand cleric called Mohammed Yusuf

Boko Haram is a Sunni terrorist organization that claims links to Al Qaeda and other groups of a similar ideological bent, both in the region and internationally. The group’s current incarnation was founded in 2003 under the leadership of a young Islamic cleric named Mohammed Yusuf. He was killed during a failed uprising against the Abuja government in July 2009 that spread across four northern states, but was successfully crushed by security forces. During the crackdown, Yusuf was arrested and killed while in custody. Since his death, his former deputy Abubakar Shekau has taken Boko Haram’s reins of power and launched a violent campaign largely targeting police stations, federal institutions and Christian villages across northeast Nigeria.

2. They kill students because they hate Western civilization

A rough translation of Boko Haram is: “Western civilization is forbidden.” The group’s main goal is to establish an Islamic caliphate within the country, which would allow for the implementation of sharia law. Boko Haram sees public schools as places where students are brainwashed by a “Western” curriculum, and earmarks them as significant targets in its war to drive secular, federal institutions from Nigeria’s Islamic heartland.

3. The head of the leader of Boko Haram is worth $2 million more than the head of the leader of the Afghan Taliban

To date, Boko Haram is believed to have been responsible for more than 3,500 deaths in Nigeria. Government troops have reported success against the rebels during a summer offensive. However, such claims are difficult to independently verify. Boko Haram does not posses the numbers or firepower needed to overthrow the state, but the fear is that they will consolidate ties with other insurgents in Africa, including the Algerian Al Qaeda and Somalia’s Al-Shabab, responsible for the recent massacre at Nairobi’s Westgate Mall.  The U.S. government’s bounty for Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau stands at $7 million. To put this in perspective, it’s $2 million more than what’s offered for the Afghan Taliban’s top man, Mullah Omar.

4. They don’t have many supporters, not even in Nigeria’s Muslim heartland

Boko Haram’s stronghold has traditionally resided in the Nigeria’s northeastern hinterlands. These are home to most of the country’s Muslim communities, but many are part of the Sufi sect and do not share Boko Haram’s extremist ideology. That doesn’t give them much protection from Nigerian troops, however, who have launched multiple offensives against Boko Haram over the years. Rights groups have accused state security forces of razing civilians’ homes during these campaigns, and torturing and summarily executing people with suspected, albeit largely unproven, ties to Boko Haram.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Gates calls “Ctrl+Alt+Del” command a mistake

Bill Gates has described the decision to use Ctrl+Alt+Del as the command needed to log on to a PC as a mistake.

Originally designed to trigger a reboot of a PC, it survives in the Windows 8 operating system as the command to access the task manager toolbar and is still used in older versions to log on.

In an interview, the Microsoft co-founder blamed IBM for the shortcut, saying he had favoured a single button.

IBM engineer David Bradley invented the keyboard shortcut.

Originally, he had favoured Ctrl+Alt+Esc, but he found it was too easy to bump the left side of the keyboard and reboot the computer accidentally so switched to Ctrl+Alt+Del because it was impossible to press with just one hand.

During IBM’s 20th anniversary celebrations, he said that while he might have invented it, Bill Gates made it famous.

His involvement in the invention has made him something of a programming hero though- with fans asking him to autograph keyboards at conferences.

The shortcut, also known as the three-finger salute – came to prominence in the early 1990s as a quick fix for the infamous “blue screen of death” on PCs.

Speaking at a fundraiser at the Harvard University, Gates said he thought that it had been a mistake.

“We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM keyboard design did not want to give us our single button.”

While some loathe the clunky command, others took to news site Reddit to express their fondness for it.

“I feel a single button would be a mistake,” said one.

“There’s a conscious commitment and in many cases a sense of satisfying sword play in executing the two-handed finger strike of Ctrl-Alt-Del.”

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Prayers and Blessings: How Do They Differ?

One of the kindest gestures an individual can make is to offer prayers for someone in need. Even in the midst of your own struggles, you have to remember someone else is always worse off and can benefit from your heartfelt prayers. You may even want to include an individual or a situation into your prayer for the day on a regular basis. Not only that, but you can request blessings on their behalf.

What Are Blessings?

While prayers and blessings are related, and are often used as interchangeable terms, they are actually slightly different in meaning and purpose. Prayers are petitions we make to God, such as asking for favor or direction in our lives. We can also pray as a means of conversing with God, having daily fellowship with Him, or simply offering our praise and gratitude to Him.

Blessings, on the other hand, represent a special form of prayer or invocation. We typically request God's blessings for His divine favor, protection, or abundant provision for other individuals, as well as ourselves. Biblical stories relate many instances of patriarchs of the faith invoking blessings on their families, and prophets of God asking Him to rain down showers of blessings on His faithful followers.

Many cultures and religions in the world have carried on the tradition of blessings for centuries, and still do today. Many of these blessings are for special occasions, such as births and weddings. The recipients of blessings are not limited to people; many blessings also focus on animals, nature, businesses, and other special objects or areas of life that are important to us.

Another difference between prayers and blessings is that when we pray, we speak directly to God, whereas when we offer blessings, we offer or bestow these special words on other people. When we pray, we work on maintaining or strengthening our relationships with God. When we request blessings for others, or bestow blessings on other people, we acknowledge God's intervention in our lives and His ability to provide for others, as well as ourselves.

God said to pray without ceasing, and to love others as we love ourselves. Offering blessings to and for others is one way to demonstrate our Christian love and fulfill God's greatest commandment.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

How to Find Out a Private Number Phone Call

Tracing a Phone Call Using *57

Hang up your phone then lift the receiver again. Make sure there is a dial tone. There is a fee for this service and you will either be charged every time you trace a call or you will select and pay for this service upfront. To pay for this service upfront, contact your phone company and inquire about your options.

Press *57 on your phone. According to harwichpolice.com, if you have a rotary dial phone, you can dial 1157.

Listen to the announcement that verifies that the call has been traced. You will not get the actual number. The phone company records the traced phone number.

Contact the phone company to request an authorization form be sent to you to sign. For example, pioneer.net states that after you dial *57, immediately call the phone company (to verify that you initiated call trace) and it will send you the authorization form to sign. According to privacyrights.org, you will have to sign the authorization form before the phone number is turned over to law enforcement officials. You can authorize law enforcement officials to further investigate the matter.

Call your local police department and file a report. According to pioneer.net, the police will contact the phone company directly and work with them to begin an investigation. The police department will request the date and time of the calls as well as the traced phone call from the phone company.

How to Block Unwanted Calls to Your Cell Phone
How to Block Incoming Phone Calls

Call you telephone service provider and request the "call block" feature. If you have a wired or business telephone, dial *60 and follow the prompts to block up to six numbers on your telephone. Incoming calls labeled "out of area" or "unknown" cannot be blocked.

With the wireless or cellular telephone, the call block feature may be automatically programed into you cell phone. If not, call your cellular service provider and request a plan that includes the call block feature, and you may be able to block unwanted incoming calls on a per-number basis.

Register with the National Do Not Call Registry by going to the website listed in the Resources section of this article. An individual can register a phone number, verify the registration of that number or file a complaint at this website. A home phone number or a cell phone number can be used.

If you have informed a caller that you do not want him or her to call your phone and the individual persists, register that phone number with this national registry. A violation of the laws associated with the national registry could result in fines being placed on the unwanted caller.

Privatize your number to eliminate unwanted callers. Wired telephone service providers are able to privatize your phone number so that only callers who wish to reveal their name and number can call you. Therefore, you will only receive calls from those that allow their phone number to be revealed. This is called a "universal call block."

Call your provider to check the cost of adding a universal call block feature to your home or business telephone. Many phone service providers will label this feature with different terminology, but the result is the same. Using a privatization feature lowers the number of phone calls that you will need to block because all numbers received are revealed.

This is different from "unlisting" your phone number. To unlist a number merely removes it from the phone directory and directory assistance and only involves your number, while privatization involves how other numbers access your phone line.
Tips & Warnings

If you receive international phone calls, recognize that in some cases those numbers do not include the caller's name and phone number. Therefore, if you receive international business calls, a universal "call block" feature could inhibit these international callers from reaching you.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

10 Foods That Damage Your Teeth

ou've probably heard brushing and flossing twice a day is the best way to keep your teeth healthy. But some foods cause enough damage to warrant extra cleanings.

1. Apples

Apples are high in acid, are surprisingly hard on your enamel. While a daily apple may keep the doctor away, the acid might keep your dentist on speed dial. Eating apples is fine, just be sure to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash shortly after.

2. Hard candies

Though you probably know the sugar in candy is a problem, hard candies are especially harmful because we tend to hold them in our mouths longer. Also be aware that cough drops are often made with sugar, so opt for the sugar-free brand if available.

3. Pickled vegetables

Pickles are made with vinegar, which is acidic, and often sugar as well. While the vegetables are healthy, the brine is can damage your teeth. Drinking water with your meal helps wash away acids and sugar, but remember to brush an hour later.

4. Bread

Many breads contain sugar-especially processed white breads. It's best to check the labels for any added sweeteners that will breed mouth bacteria. Bread is also sticky and gets between and behind your teeth.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn is notorious for getting stuck in your teeth, and the areas between your teeth will cultivate more bacteria for that reason. It's okay to treat yourself to a bag of popcorn as long as you rinse with water and remember to floss and brush after.

6. Peanut butter

Sticky and often made with sugar, peanut butter not only feeds bacteria but makes it easier for them to adhere to teeth. Look for natural peanut butters with no added sugars to lessen the problem.

7. Jelly

Along with peanut butter, jelly or jam is loaded with sugar and quite sticky. Even the all-fruit brands contain natural sugars and encourage plaque and bacteria if not washed away soon.

8. Meat

Meat tends to get stuck between your teeth, and some meat products contain sugar as a preservative. While the amount may not be very high, any food that sits between your teeth can promote tooth decay. Try chewing sugar-less gum after eating if you can't brush right away.

9. Diet soda

Just because it doesn't have sugar doesn't mean your teeth are safe. The acidity of diet sodas is still extremely high, making it one of the worst products for your teeth.

10. Salad dressing

More of a condiment than a food, salad dressings use vinegar and sugar for flavor. Salads should be a staple in anyone's diet, but be careful of the dressings that can harm your smile.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

As school resumes, raise your child’s IQ

Holiday is over and some schools have reopened for the new academic year.

While the long vac lasted, knowledgeable parents allowed their children to enjoy the holiday full blast by making them to follow their passion. Many school children relate that they visited historical places, some travelled to the village to see their grandparents, while others had the privilege of travelling abroad for the summer.

Well, all that is over and rigorous academic work will soon set in.

As parents, you may have paid your child’s tuition, bought the uniform and sundry other stuffs that will make the new school year a good success.

But before you give yourself thumbs-up for a job well done, you still have one crucial step to take: helping to raise your child’s Intelligent Quotient. “How,” you may ask. Well, here’s how—

PE is not a waste!

Many schools these days have done away with the playground. Rather, the available spaces have been converted to classrooms, all in a bid to show parents state-of-the-art structures. Little do they know that physical education does play a significant role in a child’s academic prowess.

If you are still in doubt, a report published in the Archives of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine should convince you.

Researchers at the Vrije Universiteit University Medical Centre, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, say there’s a positive relationship between physical activity and the academic performance of children.

Study leader, Dr. Amika Singh, says though the pressure to improve test scores may often mean more instructional time for classroom subjects, with less time for physical activity, “According to the best-evidence synthesis, we found strong evidence of a significant positive relationship between physical activity and academic performance.”

The scientists advise that being more physically active is positively related to improved academic performance in children. They note that exercise may help cognition by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain, decrease stress and improve mood; and overall increase growth factors.

Ditch junk foods

Healthy eating is still very much in vogue, hence scientists’ warning that foods high in sugar and saturated fats will not only make your child sick and obese, they can actually lower your child’s IQ!

In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiological Community Health, researchers tracked the eating habits of 4,000 children from age three and tested their intelligence at age eight-and-a-half.

The scientists, led by Dr. Kate Northstone of the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, discovered that children who ate the most processed foods, with a lot of convenience food, fat and sugar, had IQ scores 1.67 points lower than their counterparts whose diets included more fruits, vegetables, fish and pasta.

So, make it a habit from now on to fill your child’s lunch box with nutritive foods such as fruits and other whole foods.

Expose him to Omega-3

A new report published in Perspectives on Psychological Science claims that supplementing children’s diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading are effective ways of raising a young child’s intelligence.

Scientists, led by John Protzko, a doctoral student at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, conclude that certain dietary and environmental interventions can be effective in raising children’s IQ.

Protzko says, “Supplementing pregnant women and newborns with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, foods rich in Omega-3, were found to boost children’s IQ by more than 3.5 points. These essential fatty acids may help raise intelligence by providing the building blocks for nerve cell development that the body cannot produce on its own.”

Encourage interactive reading

Again, the Protzko team advises that by encouraging a child to read, it improves his intelligence. Technically called “interactive reading,” the scientists say engaging children in this pastime can boost their intelligent quotient.

So, instead of telling your child to read silently instead of reading aloud, those who should know better advise that you let him “disturb” you with his loud reading!

Give breakfast

Many parents hurry out of the home without the least thought to the need to prepare breakfast for their growing babies. This is wrong, as researchers warn that children who start their days with a healthy breakfast are more focused, better prepared for the day’s challenges and ultimately get higher grades and test scores.

A study conducted by scientists at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that when children have daily access to a breakfast that provides them with 25 per cent of the nutrients they need in a day, their test scores are likely to improve significantly, while level of tardiness will fall dramatically.

Music empowers

These days, many schools employ music teachers to teach the subject. Whether or not the school owners know the implications of this for IQ development, researchers at the University of Toronto  say music lessons boost brain power among children ages six to 11 years old.

Led by Glenn Schellenberg, the scientists opine that “correlational and quasi-experimental studies reveal that music lessons have positive associations with verbal memory.”

In layman’s language, what this translates into is that music lessons positively impact some aspects of development — that is intellectual functioning.
by Solaade Ayo-Aderele

Monday, 26 August 2013

Why Jonathan fired Minister of Youth Development

The Minister may have been fired for his role in the new political association floated by seven PDP governors.
President Goodluck Jonathan on Monday relieved Inuwa Abdul-kadir of his appointment as Minister of Youth Development.
According to a statement from the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim, the President’s directive takes immediate effect.
The statement, which was signed by the Special Assistant on Media to Mr. Anyim, Sam Nwaobasi, directed Mr. Abdul-kadir to hand over to the permanent secretary of the ministry.
The President expressed appreciation to Mr. Abdul-kadir for the time he put in the service of the nation and wished him success in his future endeavours.
“Mr. President expresses appreciation to the Former Minister for the time he put in the services of the nations and wishes him success in his future endeavor,” it said.
Although, the statement was silent on the reason for Mr. Abdul-Kadir’s sack, presidency sources said it might not be unconnected with his closeness to the governor of his home state, Sokoto, Aliyu Wamakko.
2015 politics
The Sokoto state governor recommended Mr. Abdul-Kadir for the appointment when his (Abdul-kadir) predecessor resigned to contest the governorship primaries of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in 2011. Mr. Wamakko was also an aspirant in the primaries and eventually emerged the party’s candidate before winning re-election.
A presidency source claimed that Mr. Abdul-kadir is an interim official of a new political association, Voice of the People, VoP, floated by Mr. Wamakko and five other PDP governors; and now seeking the nod of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, as a party.
It was gathered that the former minister may have been functioning as the protem secretary of the new group.
Media reports on Monday had linked seven PDP governors- Chubuike Amaechi (Rivers), Sule Lamido (Jigawa), Musa Kwankwaso (Kano), Murtala Nyako (Adamawa), Babangida Aliyu (Niger), Abdulfatah Ahmed (Kwara) and Mr. Wamakko, all of who belong to the faction of the Nigeria Governors Forum, NGF, chaired by Mr. Amaechi- with the new association.
Apart from belonging to the parallel faction of the governors’ forum, the governors are also believed to be opposed to the undeclared second term aspiration of Mr. Jonathan.
Some of the governors had also visited some former leaders of the country in their acclaimed bid to save its democracy. In the course of the visit, they canvassed the removal of Bamanga Tukur as the national chairman of the PDP, an alleged move to get at the President.

Ondo gov appeals: CJN breaks 50-yr-old Supreme Court rules

THE Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Aloma Mariam Mukhtar has set aside 50-year old rules and tradition of the Supreme Court in order to ensure that justice is seen to be done in appeals arising from the October 20, 2012 governorship election in Ondo State, won by the incumbent, Governor Olusegun Mimiko.
She directed that the hearing of the four separate appeals tabled before the apex court be fixed for tomorrow, August 27, 2013 despite the court still observing its mandatory annual vacation.
By its rule and tradition, the apex court does not sit during vacation and does not sit on any appeals before the ceremony heralding a new legal year.
Her action is therefore unprecedented.
The commencement of the new legal year has been fixed for September 16th.
Mukhtar is breaking the traditions in order to save the appeals, particularly those challenging the election of Mimiko from being statute-barred.
The earlier hearing date of September 24th would have been caught by the 60-day mandatory hearing period of appeals, as set out by the extant laws on election matters.
The 60 days start counting from the day the lower court decides on such appeals and Ondo’s would expire by Thursday, August 29th and expected to be statute-barred after the said date.
Elections of about six serving governors were upheld by the apex court under the leadership of former CJN, Justice Dahiru Musdapher, on the basis of appeals against them being statute-barred.
The implication is that the four appeals from the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria, Peoples Democratic Party, the Independent National Electoral Commission and Mimiko supported by Labour Party, must be heard and decided latest this Friday.
While ACN and PDP are challenging the decision of the Tribunal and the Court of Appeal upholding Mimiko’s victory, INEC is challenging the portion of the appellate judgement that castigated some of its acts during the election while Mimiko and his party are contesting certain reliefs not granted them.
Mukhtar’s spokesperson, Alhaji Ahuraka Yusuf Isah confirmed the development in a short statement issued in Abuja on Sunday.
Mukhtar who is in the United States of America reportedly rallied her colleagues who are also said to be all abroad, to take the unprecedented step, following the decision to jettison court rules for justice aftermath of the petitions by ACN stalwarts on the original hearing date being outside of the required 60 days.
A final decision on it was reportedly taken last night, though the identities of the justices picked for the unusual exercise were still under wraps at press time, while it was unclear if the CJN would participate.
The statement by Ahuraka read, “The Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mariam Aloma Mukhtar has re-fixed hearing on appeals filed against the judgement of the Court of Alpeal that declared Governor Olusegun Mimiko as validly elected in Ondo State governorship election to August 27.
“The Supreme Court had earlier fixed September 24 to commence hearing in the four appeals filed the Action Congress of Nigeria, Peoples Democratic Party, the Independent National Electoral Commission and Governor Mimiko and his Labour Party.
“But following protests from some quarters that the September 24 will be outside the mandatory 60 days to determine the election petition appeals, the CJN has adjusted the hearing date to Tuesday, August 27.
“Ordinarily, the Supreme Court does not sit appeals while on vacation.”
Anxiety over Supreme Court hearing date
Anxiety has continued to mount among the opposition parties in Ondo State over the date purportedly chosen by the Supreme Court for the hearing of the petitions over the last governorship election in the state.
Already, the Concerned Ondo Professionals have called on the Chief Justice of the Federation, Aloma Mukthar to intervene as the date chosen was outside the constitutionally approved 60 days after delivery of judgment at the Court of Appeal.
According to a statement by the President of the group, Morakinyo Ogele and the Secretary, Dr. Fisayo Ogunleye, it argued that since the Appeal Court delivered its judgment on the petitions on July 2, the mandatory 60 days should start counting on the day.
It, however, expressed worry over the September 24 date of hearing issued to the parties by the registry of the apex court.
The group said, “As we move closer to the statutory 60 days within which the Supreme Court will deliver their judgment, anxiety grows in geometric proportion. Expectedly, the people thought the judgment will be delivered on or before September 3, 2013.
Contrary to this, the Supreme Court, on the 20th of August, 2013 issued a notice of hearing wherein September 24th was picked as the official date of hearing for the matter. By the provision of the constitution, the case would have been statute barred by that time and the Supreme Court will no longer have jurisdiction to hear it”.
The group stated that the move by the apex court was against the provision of section 285(7) of the constitution of the country.
“The anxiety of the people should not be treated with levity, they read newspapers and follow events as they unfold in Nigeria. Professor Dora Akinyuli’s case in Anambra became statute barred after the expiration of the statutory 60 days at the Supreme Court,” read the statement.
The group therefore urged the CJN to intervene and ensure that appropriate date is fixed for the matter, saying fixing September 24 was an attempt to “behead justice instead of being in the vanguard of justice delivery.”

God Will Expose Fake Christians

Dr Emmanuel Yakubu is the President and Founder of The Voice of Miracles Ministries International churches.

In this interview, he shared his views on the way fake and business pastors have taken over the churches thereby misleading Christians. Excerpts…

Many Christians complain that, often times, these tithes are not being used judiciously for the purpose it is meant for and therefore view it as a means of exploitation by the men of God. Are they justified?

Let me tell you, when you begin to analyse spiritual things, you may not understand it. There was a time I was reading one magazine and somebody was condemning tithing. I count that as ignorance. Let me tell you, it is not my right and duty to condemn any man of God, although the way many of them behave today is different from what I read in my bible. A man of God is supposed to be a servant; your duty is to serve people and not to be a boss. Even Jesus did not come as a boss, He came as a servant.

There are scriptural ways of using tithe. One is for widows, two; orphans and three; the men of God should be taken care of by the same tithe. So, if I am in a position of these big pastors who get big tithes in their churches, what I will do is to affect the lives of the widows and the orphans. There are other groups of people that need to be affected like the less privileged ones in the society.

And would you say these pastors are using tithes right?

Most of them don't use it that way. I say this with all humility. There are some pastors that have separate personal bank account where all these tithes and offerings are kept for them. It is not supposed to be so. In our own ministry, what we normally do is that we collect our tithe and offerings and every month we organise what we call 'Operation feed the needy and poor' and cater for them. Every month we tell our members to bring things to the church and we go round to the community and share to the less privileged. I think that is biblical, based on what God has asked us to do.

I don't believe in accumulating wealth like some pastors do. They collect tithe and offerings in millions and then invest in building estates and buying properties. The focus of a man of God should not be money. My focus is to win souls for Christ because God who has called me will always make a way for me. I don't believe in accumulating wealth, buying big cars and having escorts comprising of many police men and so on. That is rubbish. That is not ministry, it is business.

How can we differentiate between a business pastor and a genuine pastor?

Let me give you an example, there are some pastors who, when you go to their office to see them, they will first give you a form to fill and then ask you to pay a particular sum of money. Paying money before you see a man of God is not scriptural. They may even tell you that they have special anointing oil or handkerchief that you must buy. These are business pastors. They are not called by God. I want to assure you that this time around, God is set to disgrace them. We have some pastors that are into cult called "Illuminati." This is a high cult that most of these world leaders belong to. We have some of the pastors in Nigeria that belong to such cult. They are big pastors in white collar but they are worst than herbalists. They practice all manner of evil in the name of Christ. When you see them you will know them, because the bible says 'you shall know them by their fruits.'

When you see a man that is called by God you will know because he will not be after money and he will want to do what God has called him to do. As I told you, very soon God is going to expose them, because He has told me. He is going to expose all those fake pastors. One day you will come and tell me that I told you this. God is angry with what is happening. Remember we are in the end time so anybody can wake and become a pastor.

Mike Tyson dying from drugs, alcohol

Former Heavyweight Boxing champion Mike Tyson has claimed he is on the verge of dying from ongoing drug and alcohol problems.

"I wanna live my sober life. I don't wanna die. I'm on the verge of dying, because I'm a vicious alcoholic," Tyson said on ESPN's Friday Night Fights.

Tyson, now a promoter, told a news conference, "I'm a bad guy sometimes. I did a lot of bad things, and I want to be forgiven.

"So in order for me to be forgiven, I hope they can forgive me. I wanna change my life, I wanna live a different life now," the former champion said.

Tyson admitted to being a continual substance abuser but was hopeful he was finally becoming clean.

"I haven't drunk or taken drugs in six days and for me that's a miracle," he said.

"I've been lying to everybody else that I think I was sober, but I'm not. This is my sixth day. I'm never gonna use again," he said.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Afenifere group urges APC to ‘save’ Nigeria

The Afenifere Renewal Group has
urged the newly registered All
Progressives Congress, APC, to ensure
that its programmes rescue Nigeria
from the brink of collapse.
In a statement on Friday, the Yoruba
socio-political group said that the
emergence of a mega party on the
Nigeria’s political turf is not enough to
end the tide of woes buffeting the
nation’s drifting ship.
“The APC should go a step further by
saving the country completely from
present and future trouble by
incorporating comprehensive
principles of federalism in its cardinal
policies,” said the group in the
statement signed by Kunle Famoriyo,
the Publicity Secretary.
The group stated that it welcomes the
excitement that greeted the
emergence of the APC several weeks
ago when the Independent National
Electoral Commission formalised its
“The public unveiling of APC’s
manifesto recently convinced us that
the party will entrench a purposeful
administration if given the chance by
Nigerian electorates.”
While unveiling its manifesto on
Thursday, the APC, among other
promises, pledged to tackle Nigeria’s
perennial power problem by
generating 40,000 Mega Watts within
eight years.
The Yoruba group said that an APC-
led administration will change Nigeria
for the better not based on the
manifesto alone, but that many of the
party’s leaders have demonstrated an
inextricable connection between them
and their words.
“In all its grandstanding for the past
14 years, never has the PDP been able
to dare to promise half of what APC
boldly declared as its electoral
promises,” Mr. Famoriyo said. “It is
ridiculous how PDP-led
administrations over the years have
made us believe that good
governance needs weigh more than
rocket science. After 14 years, power
generation fluctuates and has never
exceeded 4,000MW.”
The group stated that it endorses all of
APC’s manifestoes except its stance on
federalism. It further noted that the
nation needs a fundamental political
reform that will overhaul the present
bloated governance structure.
“And we believe such fundamental
reform can only come about through
an instrument of a Sovereign National
Conference,” said Mr. Famoriyo.
“Our country is over-governed. In
2013 budget, the presidency alone
has an allocation of N35.7bn while
Office of Secretary to Government of
the Federation got N70.4bn. We have
more than 30 federal ministers, 469
federal legislators, 36 state governors,
774 local government chairmen and
thousands of state legislators and
councillors, All these political office
holders have retinue of special
assistants, advisers, and consultants.
The present cost of governance is
unsustainable and in fact, anti-
democratic. We must be moving
towards lean governments, which is
why we believe local governments
should not be a federating tier of
“We also believe that many of our 36
states are weak and nonviable.
Therefore political reform is needed to
allow for willing federating states to
merge in a way that will allow for fiscal
federalism. The leaner the
government, the more transparent it
becomes, and the less we would have
to fund anti-corruption initiatives.”

Is Tope Alabi in Oro Cult? Did ‘Prophet’ Ajanaku initiate her?

Tongues are dangerously wagging in social media and the music industry about multiple-award winner and sonorous Yoruba Gospel Singer, evangelist Tope Alabi, after the mysterious death of her former spiritual mentor and former pastor.

Prophet Iretiola Ajanaku’s demise was shockingly celebrated and mourned by the 27 Ogboni Fraternity Members of Gbongan town who stormed his home and practically took over to perform the occultist funeral rites/ritual as is common whenever any of their members die.

In a similar vein, the Oro cult has also come out to identify with the ‘pastor-prophet’ at death, when they mourned all night in a vigil between 12 midnight and 5:30 a.m., marching through the streets of Ikola Odunsi, Ikola Gbenaje, and concluded the rites at the deceased’s street, Folarin Williams Close, chanting and singing dirge of his departure saying: “Ajanaku lo, o di gbere”, meaning “Ajanaku is gone forever, adieu”.

Months before his demise, the prophet had boasted in an interview with Biodun Kupoluyi and other reporters and bloggers, [GISTMANIA, COMEANDHEAR, GISTEXPRESS and OLOKUNBOLA BLOG] that his estranged spiritual daughter (Tope) and her husband would be ashamed if he opened his mouth to tell the world what “God” had done for them through him… hear him:

There are many things concerning her and the husband that I will never tell anyone, never ever. If she had not said that she met me only six years ago, I would not have called you to show all these pictures. And if I say what God has used me to do in their lives, with proofs and medical test records in their hands, they will be ashamed of themselves.

She actually met me 11 years ago when she came to church crying that since she married she had no child. I told her that by the grace of God when we shall be holding another anniversary she sill come and dedicate her child before God. I have pictures of the child dedication, I christened the child Deborah.

I’m wondering if she’s being foolish or just stupid. I remember when she was putting pressure on me to have sex with her. She did not hide her urge to have sexual relationship with me. At a point she could not control her urge to do that but I declined, I said never, not me.

The question on many lips now are: “What was the secret that the prophet vowed NEVER to reveal to anyone about Tope and her husband?” “Why would the couple be ‘ASHAMED of themselves’ because of such revelations?” He had already revealed that God used him to make Tope receive the fruit of the womb and gave birth to her daughter, what then remains as “shameful” secret between this couple and the late prophet? Wagging tongues are gleefully spewing out talks about some abominable covenants, ritual or occult initiation between the couple and the late Ajanaku.

Our reporters picked the tips and rumours and went to town to interview some members of the Christ Revival Church International located in Baruwa, in Ayobo-Ipaja, Lagos, who prefer anonymity before speaking with the press. One ex-member of the church said he perceived his former and late pastor was in a strange covenant with the couple saying “…when daddy threatened to expose the so-called “shameful secrets”, he broke the covenant and broke the hedge according to Ecclesiastes 10:8, and became suddenly vulnerable to the venom of the serpent which oversees the strange covenant… that is why I left the church when the fight broke out few weeks ago.”

The last has not been heard about the drama as Tope Alabi reportedly rushed back from Ontario Canada, upon hearing the news of the prophet’s death, to pay her last respects to her former mentor. She reportedly visited his house in Lagos to commiserate with the family of the late prophet and afterwards got home to post pictures of her family and to thank God for sparing her husband’s life, praying for longevity.

Tope Alabi is one woman who will need a lot of sympathy now, aftermath of the demise of Ajanaku because of the way she waxed eloquent in songs praising “the God of Iretiola Ajanaku” in many of her albums. Pictures of ‘when the going was good’ circulated massively online showing the prophet spraying money on Tope to appreciate her songs and laying hands on her while she knelt down to receive the ‘anointing’ to prosper and for fame from him.

She is greatly misunderstood by her large fan base on Facebook who are divided into two camps. The first group sympathizes with her on her ordeal and “false rumours” going round the media about her and prophet Ajanaku. The second camp is confused and wary, not knowing who or what to believe, particularly because they felt misled in the past by Tope’s undiluted endorsement of prophet Ajanaku’s ministry and miracles as evidenced by her many albums she waxed to eulogize the late prophet.

Short URL: http://www.osundefender.org/?p=117702

Monday, 5 August 2013

Quest to nullify trial of Jesus Christ Begins

The conviction of Jesus by Pontius
Pilate may be the most famous
court verdict ever — and
perhaps the most
consequential, since it led to
Christ’s crucifixion and the
founding of a global religion.  Now a Kenyan lawyer wants to
overturn Pilate’s decision,
though he wants to keep the
faith that flowed from it.
“The selective and malicious
prosecution (of Jesus) violated
his human rights,” said Dola
Indidis, a Roman Catholic who
is petitioning the International
Court of Justice, based at The
Hague, to nullify Jesus’
conviction and death sentence.
Indidis, a former spokesman for
the Kenyan judiciary, accuses
Pilate, who was the Roman
governor of Judea, of “judicial
misconduct, abuse of office,
bias and prejudice.”
That may well be the case, at
least in the view of believers
and many Bible scholars. But
getting a court to rule on a
2,000-year-old case from an
outlying province in a long-
defunct empire will not be
Indidis first brought his case
before the Kenyan High Court
in Nairobi in 2007, but the
court refused to hear it, saying
it lacked jurisdiction.
Now he is turning to the
International Court of Justice,
often referred to as the World
Court, which is best known for
ruling on territorial disputes
between members of the
United Nations.
Officials at The Hague would
not confirm or deny that they
have received a petition.
But Indidis seems undeterred
and points to the example of
Joan of Arc, the 15th-century
saint who led the French to
major victories against the
English before she was
captured and burned at the
stake. A quarter-century after
Joan’s death her conviction was
overturned by a papal court,
and in 1920 she was canonized.
Indidis’ petition has surprised
Christian leaders in Kenya. The
Rev. Maloba Wesonga, a
spokesman for the Catholic
Archdiocese of Nairobi, said the
exercise was futile, at least
from a theological point of
“As we know it, the trial had to
happen,” said Wesonga. “We
must understand that Jesus
was not vulnerable and nobody
can do justice to God.”

Manage debts and immediately set up savings

Anyone who is considering creating a savings fund should know one of the most important principles. The wisest route to take is to clear debts before building up any savings.

Why can't I repay debts and build up savings at the same time?

Many people do actually make debt repayments and contribute to a savings account at the same time. One of the major disadvantages of doing this is that money is being continually wasted on interest payments. Debt interest payments will eat more in money than can be earned in interest in a savings account. Clearing interest accumulating debts first before building a savings account does make financial sense.

Why do the banks encourage consumers to save?

Banks actually encourage people to spend more than they encourage them to save. But, having a savings account and debts is a win-win situation for banks and lenders. Having savings means the customer is lending the bank money at a much poorer interest rate than if the bank lends the customer money. The customer who saves is giving the bank a great lending deal but this doesn't work the other way round.

So the banks love customers with debts?

Banks and lenders will say the opposite but it makes sense to keep customers in debt for as long as possible. Banks and lenders love customers who only make minimum repayments as this means they are paying interest for the longest time period. Customers who make minimum repayments can spend decades paying of their credit cards. Customers who incur late and missed payment penalty fees are also seriously adding to the lender's profits.

Are there any debts which are good?

Some debts do of course make financial sense. Mortgages will usually work out less expensive than renting and are a good financial investment in general. Interest free credit is about as close to good debts as it comes.

Which debts should I clear first?

Any debts with high interest rates should be the first to go. For example, a student loan comes with very little interest added and this can be left until last. Prioritise debts into high interest rate debts and work down the list with the lowest interest debts left until last. Any debts that come with high penalty charges for late payments should also be cleared as soon as possible.

Which debts should be left until last to clear?

Always be wary of clearing debts early that come with penalty charges for early payment. Early repayment charges can be equal to a couple of month's normal repayments. Debts such as higher purchase agreements that come with very little or interest free rates should also be left until last.

Shouldn't I at least have an emergency savings fund?

Having an emergency savings fund is important but more money will be available if debts are cleared first. Savings are savings and it does not matter if it's a regular savings account or an emergency savings fund.

Clearing off interest accruing debts will leave more disposable income in the future, which means savings can be build up quicker when debts are cleared. Saving before debts are cleared simply means the customer is contributing to the bank's profits.

So I should only create a savings fund when debt free?

A savings fund should be left until a debt free status has been achieved. Unless there are some circumstances whereby the consumer has mostly all zero or very low interest debts this should be the case. It simply makes financial sense to clear off interest accruing debts and then build up a savings fund. Many people actually save money with banks from which they are heavily in debt to. This does not make any sense as the customer with savings is, in effect, borrowing their own savings and being charged interest on it.

How Unemployed People Can Manage Debts

Long-term unemployment can bring stress and financial hardship, and mounting debts are one of the major worries. But there should be some debt options available that will help to ease the stress of accumulating debts during unemployment.

Make debts a priority when unemployment hits

For most people money worries will play a big factor during a period of unemployment. Mounting debt payments can add to other worries such as finding a job and paying bills. Credit card and loan repayments are not classed as high priority debts unless they have been secured on the home. But creditors who have not been informed of a change in financial circumstances will still expect regular payments in full every month. Keeping the creditors at bay will mean contacting them immediately to make them aware of the change in circumstances.

Renegotiate credit terms with creditors

Renegotiating credit terms with creditors should result in lower repayment rates and/or frozen interest for a period of time. Creditors should be open to this option as it means they do not have to start recovery procedures. Renegotiating credit terms is not something to panic over. Simply telephone or write to the creditor explaining the financial situation and propose the rate that can be afforded. Don't succumb to pressure from creditors to pay more than can be afforded. If possible, set out how long the renegotiated repayments are likely to last.

Don't panic if creditors refuse to renegotiate

There will be creditors who will be less than open to renegotiating credit terms. This is often a common bluff used by certain credit companies in the hope that customers will pay more than they can actually afford. If a creditor refuses to renegotiate then simply explain the financial situation calmly and state how much can be realistically afforded. The only option open to creditors is to call in debt collection agencies or use a court judgement. Most creditors will not want to use either of these options unless it is a last resort. Don't succumb to pressure from creditors; a court judgement will usually mean creditors will end with up the lowest payment from debtors.

Take a stronger approach with creditors

If creditors are being unreasonable then consider bringing in professional help. By doing this, creditors will then realise that the debtor is fully aware of their legal rights. Creditors will also be aware that the debtor is taking the matter seriously and knows the options that are available.

Work out new repayment rates

Sitting down and setting out a budget will help to assess how much can be paid to creditors. Included in the budget should include:

o All income coming into the household including benefits

o All expenditure including all debts, household expenses, mortgage payments, transport costs

o Work out how much disposable income is left every month

o Assess how much can be paid to each creditors; this should be a minimum payment that can be comfortably afforded

o Make any secured debts a priority

o Contact all creditors in writing with payment proposals

o Enquire about the likelihood of interest being frozen for a period of time

It may be hard to avoid but stressing over debts will not bring a viable solution. Taking a proactive approach immediately and contacting creditors to make them aware of the situation is the best solution. Unemployment is a stressful enough time without harassment from creditors. Customers do have legal rights and protection from creditor harassment.

Debts You Should Avoid

Recognising debts you can and can't afford will seem a simple task. Actually, recognising debts that you can and can't afford means assessing income and debt repayments now and in the future.

Assessing affordable debts

There are debts that are repayable without much inconvenience and it should be easy to recognise if they can be afforded. These debts can take the form of new clothes or food shopping paid by a credit card. Other more significant debts are not so easily assessed. These debts can take the form of buying a car using a loan or finance arrangement, or even buying a property. Large debts require careful assessment to gauge whether or not they are affordable.

Planning a financially safe future

Financial budgets are vital when it comes to future and present finances. It's easy to allow debts to continue for years but it definitely doesn't make financial sense. Setting out a financial budget will help to assess timescales when it comes to debt. A financial budget or plan will help to break down how much purchases will actually cost in total when bought using credit. Present income versus expenditure will be part of the plan but debts that are still being paid in five years time should also be part of the picture.

Can you afford large debts?

Items purchased on credit, such as a new car, are major debts. Some people will simply go ahead and take on this debt without giving the future much thought. Repaying a large debt over many years will drain money in terms of interest payments; the longer the repayment schedule, the more interest. A good rule of thumb for high price purchase items should be the length of repayment. If an item such as a car cannot be paid for in five years then this debt is really not affordable.

Good debts versus bad debts

Not all debt is bad and some debts will actually pay off in the long run. A new car decreases in value as soon as it leaves the showroom so isn't really a good debt. A house can be seen as a good debt due to the fact that home owners are likely to make a profit when it comes to selling. Buying a home is also generally seen as the smarter option to renting; renting will not provide any financial return. Good debts should be taken into consideration when it comes to assessing debts that can and can't be afforded.

Assessing good versus bad debts

It's useful to know what are actually classed as good and bad debts. Good and bad debts will include -

-Property purchases such as homes (good debt)

-Renting property for long periods (bad debt)

-New vehicle purchases (bad debt)

-Student loans, investing for the future (good debt)

-High interest loans such as payday loans (bad debt)

-Household purchases such as televisions using financing over many years (bad debt)

Can a mortgage debt be afforded?

Property is one of life's major purchases and although this ranks in the good debt category it is still a large debt. Most people have no other option than to buy their home using loans and financing. There is a guiding rule that may help as to whether or not a mortgage is an affordable debt. Mortgage payments should not exceed 30 per cent of take home pay per month; this is after taxes have been paid. This sounds easy enough to calculate but mortgage payments can last for decades, and decreases in future income should be a factor.

Building a financial nest egg into a budget

Even when purchasing good debts such as a mortgage there are variables. Financial instability can occur at anytime without notice. Interest rates can increase as can mortgage payments. This is why it is important to build up savings in case income does decrease for any reason. Think of these savings as a safety net, something that can be used to weather any financial storm. Assessing future debts and savings will determine whether a debt can or can't be afforded at the present time.

A financial budget is the best way to assess whether or not certain debts can be afforded. The budget should also figure in future purchases that are unavoidable or simply make good financial sense. This is a long term financial forecast. Although there may be some unforeseen financial bumps the budget should be a good guideline to recognising debts you can and can't afford.

Tips On Minimising Debts

Minimising debts can occur through a combination of cutting back on outgoing expenses, changing your spending habits and cutting out high interest loans and credit cards. Bad money mismanagement can leave a lot people sliding gradually into debt. Many people know that to cope with the rising financial costs in society they will have to accumulate a certain amount of debt, but keeping debts at a minimum is vital. Minimising debts will take a lot of effort and willpower but will be worth it in the long run.

Household debts

    Household expenses are a priority and there is no way to avoid them. There are ways to save on household energy expenses such as gas and electricity; if you get your energy from different suppliers then combining them could save you a lot of money per year. Energy companies are in competition with each other and you may find you get a better deal by shopping around and switching companies.

Other household expenses that are priority will be items such as the weekly food shopping bill. The only way to minimise the cost of these items will be to shop around and find cheaper suppliers. The main aim of reducing your household bill is to free up some of your income that can then be used to pay off serious debt.

Seeking financial help

You may have debts that are spiralling out of control to the point where you are paying a large amount of your monthly income towards debt. It may be the time to seek help from a debt counselling service that will be able to talk to your creditors on your behalf and minimise your debts.

Bank charges

If you find that you are always sliding into the red due to bank charges and penalties being applied to your account then you will be paying a lot of money to your bank. Try phoning your bank, explaining the situation, and reclaiming the charges. If your own branch does not give you back the charges then go over their heads to the customer relations department at the head office. They will look into the problem and will usually offer a repayment as a gesture of goodwill.

Bank charges on overdrafts, missed direct debits and standing orders are profits that go directly to the bank. These charges can mount up in no time and can seriously damage your finances. The best way not to have charges applied is not to go into the red.

Pay with cash instead of credit

Paying with cash instead of using your debit or credit card is the best way to keep track of your finances. Paying by cash means that you will need to go to the cash machine and check your balance; therefore you are more likely to know when you are near your limit. Paying with cash also means you are unlikely to splash out on impulse buying on your credit card.

Minimising debts can be achieved with some astute financial planning and budgeting but it will take time and effort. Debt is easy to achieve but never easy to get rid of, and curbing the desire to spend is difficult for some people. Do not be disheartened if you slip up now and again; think of the process as a long term plan that will eventually bring you to a debt free existence.

How to stay free from debt stress

Knowing how to stay free of debt stress will not solve your debt problem but it can decrease the risk of serious physical and mental illness. Any type of stress is bad news when it comes to health as worrying about debt can lead to a number of serious health issues.

Debt stress and health

People who are in serious debt can add to their problems simply by worrying too much. The debt stress/ill health connection has been well documented and it doesn't just amount to a few nights without sleep. Debt stress has been known to lead to serious health problems ranging from migraines, ulcers, and depression, to severe anxiety attacks. The worst case scenario is that the stress can lead to cardiac problems and ultimately to heart attacks.

High stress levels from debt

Medical reports have shown that people who experience high stress levels due to debt are more prone to health problems. These health problems can be physical, mental or both. People who suffer from stress will usually have trouble sleeping and be more prone to bouts of bad temper. The knock-on effects of this stress will include absenteeism from work and seeking relief in alcohol or other addictive substances. Worrying about debt will not solve the debt problem but only increase the risk of serious illness.

Avoiding debt stress

A great many people who find themselves in uncontrollable debt have a tendency to simply bury their heads in the sand. This is not the way to avoid the problem; it is simply putting off the inevitable and will lead to greater amounts of stress. Debt problems should be confronted as soon as the problem looks serious and there are a great number of agencies that will be able to offer advice and assistance. If you are having problems coping with debt, then talking to the lender should be the first port of call. Lenders should be able to reduce payments or offer longer repayment terms as an alternative.

The main priority

The main priority when it comes to debt problems is to reduce the payments. If you simply let payments mount up then the interest will also mount up. The next step for lenders will be read letters and phone calls to the debtor. This is when stress comes into play. The debtor will avoid phone calls and avoid opening letters. Inevitably the debt will be passed on to a debt collection agency. Talking to lenders should prove to be positive when it comes to reducing payments; it will also immediately reduce your own stress levels.

Understanding stress

oDebt stress is no different from any other type of stress, the only difference is the cause of the stress. There are certain ways to counteract the stress and these can include:

oDecrease stress inducers such as caffeine or fizzy drinks

oSmoking will not reduce stress but stress can lead to increased smoking, so avoid this if possible

oMaintain a healthy diet including vitamin B rich foods such as tuna, eggs and whole-wheat foods

oExercising each day is a good stress reducer

oTake breaks to reduce stress and do an activity that brings pleasure

oTalk to other people about your problems, do not isolate yourself

oThink positively; this situation will not last forever

Talking will help

As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved and when it comes to debt you are not alone. A huge number of people have found themselves in uncontrollable debt situations at one time or another throughout their lives. Debt is one of the most common problems and also one of the most stressful for a great many people. Talking to people will help alleviate some of the stress. Simply talking to someone will reduce stress levels and bring real solutions to the problem.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Husbands Will Be Scarce By 2023

The National Council of Catholic
Women Organisation of Nigeria on
Thursday warned against the
alarming drop of male-child in
With the drop, the group noted
that in the next 10 years, there
would be a scarcity of quality
husbands in the country.
The organisation National
President, Chief Felicia Onyeabo,
stated this on Thursday at a
briefing to herald the inauguration
of Cor Mariae College, Abuja. The
inauguration holds on Friday
She said, "The future of this country
is going to be very bleak for the
male-child. How many girls do you
see hawking clothes? Go to Onitsha,
they are all men. We have looked
round and have come to see that
there is a neglect of boys in
education. Who are the armed
robbers on the streets? They are
mostly the boys. Let us concentrate
on training boys.
"The NCCWO feels that a vacuum is
being created, and very soon, we
shall be faced with a situation
where our educated girl-child will
not find a corresponding suitable
boy-child to marry. This is because
more boys drop out of school,
apparently because the high rate of
unemployed youth discourages our
young boys from appreciating the
need to be educated.
"The NCCWO also consideres the
fact that in the near future, quality
husbands will become extremely
scarce, with too many highly
educated women looking for
husbands, and settling for anyhow
husbands, just to get married. The
result of this type of situation is
better imagined and will not augur
well for Nigerians."

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Are You In Debt?

Are you facing money problems? The early warning signs are usually very clear and include the following:

You are completely broke long before payday

You are regularly having to borrow from friends and relations just to make ends meet

You are missing debt payments

You are coming under pressure from your bankers and other lenders

Your money worries are keeping you awake at night

How did you get to this point? Is it your lifestyle? Are you extravagant? Do you make poor spending decisions? Do you feel under pressure to try to keep up socially? Perhaps you are just not earning enough to fund your current lifestyle and obligations. There are so many reasons for money problems, but the good news is that by recognizing and acknowledging the fact that there is indeed a problem, you can start to take the deliberate and necessary steps to address it.

Your attitude to your debt problems can hinder your financial recovery. If your way of dealing with it is to wish it away, remember that inaction will only make things worse. With interest, late payment penalty charges, and the attendant fees and charges you will find that almost all your money goes towards debt service. It is important to get your debt under control or at least to try to reduce it significantly.

It is important to know how much you owe if you are going to get out debt. Who do you owe? How much do you owe? What is the interest rate on your loan? To get a true picture of what you owe, list all your debts – in no particular order at first. You can list them according to amount, due dates, interest rates, your creditors; it doesn't really matter.

Be sure that you are current with the minimum payments on all your debt. If you are finding this difficult approach your creditors to discuss the possibilities of restructuring the debt in a way that enables you to repay over an adjusted period and in amounts that you can more easily afford. Failure to make timely payments will only make things worse.

Track your expenses for a month to determine exactly what comes in and what you are spending it on. Create a budget and set strict spending limits for food, transport, clothing, school fees, entertainment, and utilities. There is usually some waste lurking in the monthly budget; be realistic and honest with yourself, as you must find a way to cut back. If you can find just that little bit of extra money after budgeting for the entire essential expenses, then you can use this towards reducing your debt.

Make every effort to stop the bleeding. Try not to incur any additional debt. You will have to live below your comfort level for a time and will certainly have to do without some luxuries, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Prioritise your debt and put your bills in the order in which you want to pay them off. Ideally it should be organised according to interest rates. The higher the rate, the more you are paying beyond your actual principal so it makes sense to pay off the debt with the highest interest first. On the other hand, some people prefer to pay off smallest debts first, as this is motivating and quickly gives a sense of achievement as they systematically pay off their debt. As you start to tackle your "priority" debts, determine how much extra you can afford to pay each month over and above the minimum monthly repayments.

Bear in mind that the most important debt isn't necessarily the largest. These are the ones where serious action can be taken against you if you don't pay what you owe such as rent or mortgage repayments, secured loans, and utility bills. If you don't sort these out, you will be disconnected from utilities, or face eviction or the repossession of your home.

It is almost impossible to live totally debt-free; most people will have to borrow money at some stage in their lives. Borrowing can be a useful way to help spread out the cost of large purchases or expenses that you could perhaps not otherwise afford. It can also help you through difficult times or periods when there just isn't enough cash. Borrowing to invest can make it possible to attain greater levels of financial success than if one depends solely on ones own resources.

Debt often has negative connotations, yet one must differentiate between "good" and "bad" debt. "Good debt" is debt that creates value and can help to build wealth and generate income. This includes borrowing to buy property, to finance an education, a business or for investment purposes.  "Bad debt" is where you borrow to finance lifestyle purchases such as clothes, jewelry, expensive cars, holidays, or just to have a good time; these are expenses that should ideally be paid for with cash and not with credit or personal loans, as they quickly lose value and do not usually generate income or wealth.

Debt has become a necessary part of life but should be viewed as a tool to help you attain your financial goals. Using credit responsibly should help build wealth, provide greater opportunities, and enhance your quality of life; yet for those who borrow excessively and for the wrong reasons, debt can have dire consequences. Sometimes it makes sense to borrow; sometimes it doesn't. Do give yourself some credit, but be careful.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Let’s give Him glory, let’s give Him honor, let’s give Him adoration, He is worthy to be praised, bless His holy name, bless Him especially for our children.
Give Him glory for their laughter; give Him glory for the noise that children bring into homes.
Praise Him for the excitement of these little ones, bless His holy name.
Let’s give God all the glory, all the honor, all the adoration, for all the wonderful children He has given unto us.
He is worthy to be praised, He is worthy to be adored, bless His holy name.
Worship the King of kings, worship the Lord of lords, worship the Ancient of days, worship the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Worship the holy one of Israel, worship the unchangeable changer, give Him glory, Give Him honor, give Him adoration, there is no one like Him, bless His holy name.
Worship Him give Him glory, give Him honor, bless Him for all He did for you in January, Bless Him for what he did in for you in February, bless Him for all the blessings of March.
Give Him glory for bringing you into yet another month. Praise Him; He is worthy to be praised. Thank Him for life, Thank Him for health, for strength, for provision, for protection, for joy in the Holy Spirit.
Bless Him for the hope of glory. Give Him glory because our tomorrow will be alright, bless Him for victory, bless Him for testimonies, Give Him glory for signs, for wonders, for miracles untold. Give Him glory for answered prayers…
In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped.
Let’s lift our voices to Him and say Father, please bless all the children all over the world today, let today be a special day of blessing for all children wherever they may be all over the world…..
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say Father; all those who are trusting you for children, answer them today too.
Those who are here, those who are listening to us by the television and on the Internet Lord please grant their request today….
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Say Father I am your child, bless me also….
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
 There is none holy as the Lord; there is none besides thee,
 Neither is there are anyone like our God, there is none Holy as the Lord.
There is none holy as the Lord; there is none besides thee,
 Neither is there are anyone like our God, there is none Holy as the Lord.

Thank your Lord, The Lord says there is someone listening to us in a hospital room right now, saying but for the sickness of my child, I will be at the Redemption camp now. Daddy asks me to tell you the child will not die.
Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord, halleluiah!
Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy
 Holy is the Lord!

Thank you Father, the Lord said there is a lady here that your marriage is on the brink of breaking down because of bareness.  My Daddy asks me to tell you that next year you will come here with a set of twins.
You are high and lifted up, there is no one like you
Halleluiah, Halle, Halle Halleluiah
You are high and lifted up, there is no one like you
Halleluiah, Halle, Halle Halleluiah!
 Father, we just want to say thank you, King of glory we adore you, ancient of days we bow before you, accept our worship in Jesus name. There is no one like you, you are greater than the greatest, you are bigger than the biggest, you are older than the oldest, you are wiser than the wisest, you are mightier than the mightiest, glory be to your holy name.
Thank you for January, thank you for February, thank you for March, thank you for April, thank you for a glorious tomorrow, please accept our thanks in Jesus name.
Father all we are asking you to do tonight is just take all the glory; in salvation, in healings, in deliverance, in miracles, in signs, in wonders in testimonies, in victories, in joy and in multiple blessings, take all the glory in Jesus name, thank you Almighty God. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let someone shout halleluiah!
Prayer for April children
If you are an April child let me hear you shout halleluiah!
Father, I am committing all your children born into the month of April into your hand, April if the fourth month of the year, so Lord I am asking that you will give them fourfold blessing in Jesus name.
From the east send help to them, from the west send help to them, from the North send help to them, from the south send help to them, from the four corner of the world send help to them, let it be well with them and let them serve you till the end, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
 April children let me hear you shout another halleluiah!
By the grace of God in the month of May we will be talking about THE WONDERS OF HIS FAVOUR.
I have been talking about favor recently particularly since December but it looks as if the more I study divine favor, the more I discovered.
So next month being the fifth month normally the moth of grace; and the word grace and favor go together, we will be talking about the WONDERS OF HIS FAVOUR so I am looking forward to seeing you there and it will be a wonderful time in Jesus name.
We want to talk briefly talk about the ARROW OF THE MIGHTY.
Psalm 127 v 3-5 Lo children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward, as arrow are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth. Happy or blessed is the man that has his quiver full of them, he shall not be ashamed but he shall speak to the enemy at the gate.
Tell your neighbor you will never know shame again!
The one who spoke before me had already given you the definition of an arrow.
Simply put an arrow is a weapon; it could be a weapon of defense 1 Samuel 14 v 45- 47 when David was going to kill Goliath, he didn’t get close to Him, he sent what you could call an arrow to go and deal with him.
Because an arrow is a weapon that you stand in one place and you send it on an errand to go and deal with your enemies.
And I am praying that even as you are here tonight, the Almighty God will send all those forces to go and deal with all those forces working against you.
An arrow could also be a weapon of offences; when you need to deal with forces that are coming against you and you need to go ahead and attack them particularly before they can overwhelm you.
In Psalm 8 v2 the Bible says out of the month of babes and suckling Thou art ordained strength, so that you can still your enemies. God ordained strength through the mouth of babes, and as you are going to see later on God uses children as a weapon of his warfare.
Now since we have two major words; Arrows of the Mighty.
Arrow and mighty and you already known when we talk of mighty you know whom we are talking about.
Maybe we should spend some time to talk about weapons generally, because there are categories of weapons; you have arrows, you have spears, you have guns and now you have bombs.
But when we say we want to talk about weapons briefly now, we want to talk about spiritual weapons.
And I will start by talking about weapons that available to all; whether you are a Christian or you are not a Christian, there are weapons that will work for you.  Maybe I will just mention one that is common to everybody. Interestingly it is a weapon many people are reluctant to use.
It is called the law of harvest, the Law of harvest says in Galatians 6 v 7 be not deceived God is not mocked whatsoever a man sows that is what he reaps.
 The law of harvest; you sow you reap.
 It is applicable to everybody, it doesn’t matter where you are a Christian or you are a total unbeliever, if you sow you will reap.
Proverbs 11 v 25 says the liberal soul shall be made fat; he that water shall be watered himself.
Now He didn’t say the liberal holy soul, it doesn’t matter whether he is a sinner or not. The liberal soul shall be made fat. . It is a weapon available to all.  
When God said give and it shall be given, He didn’t add provided you are a Christian, it is a weapon available to all.
But then there are some weapons available to believers only;
Number one: Praising God.
When you praise God; He arises for you Psalm 68 v 1 – 3 says let God arise, and His enemies will be scattered.
You praise God, He will arise for you. That is why Christian who know what they are doing always come before God with praise.
People wonder why do we spend so much time praising God, it’s because it is a weapon.
I have told you before, you’ve never seen me when we are gathered together like this no matter how huge the crowd, you have never heard me say “Devil I bind you”
I don’t want you to interfere with this program. Because every day I hear people say Devil I bind you, at the beginning of the service, Devil I bind you, in the middle of the service I bind you, and at the end Devil I bind you.
Did he get loose so quickly?
But I have discovered that if you want to get the Devil far away from you, just praise God.
That is why I started everything by saying let somebody shout Halleluiah!
But God will not even accept the praise of a wicked, according to Proverbs 15v 8 it says the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to God.
But praise in the mouth of a Christian is a weapon.
2Chronicle 20 v 25, you know very well how a king overcame all his enemies just by praising God.
I still remembered a case several years ago, either 1981 or 1982 at the headquarters, we were having a little crusade at the Headquarters. God spoke to me and said tonight, nobody should pray to me, everybody should just praise me; sing dance and praise me and see what I will do, and I announced it.
Shortly after, they brought a woman that had been rejected from the hospital to go home and die. They brought her to the place because she heard that God was performing miracles.
Daddy says the story I am about to tell you is going to be replicated here tonight.
They brought this woman, she was dying, and she came and saw my assistant and said “please pray for me, they said if I get here God will heal me”.
My assistant said “sorry ma; announcement has come from the altar, no prayer tonight, just praise”.
She said “But I am dying”.
My assistant said, If only you will do what they tell you just dance you will be well
She said “but I could not even stand”,
The old man said “sorry I am not going to disobey God”.
So they managed to bring her out of the car, somebody supported her on the right, somebody supported her on the left, she could hardly move.
But as the music was going on, she was moving a little to the right, a little to the left and suddenly the power of God hit her and she pushed the fellow on her right aside, pushed the fellow on her felt aside and was completely whole.
That is going to happen here tonight.
Another weapon available to Christians that some of you might not be aware of is a very simple weapon called shouting.
The Bible says in Psalm 47 v 1 He says clap your hands all ye people; shout unto God with a loud voice of triumph.
In Joshua 6 v 20 all that the children of Israel had to do to pull down the wall of Jericho was to shout.
Now let me hear somebody shout halleluiah!
Again I tell you another story, some years ago, they brought a woman to the headquarters and she said for years, that any time she eats anything she will vomit.
The doctors have tried everything just to help her keep down any little food; if she drank water she will vomit it.  And they brought her for prayers.
And just about as we were about praying, we started by saying let everybody shout halleluiah! As she shouted halleluiah! She vomited a worm and as she vomited the worm, the sickness disappeared.
Whatever it is the Devil has planted in you shall be pushed out as you shout another halleluiah!
Weapon number three, that is available to Christians only is the name of Jesus.
Because according to Philippians 2 v 9-11 the Bible says God has given Him a name, that is above every other name; that at the name of Jesus, every kneel should bow; of things in heaven, that includes agents, things that fly, of things on earth and of things underneath the earth.
It doesn’t matter where the demons are hiding they must bow to the name of Jesus.
 In Act 16 v 16-18 the Bible tells us about a girl who was demon possessed and was following Paul and Silas about, disturbing them, the Bible says Paul turned around, commanded the demons to leave and the demon left immediately.
Last night, I was going to minister to my children after the Holy Communion service and as I was about to enter the car, there was these girl who was screaming and screaming and ran towards me.
So I told my boys to leave her alone and see what is happening.
Somebody who brought her said she was on youth service and something happened there and she lost her voice completely.
And she wrote on paper that if only she can get to Daddy G.O the demon who has taken over her voice will go out.
I said “that is a simple matter”,
Father in the mighty name of Jesus…, you know the kind of simple prayer, before I finished praying, she said Amen.
I turned round to enter into my car and she began to shout daddy, daddy.
And my son said she is already speaking, I just smiled.
The Bible says it is written at the name of Jesus Christ every knee must bow.
Do I hear someone shout the name of Jesus?
Another weapon that is available to Christians is the blood of Jesus.
Revelation 12 v 11 says they overcame the devil by the blood of the lamb.
The Bible tells us that God said when I see the blood, I will pass you by, I will make sure that the destroyer won’t come near you when I see the blood.
But if you are not a Christian of course you can’t use the blood.  
I mean if they say they overcame the Devil by the blood of the Lamb and you belong to the Devil according John 8 v 44.  If you belong to the Devil, you cannot overcome the Devil by using the blood.
But in case you don’t know how powerful the blood of Jesus is, I will give you two illustrations very quickly because it is very essential particularly when you are dealing with children who are having nightmares.
Because some of you have problems with children who will just cry out of dreams, it is because forces of darkness are tiring to oppress them, when they are going to bed just cover them in the Blood of Jesus.
Years ago, I think I have shared this with you before. A husband and wife were wondering what is going on because their money was disappearing.
The money of the husband disappeared, the money of the wife disappeared from the house. At first, the husband felt it was the wife who was stealing the money.
The husband said ‘what is wrong with this girl all she needed to do was to ask me for more’.
And the girl was wondering; if He gave me money for housekeeping and he stealing the money then what kind of man is he?’
One day the husband confronted the wife and the wife said “ I thought you are one stealing my money” And then the two of them came and I realized immediately that it was the devil misappropriating their finances.
So I told them from now on anytime you are putting your money anywhere, say I cover you in the blood of Jesus. From that moment onward they never lost anything.
Today I am decreeing that everything that is precious to you be covered in the blood of the Lamb.
I tell you another story just to let you know how powerful the blood is, I think this was 1977 we went to Ilorin for a congress and at that time there was a acute water shortage in the town
And so to get water to bathe, people had to go to one very dirty stream.
 They brought water for me, the water was black, and you don’t have to be a scientist to know that there is danger in the water.
And then they gave me a bottle of Izal. “Sorry sir, this is all the water we have, but if you mix Izal with it, it will be safe for use, I thanked them and took the Izal.  
I was about to pour it when the Lord spoke to me, “son, which is more powerful, Izal or my blood? I said your blood.
 He said because I am going to send you to places in the world where the water will be worse than this and there will be no Izal, cover the water in my blood and take your bath.
 I covered the water in the blood of Jesus and took my bath.
The fact that I am still alive today tells you the blood works.
Everything that could cause you any form of danger the blood will speak against it in Jesus name.
Thank you Father, the Lord says healing has started and He asked me to tell someone specifically that your joint shall be strong again.
Thank you Father, the Lord said there is someone tonight, He said for years now, it has been one story of sorrow after another, He asked me to tell you, for years to come it will be story of glory and promotion.
The Lord said that there is someone here tonight, He said the incident that will begin your upward movement is about to happen.
Another weapon available to Christian is the word of God.
 Because it is written Psalm 119 v 89 forever oh Lord Thy word is settled.
The Almighty God says in Psalm 1 v 1-3 He said if you stay away from sinners, from the ungodly, from scorners and you meditate on the word of God day and night, He said you will be like a tree planted by a rivers of water bringing forth its fruit in due season.
The word of God is a powerful weapon particularly against the devil.
You know very well in Mathew 4 v 1-11 that, that is the weapon Jesus used against the devil.
Each time the devil brings a temptation, Jesus said it is written.
The devil cannot contradict “it is written”, if it is written, it is written.
Do you know that it is written that It shall be well with you?  
If you are a child of God it is written in Isaiah 3 v 10 “Say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him”.
So you can tell your neighbor your tomorrow will be alright.
I think it was 1981, I have become General Overseer and I was visiting our churches, kind of familiarization tour and at that time several of the youth were rejoicing because God has put us in position and I remembered we were going towards my village.
Suddenly the devil began to speak to me and said you are very popular now, it is better to die when you are popular than wait till the time when they won’t like you anymore, it is honeymoon time for you, if you go now it will be good.
And I knew it was the devil speaking and the word of God came out to me saying I will live, I will not die and I will declare the works of the Almighty God.
Do you know that less than five minutes after that we nearly had a horrible accident.
If the word of God has not come up to deal with the devil it will have finished me on the road at that time.
At that time the entire congregation of the Redeemed Christian church of God was less than one thousand. Suppose I had died then, look at what the devil saw and he wanted to prevent.
I am saying to every one of you here tonight, none of you will die; you will fulfill the purpose of God for your life.
So there are some weapons exclusive to everyone, sinners, Christian.
There are some weapons available to Christians alone.
And then there are some weapons exclusive to God’s servants.
There are some weapons that are exclusive to God’s servant, maybe I will just mention about two of them tonight.
 One is prophesy:
Amos 3 v 7 says God will not do a thing without revealing it first to his servant the prophet.
1Samuel 3 v 19 says God will not allow the word of his prophet to fall to the ground,
Ezekiel 37 v 1 – 10 when the Almighty God wanted to bring dry bones back to life, He used his prophet.
He said to Ezekiel “can this dry bones live?”, Ezekiel said “Lord only you can tell”.
And God said alright you do the job for me; prophesy and as he prophesied to the dry bones, the dry bones came together, bones to bones, skin covered them but they were still dead.
So God said to Ezekiel, “son of man, prophesy again” and he did.
And suddenly, what used to be dry bones became a mighty army.
Tonight I want to prophesy into the life of someone here, I want to prophesy that it shall be well with you, I want to prophesy to you that God will answer all your prayers. I want to prophesy that your joy will over flow.
Another weapon available to the servant of God is what I called decrees:
You know the Bible says in Job 22 v 21-28, He says if you will satisfy certain conditions, then you will decree a thing and it will be established unto you, but when you go through the scriptures you will find that those who have used that weapon successfully are mainly, and I’m not saying exclusively, are the prophets of God.
For example, in 2 Kings 4 v 1-7 a widow came to Elisha and said, I am heavily in debt what shall I do?
The man of God said what do you have in the house?
She said a bottle of oil.
The man of God say okay go home; borrow empty vessels from your neighbors. Borrow not a few, lock the door on yourself and your son, and begin to pour that little oil you have into the vessel, and whenever one vessels is full, set it aside.
Read the passage when you get home, you will notice that Elisha didn’t even pray, you will notice he didn’t even say thus says the Lord, he simply decree that the oil will keep on multiplying and it kept on multiplying until there was no more vessels to contain it.
 I want to decree to someone here tonight, that kind of blessing that will be more than sufficient, receive it tonight in Jesus name.
Thank you Father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight He said I should reassure you, apparently He has told you that before, but He said I should reassure you that He is your backbone and because He is your backbone, nobody can break your back.
In 2 King 4 v 8-17, The Bible says there was this great woman of Shunem who has been taking care of Elisha.
And one day Elisha said woman “what can I do for you?”
 The woman said I don’t need anything,
And then Elisha made some investigations and discovered that the woman was barren.
And he said to the woman, woman nine months from now you will have a son.
Now he didn’t prophesy, he didn’t say thus say the Lord, he merely issue a decree; woman, you will have a son nine month from now.
The woman said “man of God don’t deceive me,”
If you enjoy my food say thank you, don’t make a promise that cannot be fulfilled.
Because the woman was advanced in age, the husband was old. When you hear a prophesy the fulfillment of a prophesy is anchored on if you have enough faith to receive it, when it is a decree even your doubt is not going to stop it.
That is why I am decreeing tonight to every one of you here, this is the beginning of your greatness.
Maybe I should just leave that alone and move on to the weapons that are exclusive to God.
We have talked about weapons common to everybody, we have talked about weapons available to Christians, we have talked about weapon available to Gods ministers, now we are talking about weapons exclusive to God.
And it will amaze you that the principal one among the weapons available to God exclusively are children.
They are His number one’s weapon, that is why the text we read said children are the heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb are His rewards, as arrows in the hands of mighty.
He compares children to an arrow in the hand of the worrrior; He said just as an arrow is in the hand of the warriors, so are children in My hands.
And like in the passage I mentioned earlier, Psalm 8 v 2, He said out of the mouth of babes and suckling Thou hath ordained strength because of your enemies, to still your enemies and your avengers.
Whenever God wants to fight His enemies, His number one weapons are children.
Because they are surprise weapons.
In 1samuel 17 v 42-51 when Goliath saw David coming, he thought what kind of joke is this.
And God said ‘good, Goliath you are dead’.
If it had been a huge man, a big warrior, coming against Goliath, Goliath would have been more careful, but when he saw a little fellow coming, he said  “this one?”  This one is already dead
And God said good! I will surprise you.
In the Name that is above every other name, God will surprise all your adversaries.
 You know the rest of the story.  But there is something important that you need to take note of.
Mathew 18 v 10 Jesus Christ said.  Be careful, don’t despise any of these little ones, He said because their angels have direct access to God.
Every child has at least one angel guiding him or her, every child.
I don’t know how many of you have seen angels before, I have seen them a couple of time, and I am telling you that angels are fearfully huge, as a matter of fact, if you see a true angel, the first thing he will say to you is fear not.
That is going to be statement number one, because nobody can see an angel for the first time, that will not be terrified, they can be huge.
You ask me how huge?, I give you and illustration; if you have ever seen an airplane, the biggest one before the current one is a 747, an angel can carry a 747 in the palm of his hands.
So if you know a man who can carry a trailer, let’s bring it low. If you know a man so big that he can carry a trailer in the palm of his hands and you see that man suddenly; I can assure you sir, no matter how courageous you are you will be afraid.
Now God says every child has an angel and every angel of each child has direct access to God, it is not because God considers a child to be such a terrific weapon, that is why He attaché an angel to each child.
You mess around with a child, the angel will deal with you and I am telling you don’t want to fight with an angel.
Children are weapons in the hands of God because many at times we older ones are too preoccupied or our hears are already dulled by sin,
So when God wants to speak, we don’t hear, but children their ears are still open, they don’t worry as we do.
So from time to time, God wants to send a message He will send it through a child 1 Samuel 3 v 1-10.
But probably one of the reasons why children are so powerful a weapon in the hands of God is because of their innocence; they have not yet sinned so when they pray nothing hinders their prayer.
Several years ago when my children were still very little, anytime I needed something urgently from God, I ask them to pray for me I tell them what to pray about, I know their prayers will not be hinder the answers will come.
Thank you Father, the Lord says there is someone here tonight; He said the forces pushing you back have been relocated.
Isaiah 59 v 1-2 says the hands of the Lord is not shorten that He cannot saved, neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear, He said but your sins have separated between you and your God that you won’t hear.
Sins can stop the prayer of the elderly but the children don’t know sin, they are innocent, when it is time to praise Him, they praise Him uninhibited.
They know how to dance before God because they are not looking at anyone and they don’t care who is looking at them. And God is always close to those who praise Him as you know very well.  
When they cry to God, the angel carries the prayers straight to heaven and straight away the answers comes.
That is why the Bible says blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
Children are blessing carrier, wherever they go they carry blessings.
You can go through the scriptures Genesis 21 v 1- 6 when Isaac was born; he put an end to the sorrow of the parent.
1samuel 2 v 1 -10, when Samuel was born, the mocker of his mother was silenced. J
Judges 13 v 2-5, when Samson came on the scene, deliverance began to come for the children of Israel.
Genesis 50 v 18 – 20, Joseph was a child in the family that became a preserver, not only of his own nation but of people of the world.
That is why I have a word or two for you parents tonight.
Parents I want you to watch out; because you may not know it, there may be a Joseph already in your life.
In Genesis 37 v 3- 11 the Bible says when Joseph began to have those wonderful dreams, the brothers were angry but the father observed the sayings.
Watch out there may be a Joseph already in the family, watch out there may be a Samson already in the house.
Judges 13 v 24- 25 the Bible says the spirit of God began to move Samson at times, he was still young, but if the parents have been observant they would have noticed that the spirit is already on this child.
I know quite a few among my children and their friends, who had been speaking in tongue from the age of five.
The spirit of God came down when they had one camp meeting here, the spirits of God came down and these children were baptized in the Holy spirits, it was amazing.
The teachers didn’t believe what was happening but when I listen to them I know this is God.
There may be a Samson already in the house, which is why you need to please take extra care of these children, draw them close to God, train they in the way they should go.
Proverbs 22 v 6 train up a child in the way he should go when he is old he won’t be able to depart.
Remember any child that you didn’t not bring up properly in the way of the Lord will cause you sorrow in the future.
Take good care of these children train them in the way of the Lord then in your old age, you will have cause to rejoice.
If you don’t train them in the way of the Lord, if you say you are going to church and you leave your children at home and you said well he is already a youth, he should be able to decide for himself, if you do not bring these people up properly in the way of the Lord you will be asking for trouble.
My prayer is that in your old age your children will be a blessing to you not a curse.
Remember what Joshua said in the book of Joshua 24 v 15, he said as for me and mine house, we shall serve the Lord, not me alone, as for me and my house!
I’m appealing again to all parents, bring these children up in the way of the Lord, it is important. If you allow them to drift, the result will not be pleasant at all.
Now as for your children, just a word for you too.
Exodus 20 v 1 2 says honor your father and your mother that your days may be long.
Do you know the implication of that?
The implication is that if you honor your parent you will live long, it means the children who will not honor his or her parents are likely to die young.
I pray for all children who are here tonight, none of you will die before your time.
Children please listen to me carefully; there will be occasions where your parent will say no to certain things you want to do and you think they are being too hard, they may not tell you all the reasons, it is because of the things they have experienced, it is because of the scars they are bearing, it is because of the things they have done in the past and the repercussion that they are still suffering.
When your parents said, this is the boundary, please don’t go beyond the boundary.
And the Lord will bless you as a result in Jesus name.
Now Ecclesiastes 12 v 1 stated clearly, He said remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth.
When is the day to remember your creator?
When is the time to be close to your creator?
In the days of thy youth, when you are young, that is when you should move to creator of heaven and earth, when you are young that is when you should run towards the Almighty God.
There will be friends trying to turn you away from the way of the Lord.
The Bible says when sinners entice you, consent thou not, if they say let’s do it this way tell them no!
“I am a child of God. Am an arrow in the hands of the Almighty God, I know where I am going, and I will arrive, I will reach my goal.”
 So shall it be with all you children in Jesus name.
Like I shared with some of you yesterday Ecclesiastes 11 v 9 says if you don’t want to take the advice of your parent, if you don’t want to live within the limitation of the Christian upbringing, if you want to be free to do whatever you like, the Bible says go ahead; enjoy yourself, fool around, sow your wild oats, do whatever you want, drink, smoke, take drugs, fornicate, do whatever you want in your youth.
 He said but remember you will pay one day.
Any child who says I don’t want to be limited, I want to be free, I want to do whatever I like should remember the Proverb of the elders.
You know in the olden days, chicken in the farm are allowed to roam freely, they called them free range.
The mother hen will say to the little chick, “stay close to me, don’t stray”
And the little chick will say why?
Why do you want to hinder my freedom, let me stray.
The little chick doesn’t know there are eagles overhead looking for chicks for dinner.
I pray that forces of darkness hovering over your life trying to devour you will not succeed in Jesus name.
Children obey your parent, honor them and you will live long, remember your creator now in the day of your youth before you get into trouble, remember your creator.
Don’t join those who say they want unlimited freedom; unlimited freedom will only bring you into casualty.
Take my advice
Do you know you are not an arrow in the hands of God unless you are one of his children?
If you are not a child of God then you are not an arrow.
But there is an opportunity to anyone who wants to become the child of a living God, because according to John 1v 11- 12, the Bible says He came unto his own but His own received Him not, but as many as believe Him to them He gave the power to be sons of God.
If you are willing to receive Jesus Christ tonight, you will become the child of the living God and you will become an arrow in the child of the Almighty Himself.
So what do I need to do to become a child of the living God?
Very simple, you come to Him, you call on Him and say Father I am surrendering my life unto you, please cleanse me in your blood, please wash me in your blood, let your blood wash away all my sins and I will serve you for the rest of my life.
It is as simple as that, the moment you call on Him for salvation He will save your soul.
 So I am going to give an opportunity to anyone tonight who will want to surrender his or her life to Jesus should come and do so.
Please remember if you claim that you are a child of God and you are still living in sin then you are deceiving yourself, because the Bible is clear, he that is born of God does not commit sin.
If you are here and you are still living in sin and you want to become a child of God come now.
Pray as you come ask God to have mercy on you, asks God to cleanse you in his blood, ask Him to make you a child of the living God today, call on Him.
The rest of us, shall we please stretch our hands towards these people and pray for them; that the one who saved our soul will save their soul also.
Intercede for them; ask that the Almighty Saviour to save the soul of everyone of them and to restore every backslider among them back to Himself
….In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Eternal Rock of ages I want to say thank, I want to bless your Holy name.  Thank you for your word, I want to thank you for all these your children who have responded to the Altar call, Father you promised that whosoever will come unto you, you will in no wise cast out, Father they have come unto you now, Father please receive them in Jesus name.
Forgive them in Jesus name, let your blood wipe away their sins in Jesus name, save their souls tonight and write their names in the book of life.
In Jesus name and Lord God Almighty the grace to serve you from now on and forever give to them in Jesus name.
Please Lord from this moment onward anytime they call you on you, answer them by fire in Jesus name. Let them become arrows in your mighty hands in Jesus name.
Thank you Almighty God, for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.  Amen.
Now those of you who have come forward let me hear you shout halleluiah!
Now I am rejoicing with you tonight for two major reasons;
Reason number one because of you right now according to the word of God, Jesus is dancing in heaven because you have come to Him, and that is very wonderful.
And then the second reason why I am rejoicing with you, is that from now on by the grace of God, I will be praying for you and you will be receiving miracle that you didn’t even ask for, you will know that there is somebody somewhere praying for you and that somebody is me.
So I am going to need your name your address and your prayer request.
1.  Praise God for saving your soul and making you a child of a God.
2.  Father, please make both me and my children signs and wonders to the world. 3.  Father, please make both me and my children vessels unto honor in your mighty hands. 4.  Please use my family to heal the sick, raise the dead and set captives free. 5.  Father, use my family to win billions of souls into your kingdom. 6.  Father, please keep sickness, death and demons and every form of tragedy far from my home. 7.  Father, let there be only shouts of joy from my habitation 8.  Your personal request.
Pastor E. A. Adeboye